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  1. Privacy and Autonomy: On Some Misconceptions Concerning the Political Dimensions of Privacy.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2018 - Law and Philosophy 37 (2):117-143.
    One of the most influential views in privacy scholarship is that privacy protects individual autonomy. On the early liberal view, the exercise of autonomy requires detachment from social and political life and privacy facilitates it. This view of privacy still informs current legal and political practice. As this view of privacy presupposes a tension between privacy and society, it is responsible for the underrating of privacy in legal and political practice. Over the last decades, liberal reflection on autonomy has shifted (...)
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  • Rorty, religion and the public–private distinction.Lauren Swayne Barthold - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (8):861-878.
    This article explores the question of the role of religion in the public square through the lens of Richard Rorty’s more general public–private distinction. When we note his various positions over the years on the role of religion in the public square we observe a shift that yields a more favorable public role for religion so long as it limits itself to social action and refrains from making knowledge-claims that serve as tools of the powerful. But if, according to Rorty, (...)
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  • Religion in Habermas’s Two-Track Political Theory.Adil Usturali - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (5):566-582.
    This article argues that Habermas’s position on the relationship between religion and politics reaffirms his two-track political theory of the secular state and civic duty. His “hard-core” theory of secularism coupled with an ethics of citizenship seeks new ways of including religious citizens in modern pluralistic societies. The analysis of secularism both as a concept and as a guiding principle in Habermas’s work shows that most critics have misinterpreted his specific use of the term. The result of this is that (...)
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  • Habermas, same-sex marriage and the problem of religion in public life.Darren R. Walhof - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (3):225-242.
    This article addresses the debate over religion in the public sphere by analysing the conception of ‘religion’ in the recent work of Habermas, who claims to mediate the divide between those who defend public appeals to religion without restriction and those who place limits on such appeals. I argue that Habermas’ translation requirement and his restriction on religious reasons in the institutional public sphere rest on a conception of religion as essentially apolitical in its origin. This conception, I argue, remains (...)
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  • La religion dans l’espace public : quelques commentaires sur les positions récentes de Habermas.Stéphane Courtois - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (1):91-112.
    ABSTRACT: This paper aims at providing a general assessment of Habermas’s recent positions on the place of religion in the public sphere. After reviewing and contrasting Rawls’s and Habermas’s respective positions on the issue, it argues that Habermas’s contribution raises some difficulties both theoretical and practical. At the theoretical level, it is shown that Habermas’s contribution poses a problem of coherence with respect to his more general conception of deliberative democracy. At the practical level, the soundness of Habermas’s view of (...)
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  • Privacy and the Integrity of Liberal Politics: The Case of Governmental Internet Searches.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2014 - Journal of Social Philosophy 45 (3):369-389.
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  • The Habermasian Translation Proviso of Religious Content.Carlos José Sánchez Corrales - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (2):377-400.
    Habermas’s translation proviso aims to legitimize religious argumentation in the informal part of the public sphere while requiring religious citizens to express their arguments in the formal part of the public sphere using a universal (secular) language. By considering secular scholars Gonzalo Scivoletto’s and Javier Aguirre’s critiques of the meaning of “translation,” this article highlights the inconsistency of the proviso as manifested in its application to the religious concept of tzimtzum (“divine contraction”), from which Habermas attempts to extract a secular (...)
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  • Religion in the public sphere.Andrew F. Smith - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (6):535-554.
    Commonplace among deliberative theorists is the view that, when defending preferred laws and policies, citizens should appeal only to reasons they expect others reasonably to accept. This view has been challenged on the grounds that it places an undue burden on religious citizens who feel duty-bound to appeal to religious reasons to justify preferred positions. In response, I develop a conception of democratic deliberation that provides unlimited latitude regarding the sorts of reasons that can be introduced, so long as one (...)
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  • Los alcances cosmopolitas y universales de la propuesta de Habermas sobre el rol de la religión en la esfera pública.Javier Aguirre - 2016 - Co-herencia 13 (24):213-241.
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  • (2 other versions)Jürgen Habermas. A bibliography: works and studies (1952-2013). With an Introduction by Stefan Müller-Doohm.Luca Corchia (ed.) - 2013 - Pisa: Arnus University Press.
