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A Diagrammatic Representation of Hegel’s _Science of Logic_

In Stapleton G. Basu A. (ed.), Diagrams 2021: Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. pp. 255-259 (2021)

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  1. Seneca’s and Porphyry’s Trees in Modern Interpretation.Jens Lemanski - 2023 - In Jens Lemanski & Ingolf Max (eds.), Historia Logicae and its Modern Interpretation. London: College Publications. pp. 61-87.
    This paper presents an analysis of Seneca's 58th letter to Lucilius and Porphyry's Isagoge, which were the origin of the tree diagrams that became popular in philosophy and logic from the early Middle Ages onwards. These diagrams visualise the extent to which a concept can be understood as a category, genus, species or individual and what the method of dihairesis (division) means. The paper explores the dissimilarities between Seneca's and Porphyry's tree structures, scrutinising them through the perspective of modern graph (...)
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