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  1. Uterus transplants and the insufficient value of gestation.Emily McTernan - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (8):481-488.
    Uterus transplants provide another treatment for infertility. Some might think that we should embrace such transplants as one more way to assist people to have children. However, in this paper I argue that uterus transplants are not something that we ought to fund, nor something that we should make easy to access. First, I argue that any justification of providing uterus transplants must be based on the value of the experience of gestation, rather than on claims of meeting medical need (...)
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  • The normative importance of pregnancy challenges surrogacy contracts.Anca Gheaus - 2016 - Analize. Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies 6 (20):20-31.
    Birth mothers usually have a moral right to parent their newborns in virtue of a mutual attachment formed, during gestation, between the gestational mother and the fetus. The attachment is formed, in part, thanks to the burdens of pregnancy, and it serves the interest of the newborn; the gestational mother, too, has a powerful interest in the protection of this attachment. Given its justification, the right to parent one's gestated baby cannot be transferred at will to other people who would (...)
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  • Beauvoir and Husserl.Sara Heinämaa - 2012 - In Shannon M. Mussett & William S. Wilkerson (eds.), Beauvoir and Western Thought From Plato to Butler. State University of New York Press. pp. 125-151.
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  • Beauvoir and Western Thought From Plato to Butler.Shannon M. Mussett & William S. Wilkerson (eds.) - 2012 - State University of New York Press.
    _Essays on Beauvoir’s influences, contemporary engagements, and legacy in the philosophical tradition._.
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  • “It Happens, But I’m Not There”: On the Phenomenology of Childbirth.Dylan Trigg - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (4):615-633.
    Phenomenologically grounded research on pregnancy is a thriving area of activity in feminist studies and related disciplines. But what has been largely omitted in this area of research is the experience of childbirth itself. This paper proposes a phenomenological analysis of childbirth inspired by the work of Merleau-Ponty. The paper proceeds from the conviction that the concept of anonymity can play a critical role in explicating the affective structure of childbirth. This is evident in at least two respects. First, the (...)
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