    Luca Corchia, Jürgen Habermas. A bibliography: works and studies (1952-2013). With an Introduction by Stefan Müller-Doohm, Pisa, Arnus University Books, 2013, pp. 606.
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  • (1 other version)A Pragmatist Critique of Liberal Epistemology: Towards a Practice-Based Account of Public Reason.Roberto Frega - 2011 - Critical Horizons 12 (3):293 - 316.
    This paper tackles with the issue of the place of comprehensive beliefs within the public space. It tries to strike a middle path between the liberal ban on comprehensive beliefs and the anti-liberal claim that comprehensive beliefs should be given full pride of place in public deliberations. The article relies on arguments that are inspired by the pragmatist tradition. It starts locating the main cause of failures at articulating comprehensive beliefs and public reason in a central feature of liberal epistemology, (...)
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  • (1 other version)A Pragmatist Critique of Liberal Epistemology: Towards a Practice-Based Account of Public Reason.Roberto Freg - 2012 - Critical Horizons 13 (3):293-316.
    This paper wrestles with the issue of the place of comprehensive beliefs within the public space. It tries to strike a middle path between the liberal ban on comprehensive beliefs and the anti-liberal claim that comprehensive beliefs should be given full pride of place in public deliberations. The article relies on arguments that are inspired by the pragmatist tradition. It starts locating the main cause of failures at articulating comprehensive beliefs and public reason in a central feature of liberal epistemology, (...)
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  • Habermas and Taylor on Religious Reasoning in a Liberal Democracy.Andrew Tsz Wan Hung - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (5):549-565.
    This article compares Habermas’s and Taylor’s approach to the role of religious language in a liberal democracy. It shows that the difference in their approach is not simply in their theories of religious language. The contrast lies deeper, in their incompatible moral theories: Habermas’s universal discourse ethics vs Taylor’s communitarian substantive ethics. I also explore William Rehg’s defence of discourse ethics by conceding that it is based on a metavalue of rational consensus. However, I argue that Habermas’s and Rehg’s discourse (...)
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  • Epistemic Responsibility and Democratic Justification: Robert B. Talisse: Democracy and Moral Conflict. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, 216 pp.Andrew F. Smith - 2011 - Res Publica 17 (3):297-302.
    Epistemic Responsibility and Democratic Justification Content Type Journal Article Pages 297-302 DOI 10.1007/s11158-011-9147-1 Authors Andrew F. Smith, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA Journal Res Publica Online ISSN 1572-8692 Print ISSN 1356-4765 Journal Volume Volume 17 Journal Issue Volume 17, Number 3.
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  • Habermas’s Theological Turn and European Integration.Peter J. Verovšek - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (5):528-548.
    Jürgen Habermas’s recent work is defined by two trends: an engagement with the realm of the sacred and a concern for the future of the European Union. Despite the apparent lack of connection between these themes, I argue that the early history of European integration has important implications for Habermas’s conclusions about the place of faith in public life. Although Habermas’s work on religion suggests that the sacred contains important normative resources for postsecular democracies, he continues to bar explicitly religious (...)
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  • Are we post-justification? Stout's case for self-knowledge, political justification and public philosophy.Deven Burks - unknown
    Must the participant to public discourse have knowledge of her beliefs, attitudes and reasons as well as belief-formation processes to have justified political belief? In this paper, we test this question with reference to Jeffrey Stout’s approach to public discourse and public philosophy. After defining self- knowledge and justification along the lines of James Pryor, we map thereon Stout’s view of public discourse and public philosophy as democratic piety, earnest storytelling and Brandomian expressive rationality. We then lay out Brian Leiter’s (...)
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  • Habermas’ account of the role of religion in the public sphere. [REVIEW]Javier Aguirre - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (7):637-673.
    This article is meant as a response to Cristina Lafont’s critiques of Habermas’ view of religion’s role in the public sphere. For Lafont, the burdens that Habermas places on secular citizens, by requiring them to avoid secularism, may entail dangerous consequences for a correct understanding of the concept of deliberative democracy. For this reason, she presents a proposal of her own in which no citizen, whether religious or secular, has the obligation to engage in a way of thinking alien to (...)
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  • Review essay: The Scandinavian model of secularities. [REVIEW]Bryan S. Turner - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (4):534-543.
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