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  1. Rethinking Husserl’s lifeworld: The many faces of the world in Heidegger’s early Freiburg lecture courses.Sebastiano Galanti Grollo - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (4):487-502.
    This paper examines the concept of the world elaborated by Heidegger in the early Freiburg lecture courses of the years 1919 to 1923, in which he proposes a renewed conception of phenomenology through a comparison with Husserlian phenomenology. First, I show that although the theme of the lifeworld became central only in late Husserlian works, especially in _The Crisis of European Sciences_, Husserl began to deal with this concept before 1920, anticipating some fundamental issues of the _Crisis_, as it results (...)
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  • The qua -Problem, Meaning Scepticism, and the Life-World.Anar Jafarov - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (2):159-168.
    Michael Devitt and Kim Sterelny argue that the pure causal theory of reference faces a problem, which they call the qua-problem. They propose to invoke intentional states to cope with it. Martin Kusch, however, argues that, because Devitt and Stereleny invoke intentional states to solve the problem, their causal-hybrid theory of reference is susceptible to Kripke’s sceptical attack. Kusch thinks that intentional states are what allows the sceptic to get a foothold and thus interpret words in a weird way. In (...)
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  • Fenomenologia jako hermeneutyka życia świadomości.Marek Maciejczak - 2024 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 60 (1):213-234.
    W artykule przedstawiam krótko historię rozwoju fenomenologii, która jest ściśle związana z analizami świadomości. Fenomenologia aktów, fenomenologia transcendentalna i fenomenologia genetyczna oznaczają postęp w teorii świadomości. W tym kontekście wskazuję powody, dla których Edmund Husserl w ostatnich pracach określił świadomość jako system intencjonalnych funkcji, a fenomenologię jako hermeneutykę życia świadomości. ----------------------------------------- Zgłoszono: 07/03/2023. Zrecenzowano: 17/01/2024. Zaakceptowano do publikacji: 26/01/2024.
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  • Ciencia moderna y capitalismo: notas en torno a un doble olvido del mundo de la vida.Jorge Luis Quintana-Montes - 2022 - Isegoría 66:20-20.
    The article develops a dialogue between the works of Marx, Husserl and Heidegger, about the problem of mathematization in its double perspective: scientific and economic. At first, we show the way in which ideation as well as real abstraction involve a forgetting of the world of life will be exposed. In a second moment, we will focus on the dissolution of the gold standard and on fictitious capital, to show the contemporary expression-in an economy obsessed with the reproduction of abstract (...)
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  • Symbolization and appresentational orders in lifeworldly meaning constitution.Benjamin Stuck - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (260):45-81.
    This analysis focuses on the role of appresentational orders in the “building of the lifeworld.” Based in phenomenology and the philosophy of culture, the article contributes to semiotics by further developing some of Göran Sonesson’s ideas on signs. Appresentation means that “absent” data is intended as co-present with a directly perceivable term within the unity of consciousness (Husserl). Alfred Schutz sees “marks,” “indications,” and “signs” as different types of couplings between “present” and “absent” data according to one single cognitive style (...)
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