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  1. Parameters of Perception: Vision, Audition, and Twentieth-Century Music and Dance.Allen Fogelsanger & Kathleya Afanador - 2017 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (1):59-73.
    Recent experimental psychological research on visual perception, auditory perception, and cross-modal perception has shed light on how these processes differ, and how the relations between visual and auditory stimuli shade our understanding of the events perceived. This work offers a possible way into considering the question of how music and dance “go together” or not, and particularly may shed light on the unusual twentieth-century human behavior of NOT having music and dance “go together.” Our paper presents relevant research in perception, (...)
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  • « Sur une petite phrase de Riemann »Aspects du débat français autour de la Reasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics.Mario Castellana - 2017 - Revue de Synthèse 138 (1-4):195-229.
    Le thème d’une nature particulière des mathématiques comme connaissance a été au cœur du débat épistémologique français du XX esiècle, et ce, à partir des œuvres de Maximilien Winter, Gaston Bachelard, Albert Lautman jusqu’à Alain Connes et Gilles Châtelet. Pour le saisir au plus près, il convient d’avoir à l’esprit qu’il est le fruit d’une analyse constante et d’un approfondissement des indications données par Bernhardt Riemann sur le rapport étroit entre mathématiques et physique qui caractérisera toute la pensée physique du (...)
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  • Progress and degeneration in the 'IQ debate' (II).Peter Urbach - 1974 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 25 (3):235-259.
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  • «Mama, was sind das, “moderne Menschen”?». Modernismo e teatro musicale: osservazioni e spunti di riflessione.Alessandro Turba - 2015 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 68 (2):87-108.
    Fra i tanti aspetti che possono risultare pertinenti a una riconsiderazione del modernismo in campo musicale, lasceremo qui da parte quello più tecnico della riconfigurazione del tempo musicale e dei materiali sonori dopo l’entrata in crisi del sistema tonale per privilegiare, piuttosto, il piano delle idee, degli eterogenei territori del teatro musicale e della multimedialità, più adatti a ripensare una categoria che, nel passato, è stata fin troppo ostaggio di un’ottica formalista incentrata sulla medium specificity.
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  • Through the Eyes of the Fantastic: Lefebvre, Rabelais and Intellectual History.Stuart Elden - 2002 - Historical Materialism 10 (4):89-111.
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  • The Rebirth of Descartes : The Nineteenth-Century Reinstatement of Cartesian Metaphysics in France and Germany. Zijlstra, Christiaan Peter - unknown
    Although the name of René Descartes (1596-1650) is familiar to anyone with the slightest affinity of philosophy and his ideas have become a commonplace to philosophers, it is not generally known, even amongst histiorians of philosophy, that his fame is actually the result of his revival in the nineteenth century. This thesis explains the historical and systematical reasons for the reinstatement of Descartes in France and Germany. It encounters psychological, religious and epistemological motives for the reinstatement of the ‘father of (...)
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