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The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction

In The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction. Open Road + Grove/Atlantic (2017)

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  1. Dwelling with stories that haunt us: building a meaningful nursing practice.Judy Rashotte - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (1):34-42.
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  • Embodied Disbelief: Poststructural Feminist Atheism.Donovan O. Schaefer - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (2):371-387.
    “I quite rightly pass for an atheist,” Jacques Derrida announces in Circumfession. Grace Jantzen's suggestion that the poststructuralist critique of modernity can also be trained on atheism helps us make sense of this playfully cryptic statement: although Derrida sympathizes with the “idea” of atheism, he is wary of the modern brand of atheism, with its insistence on rationally arranging—straightening out—religion. In this paper, I will argue that poststructural feminism, with its focus on embodied epistemology, offers a way to re-explain Derrida's (...)
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  • “Nobody Understands”: On a Cardinal Phenomenon of Palliative Care.Tomasz Okon - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (1):13 – 46.
    In the clinical practice of palliative medicine, recommended communication models fail to approximate the truth of suffering associated with an impending death. I provide evidence from patients' stories and empiric research alike to support this observation. Rather than attributing this deficiency to inadequate training or communication skills, I examine the epistemological premises of the biomedical language governing the patient-physician communication. I demonstrate that the contemporary biomedicine faces a fundamental aporetic occlusion in attempting to examine death. This review asserts that the (...)
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  • Cultivating a worldly repose: the contribution of Sally Gadow's work to interpretive inquiry.Marjorie McIntyre - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (2):111-120.
    This paper discusses the contribution that the work of Sally Gadow makes to understandings of interpretive inquiry and it's potential to inform and influence nursing practice, research, and education. The discussion draws on several of Gadow's published works that make explicit her understandings of what it means to be interpretive, to be open to multiple truths, to hear multiple voices, to have a history, to be experienced, and to recognize agency in language. Situating this discussion of Gadow's contribution in opposition (...)
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  • Carrying as Method: Listening to Bodies as Archives.Nirmal Puwar - 2021 - Body and Society 27 (1):3-26.
    This article unpacks the notion of ‘carrying’ as an embodied set of influences that bear upon our research practices and journeys. It is widely recognised that we acquire and carry a body of books as intellectual companionship. It is not however readily acknowledged how we as researchers carry sounds, aesthetics, traumas and obsessions, which stay with us and take time to appear before us, as methodological projects within our grasp. Researchers are carriers embarked on exchanges in a double sense. Firstly, (...)
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  • “Give Me Sight Beyond Sight”: Thinking With Science Fiction as Thinking (Together) With (Others).Alexander I. Stingl - 2016 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 36 (1):3-27.
    This is the second of two special issues, and the articles are grouped according to two themes: The previous, first issue featured articles that shared the theme Technologies and the Political, while this second issue is focused on the theme of Subjectivities. In this second, somewhat expanded, introduction, the “sky’s the limit.” This introduction canvasses various theoretical and conceptual-empricial perspectives that the articles of both issues touch on and further tries to open many doors through which readers are invited to (...)
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