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  1. The Virtues of Socratic Ignorance.Mary Margaret Mackenzie - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (02):331-.
    Plato's Socrates denies that he knows. Yet he frequently claims that he does have certainty and knowledge. How can he avoid contradiction between his general stance about knowledge and his particular claims to have it? Socrates' disavowal of knowledge is central to his defence in the Apology. For here he rebuts the accusation that he teaches – and thus corrupts – the young by telling the jury that he cannot teach just because he knows nothing. Hence his disavowal of knowledge (...)
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  • Extreme and Modest Conventionalism in Plato’s Cratylus.C. G. Healow - 2020 - Apeiron 54 (1):1-28.
    The Cratylus’ main concern is to outline and evaluate the competing views of language held by two characters, Hermogenes and Cratylus, who disagree about whether convention or nature (respectively) are the source of onomastic correctness. Hermogenes has been thought to hold two radically different views by different scholars, one extreme conventionalism whereby all names are correct relative to their speakers, and another modest conventionalism according to which distinct naming actions – establishment and employment – explain why some names are correct (...)
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  • The Legacy of Hermes: Deception and Dialectic in Plato’s Cratylus.Olof Pettersson - 2016 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 10 (1):26-58.
    Against the background of a conventionalist theory, and staged as a defense of a naturalistic notion of names and naming, the critique of language developed in Plato’s Cratylus does not only propose that human language, in contrast to the language of the gods, is bound to the realm of myth and lie. The dialogue also concludes by offering a set of reasons to think that knowledge of reality is not within the reach of our words. Interpretations of the dialogue’s long (...)
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  • Does Plato Argue Fallaciously at Cratylus 385b–c?Geoffrey Bagwell - 2011 - Apeiron 44 (1):13-21.
    At Cratylus 385b–c, Plato appears to argue that names have truth-value. Critics have almost universally condemned the argument as fallacious. Their case has proven so compelling that it has driven editors to recommend moving or removing the argument from its received position in the manuscripts. I argue that a close reading of the argument reveals it commits no fallacy, and its purpose in the dialogue justifies its original position. I wish to vindicate the manuscript tradition, showing that the argument establishes (...)
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  • Plato on the Norms of Speech and Thought.Matthew Evans - 2011 - Phronesis 56 (4):322-349.
    Near the beginning of the Cratylus (385e-387d) Plato's Socrates argues, against his friend Hermogenes, that the standards of correctness for our use of names in speech are in no way up to us. Yet this conclusion should strike us, at least initially, as bizarre. After all, how could it not be up to us whether to call our children by the names of our parents, or whether to call dogs “dogs“? My aim in this paper will be to show that, (...)
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  • False Names, Demonstratives and the Refutation of Linguistic Naturalism in Plato's "Cratylus" 427 d1-431c3.Imogen Smith - 2008 - Phronesis 53 (2):125-151.
    This paper offers an interpretation of Plato's Cratylus 427d1-431c3 that supports a reading of the dialogue as a whole as concluding in favour of a conventionalist account of naming. While many previous interpretations note the value of this passage as evidence for Platonic investigations of false propositions, this paper argues that its demonstration that there can be false (or incorrect) naming in turn refutes the naturalist account of naming; that is, it shows that a natural relation between name and nominatum (...)
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  • Conventionalism and Relativism in Plato's Cratylus.David Meißner - 2021 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (2):119-135.
    In Plato's Cratylus, Hermogenes contends that the correctness of names is conventional. Appealing though this claim sounds to modern ears, it does not meet with approval in the Cratylus. Why? I argue that the conventionalism promoted by Hermogenes is discredited by unacceptable relativist implications because it incorporates the mistaken assumption that correct names are individuated exclusively by their phonetic composition.
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  • Cratylus 439D3–440C1 : Its texts, its arguments, and why it is not about forms.Simon Noriega-Olmos - 2020 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 23 (1):1-32.
    Some interpreters take the arguments at Cratylus 439D3–440C1 to argue for Forms. Some interpreters also believe that these arguments are elliptical or contain lacunae. I accept that the arguments are elliptical. However, I deny that they contain lacunae. I present the most natural construal of the text and argue that it neither trades on Forms nor postulates Forms. To make my case, I show that Cratylus 439D3–440C1 has a modest end, which is to refute a particular notion of flux.
