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  1. Quantum mechanics in terms of realism.Arthur Jabs - 2017 - arXiv.Org.
    We expound an alternative to the Copenhagen interpretation of the formalism of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. The basic difference is that the new interpretation is formulated in the language of epistemological realism. It involves a change in some basic physical concepts. The ψ function is no longer interpreted as a probability amplitude of the observed behaviour of elementary particles but as an objective physical field representing the particles themselves. The particles are thus extended objects whose extension varies in time according to (...)
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  • What does noise do to the bell inequalities?Trevor W. Marshall - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (2):209-219.
    We show that a semiclassical theory which takes account of vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field is capable of giving a fully local realist description of the coincidence data from atomic-cascade experiments. Such a theory explains, in a unified manner, why there is a natural upper limit on detector efficiency, and also why, for certain values of the “hidden” variables, there is enhancement of the detection efficiency.
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  • Interpretation of the quantum formalism and Bell's theorem.Emilio Santos - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (2):221-241.
    It is argued that quantum mechanics must be interpreted according to the Copenhagen interpretation. Consequently the formalism must be used in a purely operational way. The relation between realism, hidden variables, and the Bell inequalities is discussed. The proof of impossibility of local hidden-variables theories (Bell's theorem) is criticized on the basis that the quantum mechanical states violating local realism are not physically realizable states.“Einstein had great difficulty in reaching a sharp formulation of Bohr's meaning. What hope then for the (...)
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  • The nature of light and twentieth century experimental physics.Sue Sulcs - 2003 - Foundations of Science 8 (4):365-391.
    In the popular literature of physics the electromagnetic field isoften treated as though it has an intrinsic particle nature. When thetheory is examined carefully, quantum theory only makes the weakerrequirement that the emission and absorption of light are restricted todiscrete amounts of energy. There are very few realizable experiments inoptics for which the classical Maxwell theory and the quantum theorymake a different prediction. I discuss some of these experiments with anemphasis on the distinction between what the experiments tell us aboutthe (...)
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  • The compatibility between quantum mechanics and local realist theories in atomic cascade experiments.M. Ferrero & T. W. Marshall - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (4):403-415.
    We show that the divergence between the predictions of quantum optics and the local realist theory known as stochastic optics, for the extended type of photon-coincidence experiment described recently by de Caro, is of the same order of magnitude as for Aspect-type experiments. This means that, in such new experiments, as in those so far performed, counting statistics will have to be greatly improved before a discrimination between the two theories becomes possible.We also show that the outstanding difference between the (...)
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  • The measurement problem resolved and local realism preserved via a collapse-free photon detection model.Barry C. Gilbert & Sue Sulcs - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (11):1401-1439.
    A new realislic local model of light propagation and detection is described. The authors propose a novel stochastic model of low-intensity photon detection in which background noise is added to a part of the photon prior to absorption. In this model, in agreement with Planck, there is no quantization of the propagating field. The model has some similarities to theories advanced by E. Santos and T. Marshall in the last decade, but also has substantial deviations from these. A mechanism, conserving (...)
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  • A Locally Deterministic, Detector-Based Model of Quantum Measurement.Brian R. La Cour - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (10):1059-1084.
    This paper describes a simple, causally deterministic model of quantum measurement based on an amplitude threshold detection scheme. Surprisingly, it is found to reproduce many phenomena normally thought to be uniquely quantum in nature. To model an \(N\) -dimensional pure state, the model uses \(N\) complex random variables given by a scaled version of the wave vector with additive complex noise. Measurements are defined by threshold crossings of the individual components, conditioned on single-component threshold crossings. The resulting detection probabilities match (...)
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  • A historical perspective to the present-day locality debate.T. W. Marshall - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (3):363-370.
    It is argued that the way towards understanding the experiments with visible light which purport to exhibit nonlocality lies in a return to the wave theory of light. A connection is also indicated between the present-day photon description and the pre-wave-theory corpuscular description, and hence we see that, essentially, the problem of nonlocality in physics was solved nearly two centuries ago by Young and Fresnel.
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  • Should quantum mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?L. C. B. Ryff - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (9):1061-1078.
    A brief and critical survey of wave-particle duality and nonlocality aspects of light is presented. A recent attempt to establish a reasonable framework for nonlocal realistic theories based on physically sound arguments and a proposed experiment to decide between such theories and the usual interpretation of quantum mechanical formalism are reviewed. It is shown that a nonlocal realistic approach may raise some new questions which could be answered by means of a program based on a sequence of experiments.
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  • The physical meaning of quantization.Emilio Santos - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (3):371-379.
    After analyzing the difficulties for a local realistic interpretation of quantum theory, it is argued that such an interpretation might be possible if some new postulates are added to the standard ones. We propose a stochastic interpretation of quantum theory, which involves the need of joint probability distributions for all relevant observables. The well known problems for the existence of joint distributions are solved by assuming that neither all Hermitian operators correspond to observables nor all density matrices represent physical states. (...)
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  • Bipartite Entanglement Induced by a Common Background (Zero-Point) Radiation Field.A. Valdés-Hernández, L. de la Peña & A. M. Cetto - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (5):843-862.
    This paper deals with an (otherwise classical) two-(non-interacting) particle system immersed in a common stochastic zero-point radiation field. The treatment is an extension of the one-particle case for which it has been shown that the quantum properties of the particle emerge from its interaction with the background field under stationary and ergodic conditions. In the present case we show that non-classical correlations—describable only in terms of entanglement—arise between the (nearby) particles whenever both of them resonate to a common frequency of (...)
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