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Bioethics in china

Bioethics 22 (8):448-454 (2008)

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  1. Patient privacy and autonomy: a comparative analysis of cases of ethical dilemmas in China and the United States.Hui Zhang, Hongmei Zhang, Zhenxiang Zhang & Yuming Wang - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-8.
    Background Respect for patients’ autonomy is usually considered to be an important ethical principle in Western countries; privacy is one of the implications of such respect. Healthcare professionals frequently encounter ethical dilemmas during their practice. The past few decades have seen an increased use of courts to resolve intractable ethical dilemmas across both the developed and the developing world. However, Chinese and American bioethics differ largely due to the influence of Chinese Confucianism and Western religions, respectively, and there is a (...)
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  • Problems and development strategies for research ethics committees in China’s higher education institutions.Jiyin Zhou - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):56-56.
    The establishment of research ethics committees (REC) in China’s higher education institutions (HEI) is lagging far behind western developed countries. This has at least partly directly led to anomie in scientific research ethics, as seen in the recent controversies involving a proposed human head transplant and gene-edited babies. At present, the problems for REC in China’s HEI include lack of regulation, informal ethics reviews, lack of supervision and insufficient ethics review capacity. To counteract these problems, suggested measures include mandatory formation (...)
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  • Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, and Suicide Prevention: Principle of Beneficence Besides Respect for Autonomy.Hui Zhang, Yuming Wang, Zhenxiang Zhang, Fangxia Guan, Hongmei Zhang & Zhiping Guo - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (7):43-45.
    The target article by Laacke et al. focuses on the specific context of identifying people in social media with a high risk of depression by using artificial intelligence technologies. I...
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  • Education for Life Scientists on the Dual-Use Implications of Their Research: Commentary on “Implementing Biosecurity Education: Approaches, Resources and Programmes”.Kathryn Nixdorff - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1487-1490.
    Advances in the life sciences are occurring with extreme rapidity and accumulating a great deal of knowledge about life’s vital processes. While this knowledge is essential for fighting disease in a more effective way, it can also be misused either intentionally or inadvertently to develop novel and more effective biological weapons. For nearly a decade civil-academic society as well as States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention have recognised the importance of dual-use biosecurity education for life scientists as (...)
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