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Teaching business ethics in the UK, Europe, and the USA: a comparative study

Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Athlone Press (1990)

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  1. How virtue fits within business ethics.J. Thomas Whetstone - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (2):101 - 114.
    This paper proposes that managers add an attention to virtues and vices of human character as a full complement to moral reasoning according to a deontological focus on obligations to act and a teleological focus on consequences (a balanced tripartite approach). Even if the criticisms of virtue ethics cloud its use as a mononomic normative theory of justification, they do not refute the substantial benefits of applying a human character perspective – when done so in conjunction with also-imperfect act-oriented perspectives. (...)
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  • Corporate social responsibility education in europe.Dirk Matten & Jeremy Moon - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (4):323 - 337.
    In the context of some criticism about social responsibility education in business schools, the paper reports findings from a survey of CSR education (teaching and research) in Europe. It analyses the extent of CSR education, the different ways in which it is defined and the levels at which it is taught. The paper provides an account of the efforts that are being made to mainstream CSR teaching and of the teaching methods deployed. It considers drivers of CSR courses, particularly the (...)
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  • Three approaches to teaching business ethics.G. J. Rossouw - 2002 - Teaching Business Ethics 6 (4):411-433.
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  • Teaching business ethics in UK higher education: Progress and prospects.Christopher J. Cowton & Julian Cummins - 2003 - Teaching Business Ethics 7 (1):37-54.
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  • The Origins of Business Ethics in American Universities, 1902–1936.Gabriel Abend - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (2):171-205.
    The history of the field of business ethics in the U.S. remains understudied and misunderstood. In this article I begin to remedy this oversight about the past, and I suggest how it can be beneficial in the present. Using both published and unpublished primary sources, I argue that the business ethics field emerged in the early twentieth century, against the backdrop of the establishment of business schools in major universities. I bring to light four important developments: business ethics lectures at (...)
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  • Business Schools at the Crossroads? A Trip Back from Sparta to Athens.Maria Jose Murcia, Hector O. Rocha & Julian Birkinshaw - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):579-591.
    Some business schools have come under considerable criticism for what observers see as their complicit involvement in the corporate scandals and financial crises of the last 15 years. Much of the discussion about changes that schools might undertake has been focused on curriculum issues. However, revisiting the curriculum does not get at the root cause of the problem. Instead, it might create a new challenge: the risk of decoupling the discussion of the curriculum from broader issues of institutional purpose. In (...)
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  • Business Ethics in the Curriculum: Assessing the Evidence from U.K. Subject Review.Bruce Macfarlane & Roger Ottewill - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (4):339-347.
    The growth of U.K. business ethics education has been charted at the course or 'micro' level by Mahoney and Cummins using postal questionnaires. These surveys, normally restricted to elite providers, have not revealed the relative importance of business ethics in the business school curriculum. In the 2000-2001 subject review of business and management programmes conducted by the U.K. Quality Assurance Agency for higher education, 164 business and management programmes were required to summarise their aims and objectives. Examination of this data (...)
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  • Business Ethics as a Field of Training, Teaching and Research in Europe.Luc Van Liedekerke & Geert Demuijnck - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (S1):29-41.
    In this survey of business ethics in Europe, we compare the present state of business ethics in Europe with the situation as described by Enderle (BEER 5(1):33–46, 1996 ). At that time, business ethics was still dominated by a mainly philosophical, normative analysis of business issues with a maximum of 25 chairs in business ethics all over Europe. It has since expanded dramatically in numbers as well as diversified into many different domains. We find this rich diversity in the conception (...)
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  • Pioneering in Ethics Teaching: The Case of Management Accounting in Universities in the British Usles.Roberta Bampton & Christopher J. Cowton - 2002 - Teaching Business Ethics 6 (3):279-295.
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  • (1 other version)Business ethics as academic field in Africa: Its current status.Belinda Barkhuysen & Gedeon Rossouw - 2000 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 9 (4):229–235.
