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  1. Enactive psychiatry and social integration: beyond dyadic interactions.Mads J. Dengsø - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-25.
    Enactive approaches to psychiatry have recently argued for an understanding of psychiatric conditions based within relational interactions between individuals and their environments. A central motivation for these enactive approaches is the goal of social integration: the integration of a naturalistic approach to psychiatric conditions with their broader sociocultural dimensions. One possible issue, however, is whether appeals to the autonomy and authenticity of relationally constituted enactive individuals can provide a means of adjudicating between harmful and beneficial social constraints upon individual behaviour. (...)
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  • The Uncanny Challenge of Self-Cultivation in the Anthropocene.Jan Varpanen, Antti Saari, Katri Jurvakainen & Johanna Kallio - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (3):345-362.
    Self-cultivation—taking pedagogical action to educate oneself—is an integral part of non-formal adult education. Ever since Greek antiquity, it has been a central ingredient in the western philosophical and educational tradition. However, we argue that the global challenges that have emerged in the present era of the ecological crisis call for a new kind of understanding of this basic educational phenomenon. Based in particular on recent work in dark ecology and its central concept of the ‘uncanny’, we outline a few key (...)
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  • Accounting for Oneself in Teaching: Trust, Parrhesia, and Bad Faith.Alison M. Brady - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (3):273-286.
    This paper seeks to reconceptualise the basis for trusting teachers in current educational discourses. It proposes moving away from trust based on ‘absolute accuracy’ to trust as encapsulated in the practice of parrhesia. On the surface, parrhesia appears to be the opposite of Sartre’s concept of ‘bad faith’. Paradoxically, however, our attempts to be sincere in our accounts are inevitably tainted by this. This paradox is especially evident in autobiographical writing, an activity that is both parrhesiastic in nature and susceptible (...)
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  • Scaffolded Agents, for Better or Worse: Assessing the Formative Aspect of Scaffolding.Mads J. Dengsø - forthcoming - Topoi:1-13.
    Cognitive scaffolding is typically conceptualized in terms of environmental design which serves to offload, facilitate, or enhance the cognitive capacities of interacting agents. Recent contributions to the literature on scaffolding have noted that environmental design might likewise scaffold cognition in ways that undermine the interests of interactant agents—giving rise to notions of problematic or hostile scaffolding. Given the pervasiveness of social and technological scaffolding in contemporary life, the importance of understanding and assessing its effects can hardly be overstated. At the (...)
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  • The Anatomy Lecture Then and Now: A Foucauldian Analysis.Norm Friesen & Wolff-Michael Roth - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (10):1111-1129.
    Although there are many points of continuity, there are also a number of changes in the pedagogical form of the anatomy lecture over the longue durée, over centuries of epistemic change, rather than over years or decades. The article begins with an analysis of the physical and technical arrangements of the early modern anatomy lecture, showing how these present a general underlying similarity compared to those in place today. It then goes on to consider examples of elements of speech and (...)
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  • Besley on Foucault’s Discourse of Education.George Lazaroiu - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (8):821-832.
    The purpose of this study is to examine Foucault's discourse-oriented theory, his explanation of the power-knowledge relation, his notions of technologies of domination and technologies of the self, and the Foucauldian critique of the assumed neutrality of education and school counseling. The theory that we shall seek to elaborate here puts considerable emphasis on Foucault's theory of power, his notion of discourse, his understanding of subjectivity, and his analysis of how power relations and discourses shape processes of ethical self-constitution. The (...)
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