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Another Modernity: A Different Rationality

Wiley-Blackwell (1999)

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  1. The Moral Legitimacy of NGOs as Partners of Corporations.Dorothea Baur & Guido Palazzo - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (4):579-604.
    ABSTRACT:Partnerships between companies and NGOs have received considerable attention in CSR in the past years. However, the role of NGO legitimacy in such partnerships has thus far been neglected. We argue that NGOs assume a status as special stakeholders of corporations which act on behalf of the common good. This role requires a particular focus on their moral legitimacy. We introduce a conceptual framework for analysing the moral legitimacy of NGOs along three dimensions, building on the theory of deliberative democracy. (...)
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  • The Climbing Body, Nature and the Experience of Modernity.Neil Lewis - 2000 - Body and Society 6 (3-4):58-80.
    This article lays the ground for a sensuous appreciation of both the human body and the physical world. Drawing on the biographical account of the climber's embodied reflection of rock-climbing, the `climbing body' highlights our overwhelming tactile and kinaesthetic engagement with the phenomenal world. I Begin by emphasizing the need to consider the organic nature of human being, that we should understand how the awareness of death and our consequent sense of mutability provide a significant moment to remember the body. (...)
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  • Post-humanismo y ética: reflexiones para la reconstrucción de solidaridades en la sociedad moderna avanzada.Fernando Calonge - 2005 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 5:59-83.
    El presente artículo debe su aparición a las puntuales catástrofes que agitan nuestro planeta y a las oportunidades que prestan para la creación de nuevos lazos éticos. Bajo el supuesto de que toda ética posibilista debe de acomodarse a las condiciones sociales de su aparición, el presente trabajo intentará estudiar cuáles son las condiciones de emergencia de las catástrofes en nuestras sociedades modernas avanzadas. Posteriormente, a la luz de dicho estudio, se analizarán algunas de las propuestas ético-políticas aducidas para nuestro (...)
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  • Innovation and Creativity: Beyond Diffusion — On Ordered (Thus Determinable) Action and Creative Organization.Anders Michelsen - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 96 (1):64-82.
    The article confronts Cornelius Castoriadis's philosophy of 'the imaginary institution of society' with issues of innovation in a knowledge society and outlines a new notion of innovation as creative organization. It will take a critical approach to innovation from a historical perspective of postwar systems theory and introduce Castoriadis's philosophy as an interesting option in this regard. It proceeds in four parts: (a) First, it debates the limits of the commonplace metaphor of diffusion and adoption in today's debate on innovation. (...)
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  • Reflexive Judgement, Risk and Responses: HIV/aids in Africa and Asia.D. Pick - 2006 - Journal of Human Values 12 (1):55-64.
    Despite global acknowledgement of HIV/AIDS reaching pandemic proportions with 37.8 million people living with the infection, progress towards developing effective international responses to curb its spread has been slow. The focus of current debate tends to focus on the medical treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS, leading to emphasis being placed on the rapid increase in HIV infection as well as opportunistic diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria. The traditional view of responding to these challenges has been probing the high cost (...)
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  • Social Chaosmos: Michel Serres and the emergence of social order.Kelvin C. Clayton - unknown
    This thesis presents a social ontology. It takes its problem, the emergence of social structure and order, and the relationship of the macro and the micro within this structure, from social theory, but attempts a resolution from the perspectives of contemporary French philosophy and complexity theory. Due to its acceptance of certain presuppositions concerning the multiplicity and connectedness of all life and nature it adopts a comparative methodology that attempts a translation of complexity science to the social world. It draws (...)
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  • Rebuild the Society with what social subject?Carmen Dyna Guitián Pedrosa - 2015 - Apuntes Filosóficos 24 (47):48-79.
    According to present time demands in Venezuela, the main issue of this article is the analysis of social subject as a product of the different ways of social classifications, in a society where genealogical relations maintain an important place in the construction of the whole societal topological system; that is to say, in the position of subjects in social class; providing different, multiple and diverse characteristics and conditions for its constituent social subject and the respective feasibility to design a new (...)
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  • Sociology of Science and Sociological Metatheory.Miloslav Petrusek - 2007 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 29 (2):31-59.
    Th e article surveys the ways science was thematized as a sociological subject. It starts with the reflections on knowledge and science in the Enlightenment, further reviews the main contributions of Comtean philosophy and sociology of science, stresses Merton’s role in making the traditional sociology of knowledge open to empirical research, and traces the subsequent development of the field: the progress of quantitative analyses and ethnographic researches of science, the Kuhnian turn towards historicizing and Foucaultian turn towards the politics of (...)
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