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  1. An Introduction to Cognitive Grammar.Ronald W. Langacker - 1986 - Cognitive Science 10 (1):1-40.
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  • Embodied Metaphor Processing: A Study of the Priming Impact of Congruent and Opposite Gestural Representations of Metaphor Schema on Metaphor Comprehension.Omid Khatin-Zadeh - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (1):70-80.
    This study examined the performances of three groups of participants in interpreting metaphors in three different conditions: congruent gesture-prime conditions, opposite gesture-prime conditions, and no-prime conditions. In congruent gesture-prime conditions, each metaphor was preceded by the congruent gestural representation of metaphor schema. In opposite gesture-prime conditions, each metaphor was preceded by the opposite gestural representation of metaphor schema. The results showed that participants of congruent gesture-prime conditions had the best performance in interpreting metaphors, while participants of opposite gesture-prime conditions had (...)
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  • Sociology and the linguistic distance: A comment.Beng-Huat Chua - 1978 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 5 (2):174-190.
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  • De l’expérience kinesthésique à la structuration prépositionnelle du schème-image du chemin.Aurélie Barnabé - 2013 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 11 (1).
    La linguistique cognitive conçoit l’organisation du lexique et des constructions comme les traces de la conceptualisation de l’expérience du monde par le sujet parlant. Elle considère les structures langagières comme le reflet de structures conceptuelles sous-jacentes. Les schèmes-images font partie de ces structures. Les schèmes-images sont construits et abstraits à partir de l’expérience incorporée et socialement située du monde, ce qui leur confère à la fois une assise culturelle et sensori-motrice. Ces schèmes dits préconceptuels correspondent à des structures gestaltiques qui (...)
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  • Metaphor between Embodiment and Imaginative Processes.Tiziana Giudice - 2008 - Anthropology and Philosophy 9 (1-2):42-57.
    In this paper I will analyse the relationship between metaphor and imagination. This issue has been recently studied by cognitive linguists who appreciate its importance, while other semantic perspectives neglect it. I will analyse the thesis which affirms that metaphors are based on cognitive components which are not logical-propositional but imaginative: the “image schemata” are recurrent models of corporeal experiences, centres of knowledge organization which structure – in a non-propositional form – an amount of salient information. This information emerges from (...)
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