    Reflection on the state of business ethics as academic field in Africa has been largely neglected, partly because there existed no overall picture of what is happening in this field of study. This paper reports the findings of the first comprehensive survey on the state of business ethics as academic field on the African continent. It has both a descriptive and reflective component. In the descriptive part of the paper the research strategy and methodology used to conduct this survey is (...)
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  • University Social Responsibility (USR) in the Global Context.Amber Wigmore-Álvarez & Mercedes Ruiz-Lozano - 2012 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 31 (3-4):475-498.
    Higher education institutions worldwide have begun to embrace sustainability issues and engage their campuses and communities in such efforts, which have led to the development of integrity and ethical values in these organizations and their relationships with stakeholders. This study provides a literary review of the concept of University Social Responsibility (USR) and sustainability programs worldwide, grouped into eight research streams: conceptual framework, strategic planning and USR, educating on USR, spreading USR, reporting and USR, evaluation of USR, barriers and accelerators (...)
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  • CSR in China Research: Salience, Focus and Nature. [REVIEW]Jeremy Moon & Xi Shen - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (4):613 - 629.
    This article investigates the development of research in the field of CSR in China. The justification for this is that (i) there is evidence that CSR is emerging as a management practice and management field internationally; (ii) there is a general interest in the distinctiveness or comparability of management and management research in Asia and China; (iii) there is evidence that CSR is growing as a management issue in China; and (iv) yet, the mainsprings of this are very different from (...)
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  • Ethics in organizations: A framework for theory and research. [REVIEW]Nigel Nicholson - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (8):581 - 596.
    In a climate of increasing interest and activity within the field of business ethics, as yet there exists no coherent conceptual framework for organizational theory and research. From a review of current thinking and previous writings a framework of concepts is suggested to help set an agenda for empirical research. The elements of this are, first, a taxonomy of ethical domains: the foci of organizations'' and their agents'' ethical concerns and conduct. Second, it is considered how ethical functioning might be (...)
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  • Ethics and management: A controversial issue. [REVIEW]Josep M. Lozano - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (2):227 - 236.
    This paper is a part of a broader research project which aims to examine how ethical paradigms are related to theories of organization and management. Using an analysis of various studies on the issue of Business Ethics as its point of departure the paper points out that there are two converging lines of thought. The first emphasizes that management should be reexamined in the light of the cultural changes taking place and maintains that management is a key factor in this (...)
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  • Internationalizing the business ethics curriculum: A survey. [REVIEW]Christopher J. Cowton & Thomas W. Dunfee - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (5):331 - 338.
    This article reports on a telephone survey of business school faculty in the United Kingdom, Asia and North America concerning efforts to internationalize the teaching of business ethics. International dimensions of business ethics are currently given only limited coverage in the business school curriculum with over half of the faculty surveyed indicating that less then 10% of their ethics teaching focuses on global issues. Teaching objectives vary widely with some faculty emphasizing a relativistic, diversity oriented perspective while others stress the (...)
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  • Why students take elective business ethics courses: Applying the theory of planned behavior. [REVIEW]Donna M. Randall - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (5):369 - 378.
    Despite the prevalence of elective business ethics courses, little research has sought to explain and predict why some students enroll in these courses and while others do not. Using the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen and Madden, 1986) as a theoretical foundation, 178 graduate students in Ireland were surveyed about their intention to sign up for an elective ethics class. Their behavior was measured two months later. The results reveal the power of the theory of planned behavior to explain and (...)
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  • Contrasts in moral reasoning capacity: The fijians and the singaporeans. [REVIEW]Jayantha S. Wimalasiri - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 49 (3):251-272.
    The moral reasoning capacity of managementstudents in Fiji and in Singapore, twoculturally distinct nations, was examinedusing the Defining Issue Test (DIT). Statistical analyses of the data revealed amarked difference in the reasoning capacity of thetwo groups. In the Fiji sample, religion andrace were found to have a moderating effect onmoral judgment. In the Singapore sample, age,race and religion were found to have asignificant correlation with moral judgment. The data were subjected to paired-samplest-tests using p-score as a dependent variable. The results (...)
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