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  1. Why indeterminate probability is rational.Isaac Levi - 2009 - Journal of Applied Logic 7 (4):364-376.
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  • Two Conceptions of Weight of Evidence in Peirce’s Illustrations of the Logic of Science.Jeff Kasser - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (3):629-648.
    Weight of evidence continues to be a powerful metaphor within formal approaches to epistemology. But attempts to construe the metaphor in precise and useful ways have encountered formidable obstacles. This paper shows that two quite different understandings of evidential weight can be traced back to one 1878 article by C.S. Peirce. One conception, often associated with I.J. Good, measures the balance or net weight of evidence, while the other, generally associated with J.M. Keynes, measures the gross weight of evidence. Conflations (...)
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  • How can we be moral when we are so irrational?Nils-Eric Sahlin & Johan Brännmark - unknown
    Normative ethics usually presupposes background accounts of human agency, and although different ethical theorists might have different pictures of human agency in mind, there is still something like a standard account that most of mainstream normative ethics can be understood to rest on. Ethical theorists tend to have Rational Man, or at least some close relative to him, in mind when constructing normative theories. It will be argued here that empirical findings raise doubts about the accuracy of this kind of (...)
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  • Logic, rationality and knowledge in Ramsey's thought: reassessing 'human logic'.Marion Gaspard - 2014 - Journal of Economic Methodology 21 (2):139-157.
    This paper reconsiders Frank Ramsey's essay on subjective probability (1926) as a consistent way to articulate logic, rationality and knowledge. The first part of the essay builds an axiomatic theory of subjective probability based on ‘formal logic’, defining rationality as choice-consistency. The second part seems to open up different horizons: the evaluation of degrees of belief by ‘human logic’. Because of the interest Keynes (1931) had taken in ‘human logic’, it was considered to be a possible alternative to the formal (...)
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  • La justification pragmatique des croyances.Giovanni Tuzet - 2008 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 133 (4):465-476.
    La justification des croyances peut être de nature pragmatique – à savoir, une justification qui dépende des enjeux pratiques de la situation dans laquelle le sujet ayant une certaine croyance se trouve. De plus, dans des contextes spécifiques, comme par exemple le contexte juridique, il y a des cas où une connaissance est attribuée à un sujet ayant une croyance vraie en faisant abstraction de la justification qu’il peut avoir ou non à propos de sa croyance. Dans ces cas, l’attribution (...)
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