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  1. A Note on the Quantum Mechanical Measurement Process.Michael Drieschner - 2013 - Philosophia Naturalis 50 (2):201-213.
    Traditionally one main emphasis of the quantum mechanical measurement theory is on the question how the pure state of the compound system 'measured system + measuring apparatus' is transformed into the 'mixture' of all possible results of that measurement, weighted with their probability: the so-called “disappearance of the interference terms”. It is argued in this note that in reality there is no such transformation, so that there is no need to account for such a transformation theoretically. _German_ Gewöhnlich liegt ein (...)
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  • EPR and the 'Passage' of Time.Friedel Weinert - 2013 - Philosophia Naturalis 50 (2):173-199.
    The essay revisits the puzzle of the ‘passage’ of time in relation to EPR-type measurements and asks what philosophical consequences can be drawn from them. Some argue that the lack of invariance of temporal order in the measurement of a space-like related EPR pair, under relativistic motion, casts serious doubts on the ‘reality’ of the lapse of time. Others argue thatcertain features of quantum mechanics establisha tensed theory of time – understood here as Possibilism or the growing block universe. The (...)
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  • Kuhnova Štruktúra vedeckých revolúcií medzi sociológiou a epistemológiou.Ladislav Kvasz - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (2):167-187.
    Cieľom predkladanej state je pokus o upresnenie Kuhnovej teórie vedeckých revolúcií. Navrhujem rozlíšiť pojem vedeckej revolúcie, ktorý označuje sociologický fakt zmeny postoja vedeckého spoločenstva vo vzťahu k určitej teórii a pojem epistemickej ruptúry, ktorý označuje lingvistický fakt diskontinuity jazykového rámca, v ktorom je táto teória formulovaná. Analýzou zmien jazykového rámca možno získať klasifikáciu epistemických ruptúr na štyri typy, nazvané ideácia, re-prezentácia, objektácia a re-formulácia. V stati je každý z týchto typov epistemických ruptúr ilustrovaný na sérii príkladov z dejín fyziky. Uvedené (...)
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  • Cognitive Unity of Thales’ Mathematics.Ladislav Kvasz - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (3):737-753.
    The aim of the paper is to argue for the cognitive unity of the mathematical results ascribed by ancient authors to Thales. These results are late ascriptions and so it is difficult to say anything certain about them on philological grounds. I will seek characteristic features of the cognitive unity of the mathematical results ascribed to Thales by comparing them with Galilean physics. This might seem at a first sight a rather unusual move. Nevertheless, I suggest viewing the process of (...)
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