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Popular Sovereignty in Early Modern Constitutional Thought

Oxford University Press UK (2016)

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  1. Thomas Hobbes: libertad y poder en la metamorfosis moderna.Diego Fernández Peychaux, Antonio David Rozenberg & Ramírez Beltrán Julián (eds.) - 2024 - Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani.
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  • Alchemising peoplehood: Rousseau’s lawgiver as a model of constituent power.Eoin Daly - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (8):1278-1291.
    ABSTRACT Because Rousseau identifies popular sovereignty with the enactment of fundamental laws, he seems to conflate popular sovereignty with constituent power: the people are sovereign because they constitute the state, without actually ruling it. However, he assigns the lawgiver, or (‘legislator’) an antecedent task that has a more obviously ‘constituent’ character – the task of constituting the people itself, as a political subject and political unity. Thus Rousseau’s lawgiver offers a template for understanding the relationship between popular sovereignty and constituent (...)
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  • Philosophical Investigation Series: Selected Texts on Political Philosophy / Série Investigação Filosófica: Textos Selecionados de Filosofia Política.Everton Maciel (ed.) - 2021 - Pelotas: Editora da UFPel / NEPFIL Online.
    Nossa seleção de verbetes parte do interesse de cada pesquisador e os dispomos de maneira histórico-cronológica e, ao mesmo tempo, temática. O verbete de Melissa Lane, “Filosofia Política Antiga” vai da abrangência da política entre os gregos até a república e o império, às portas da cristianização. A “Filosofia Política Medieval”, de John Kilcullen e Jonathan Robinson, é o tópico que mais demanda espaço na nossa seleção em virtude das disputas intrínsecas ao período, da recepção de Aristóteles pelo medievo e (...)
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  • Medieval political philosophy.John Kilcullen - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Looking for democracy in fiduciary government. Historical notes on an unsettled relationship.David Guerrero - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 81:17-32.
    Una perspectiva reciente sobre los fundamentos normativos del derecho público ha propuesto concebir las relaciones entre ciudadanía y Estado como una “relación fiduciaria”, usando deberes fiduciarios del ámbito iusprivado para justificar limitaciones jurídicas y morales al poder del Estado. La gobernanza fiduciaria también ha sido señalada como una característica distintiva del republicanismo y la soberanía popular, ya que sitúa a la comunidad política como fideicomitente y beneficiaria de cualquier acto administrativo. En este artículo se revisan algunas concepciones protomodernas del gobierno (...)
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  • Potestas papae. Alcances y límites de la jurisdicción papal en De concordantia catholica de Nicolás de Cusa.Martín D'Ascenzo - 2021 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 74:41-49.
    The aim of this paper is to present the way in which the Nicholas of Cusa understands the nature, scope and limits of papal power in the two considerations of the Priesthood in De concordantia catholica. Thus, the treatment of the Petrine office is presented separately from a monarchical perspective and from a conciliarist one. This will make it possible to clarify some common problems among the interpreters of the political thought of Nicolás de Cusa that affect the coherence of (...)
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