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  • A Study of Plato's Cratylus.Geoffrey Bagwell - 2010 - Dissertation, Duquesne University
    In the last century, philosophers turned their attention to language. One place they have looked for clues about its nature is Plato’s Cratylus, which considers whether names are naturally or conventionally correct. The dialogue is a source of annoyance to many commentators because it does not take a clear position on the central question. At times, it argues that language is conventional, and, at other times, defends the view that language is natural. This lack of commitment has led to a (...)
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  • Language, Communication, and the Paradox of Analysis: Some Philosophical Remarks on Plato’s Cratylus.Marc Moffett - 2005 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 8 (1):57-68.
    On the face of it, Plato’s dialogue the Cratylus has a clear and narrowly linguistic subject matter, specifically, the debate between conventionalism and naturalism in the theory of meaning. But why should this topic be of sufficient interest to Plato to warrant an entire dialogue? What philosophically was at stake for him in these seemingly recherché questions about language? I argue that at least one major motivation is a defense of Platonistic epistemology and, in particular, Plato’s Theory of Recollection. Specifically, (...)
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  • Commerce, Theft and Deception : The Etymology of Hermes in Plato’s Cratylus.Olof Pettersson - 2022 - In Vladimir Mikes (ed.), Plato's Cratylus. Proceeding from the XI Symposium Platonicum Pragense. Leiden: Brill.
    In the light of Socrates’ largely neglected etymological account of the name Hermes, this article reexamines the dialogue’s perplexing conclusion that reality should not be sought through names, but through itself. By a close scrutiny of three claims made in this etymology – that language is commercial, thievish and deceptive – it argues that Socrates’ discussion about the relation between names and reality cannot only be meaningfully understood in terms of his characterization of language as deceptive and therefore tragic, but (...)
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  • Platono mimezės teorija dialoge Kratilas: nuo idealios kalbos prie kasdienės kalbos.Liangxin Sun - 2024 - Problemos 106:80-94.
    Šis straipsnis naujai interpretuoja mimezės teoriją, pateiktą Platono dialoge Kratilas, tirdamas, kaip kalba veikia kaip atvaizdas, mėgdžiojantis savo objektus. Skirtingai nei didžioji dauguma tyrimų, teigiančių, kad Sokratui nepavyksta suderinti natūralizmo ir konvencionalizmo, šis straipsnis teigia, kad Sokrato pasiūlyta natūralizmo forma pripažįsta susitarimo vaidmenį. Natūralizmas, parodydamas santykį tarp atvaizdų ir originalų, atskleidžia, kad žmonių kalba yra dvilypio pobūdžio. Per instrumentalizmą ir garso simbolizmą Sokratas įsivaizduoja kalbą kaip tobulą instrumentą daiktų formoms imituoti, o skirtumas tarp atvaizdų ir originalų neišvengiamai veda prie klaidų (...)
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  • (1 other version)Plato on the Weakness of Words: A defence of the Digression of Ep. vii.Erik Nis Ostemfeld - manuscript
    This is a defence of the authenticity of Plato’s Epistula vii against the recent onslaught by Frede and Burnyeat (2015). It focusses on what Ep. vii has to say about writing and the embedded philosophical Digression and evaluates this in the context of other mainly late dialogues. In the Cratylus, Socrates ends with resignation regarding the potential of language study as a source of truth. This is also the case in Ep. vii, where the four means of knowledge (names, definitions, (...)
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  • Convention or Nature? : The Correctness of Names in Plato's Cratylus.Rickard Gustavsson - unknown
    This thesis is about Plato‘s dialogue Cratylus, which is one of the earliest texts in the history ofphilosophy of language and has generated much interpretive controversy. In the dialogue, Platoexamines two theories on the correctness of names; conventionalism and naturalism. However,there is no clear positive outcome in the dialogue in regard to the debate betweenconventionalism and naturalism. Therefore, scholars have long been divided as to what Plato‘sown position on the correctness of names is. Another puzzling feature of the dialogue concernsthe (...)
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