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  1. False Names, Demonstratives and the Refutation of Linguistic Naturalism in Plato's "Cratylus" 427 d1-431c3.Imogen Smith - 2008 - Phronesis 53 (2):125-151.
    This paper offers an interpretation of Plato's Cratylus 427d1-431c3 that supports a reading of the dialogue as a whole as concluding in favour of a conventionalist account of naming. While many previous interpretations note the value of this passage as evidence for Platonic investigations of false propositions, this paper argues that its demonstration that there can be false (or incorrect) naming in turn refutes the naturalist account of naming; that is, it shows that a natural relation between name and nominatum (...)
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  • The case of the etymologies in Plato's cratylus.Christine J. Thomas - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (2):218–226.
    The Cratylus contains Plato's most extensive study of the relation of language to reality and to the pursuit of wisdom. Yet the dialogue has remained relatively neglected in efforts to understand Plato's deepest metaphysical and epistemological commitments. The blame for such neglect lies largely in the dialogue's extensive, difficult, even mysterious etymological section. Recent attempts to make sense of the bulk of the Cratylus are shedding much welcome light on the important roles that the etymological analyses play in the dialogue (...)
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  • Why Organ Conscription Should Be off the Table: Extrapolation from Heidegger’s Being and Time.Susan B. Levin - 2019 - Sophia 58 (2):153-174.
    The question, what measures to address the shortage of transplantable organs are ethically permissible? requires careful attention because, apart from its impact on medical practice, the stance we espouse here reflects our interpretations of human freedom and mortality. To raise the number of available organs, on utilitarian grounds, bioethicists and medical professionals increasingly support mandatory procurement. This view is at odds with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, according to which ‘[o]rgan donation after death is a noble and meritorious act’ (...)
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  • The Return of the Exile: the Benefits of Mimetic Literature in the Republic.Miriam Byrd - 2010 - In Robert Berchman John Finamore (ed.), Conversations Platonic and Neoplatonic. Academia Verlag.
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  • (1 other version)The form of soul in the Phaedo.Brian D. Prince - 2011 - Plato Journal 11.
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  • Linguagem e conhecimento no Crátilo de Platão.Maria Aparecida de Paiva Montenegro - 2007 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 48 (116):367-377.
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  • O corpo como evidência da alma no Górgias de Platão.Maria Aparecida De Paiva Montenegro & Pedro Henrique Araújo Santiago - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:e03010.
    Pretendemos mostrar que, no Górgias, diálogo dedicado à crítica da retórica, as frequentes alusões de Sócrates à compleição do corpo, bem como o uso recorrente de metáforas corpóreas para referir-se ao que, por analogia, passa-se com a alma servem de ferramenta retórica para fazer frente à retórica de Górgias. Desse modo, ao mesmo tempo em que chamamos atenção para a maneira como Platão se vale das armas do adversário justamente para atacá-lo, ressaltamos o papel imprescindível do corpo como evidência da (...)
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  • Linguagem e conhecimento no Crátilo de Platão.Maria Aparecida Paiva Montenegrdeo - 2007 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 48 (116):367-377.
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  • Beyond the Middle Finger: Plato, Schiller and the Political Aesthetics of Ai Weiwei.Jason Miller - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (3-4):304-323.
    The photograph of Ai Weiwei’s middle finger set against the backdrop of Tiananmen Square has become an icon of politically subversive art. But can we see beyond the middle finger? Here I argue that current theories of political aesthetics operate on an oversimplified dichotomy between two competing paradigms of political art, and that this threatens a more nuanced engagement with contemporary artistic practices. In the first part, I re-examine both the antagonistic relation between art and politics exemplified in Plato's verdict (...)
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