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  1. Effects of different exercise intensities of race-walking on brain functional connectivity as assessed by functional near-infrared spectroscopy.Qianqian Song, Xiaodong Cheng, Rongna Zheng, Jie Yang & Hao Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1002793.
    IntroductionRace-walking is a sport that mimics normal walking and running. Previous studies on sports science mainly focused on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. However, there is still a lack of research on the central nervous system, especially the real-time changes in brain network characteristics during race-walking exercise. This study aimed to use a network perspective to investigate the effects of different exercise intensities on brain functional connectivity.Materials and methodsA total of 16 right-handed healthy young athletes were recruited as participants in (...)
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  • Novel Approaches and Cognitive Neuroscience Perspectives on False Memory and Deception.Michael P. Toglia, Joseph Schmuller, Britni G. Surprenant, Katherine C. Hooper, Natasha N. DeMeo & Brett L. Wallace - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The DRM paradigm produces robust false memories of non-presented critical words. After studying a thematic word list participants falsely remember the critical item “sleep.” We report two false memory experiments. Study One introduces a novel use of the lexical decision task to prime critical words. Participants see two letter-strings and make timed responses indicating whether they are both words. The word pairs Night-Bed and Dream-Thweeb both prime “sleep” but only one pair contains two words. Our primary purpose is to introduce (...)
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