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  1. Family experiences with non-therapeutic research on dying patients in the intensive care unit.Amanda van Beinum, Nick Murphy, Charles Weijer, Vanessa Gruben, Aimee Sarti, Laura Hornby, Sonny Dhanani & Jennifer Chandler - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):845-851.
    Experiences of substitute decision-makers with requests for consent to non-therapeutic research participation during the dying process, including to what degree such requests are perceived as burdensome, have not been well described. In this study, we explored the lived experiences of family members who consented to non-therapeutic research participation on behalf of an imminently dying patient. We interviewed 33 family members involved in surrogate research consent decisions for dying patients in intensive care. Non-therapeutic research involved continuous physiological monitoring of dying patients (...)
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  • ‚Rückkehr in die Kindheit‘ oder ‚Tod bei lebendigem Leib‘? Ethische Aspekte der Altersdemenz in der Perspektive des Lebensverlaufs.Mark Schweda & Karin Jongsma - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 5 (1):181-206.
    Unsere Sicht der Demenz ist von kulturellen Metaphern geprägt. Sie ziehen Analogien zu vertrauten Erfahrungsbereichen und eröffnen so ein Verständnis von einem ansonsten schwer fassbaren und letzten Endes unergründlichen Geschehen. In zeitgenössischen Diskursen über die Demenz spielen insbesondere zwei biographische Metaphern eine maßgebliche Rolle: die der,Rückkehr in die Kindheit‘ und die des,Todes bei lebendigem Leib‘. Der Beitrag unterzieht beide Vorstellungen einer kritischen Reflexion. Er erläutert zunächst die kulturgeschichtliche Herkunft und Bedeutung der Kindheits- und Todesmetapher. Im Anschluss geht er ihren Implikationen (...)
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  • Is best interests a relevant decision making standard for enrolling non-capacitated subjects into clinical research?Jeffrey T. Berger - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (1):45-49.
    The ‘best interests’ decision making standard is used in clinical care to make necessary health decisions for non-capacitated individuals for whom neither explicit nor inferred wishes are known. It has been also widely acknowledged as a basis for enrolling some non-capacitated adults into clinical research such as emergency, critical care, and dementia research. However, the best interests standard requires that choices provide the highest net benefit of available options, and clinical research rarely meets this criterion. In the context of modern (...)
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  • The ethical inadequacy of uninformed surrogate consent: advancing respect for persons in clinical research.Robert R. Harrison - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (6):461-479.
    In clinical research, decision-making capacity is often equated with unspecified conceptions of autonomy, and autonomy is often equated with personhood. On this view, the loss of decision-making capacity is seen as a loss of autonomy, and the loss of autonomy subsumes a loss of personhood. An ethical concern arises at the intersection of those philosophical considerations with the legal considerations in informed consent. Because persons with inadequate decision-making capacity cannot provide legally effective consent, enrollment in research can occur only if (...)
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  • Informed consent, vulnerability and the risks of group-specific attribution.Berta M. Schrems - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (7):829-843.
    People in extraordinary situations are vulnerable. As research participants, they are additionally threatened by abuse or exploitation and the possibility of harm through research. To protect people against these threats, informed consent as an instrument of self-determination has been introduced. Self-determination requires autonomous persons, who voluntarily make decisions based on their values and morals. However, in nursing research, this requirement cannot always be met. Advanced age, chronic illness, co-morbidity and frailty are reasons for dependencies. These in turn lead to limited (...)
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  • Research versus innovation: Real differences.Haavi Morreim - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (1):42 – 43.
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  • Additional thoughts on rethinking research ethics.Richard R. Sharp & Mark Yarborough - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (1):40 – 42.
    Like many trained in philosophy, we greatly value the work of those scholars with the courage to espouse contrarian views, particularly when the ideas in dispute lie at the very heart of entrenched...
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  • Inconsistent Approaches to Research Involving Cognitively Impaired Adults: Why the Broad View of Substituted Judgment Is Our Best Guide.Mark Yarborough - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (10):66-67.
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