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  1. The Influence of Event Valence and Emotional States on the Metaphorical Comprehension of Time.Weiqi Zheng, Ye Liu, Chang Hong Liu, Yu-Hsin Chen, Qian Cui & Xiaolan Fu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  • Moved by Emotions: Affective Concepts Representing Personal Life Events Induce Freely Performed Steps in Line With Combined Sagittal and Lateral Space-Valence Associations.Susana Ruiz Fernández, Lydia Kastner, Sergio Cervera-Torres, Jennifer Müller & Peter Gerjets - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Embodiment approaches to cognition and emotion have put forth the idea that the way we think and talk about affective events often recruits spatial information that stems, to some extent, from our bodily experiences. For example, metaphorical expressions such as “being someone’s right hand” or “leaving something bad behind” convey affectivity associated with the lateral and sagittal dimensions of space. Action tendencies associated with affect such as the directional fluency of hand movements (dominant right hand-side – positive; non-dominant left hand-side (...)
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  • The Allocation of Valenced Percepts Onto 3D Space.Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos, Artin Arshamian, Carlos Tirado, Raydonal Ospina & Maria Larsson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:414705.
    Research on the metaphorical mapping of valenced concepts onto space indicates that positive, neutral, and negative concepts are mapped onto upward, midward, and downward locations, respectively. More recently, this type of research has been tested for the very first time in 3D physical space. The findings corroborate the mapping of valenced concepts onto the vertical space as described above but further show that positive and negative concepts are placed close to and away from the body; neutral concepts are placed midway. (...)
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  • Why Smoggy Days Suppress Our Mood: Automatic Association Between Clarity and Valence.Yiguang Liu, Jun Yin & Junying Liang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The intuition of clarity-valence association seems to be pervasive in daily life, however, whether there exists a potential association between clarity (i.e., operationalized as visual resolution) and affect in human cognition remains unknown. The present study conducted five experiments, and demonstrated the clarity-valence congruency effect, that is, the evaluations showed performance advantage in the congruent conditions (clear-positive, blurry-negative). Experiment 1 through 3 demonstrated the influence of the perception of clarity on the conceptualization of affective valence, while Experiment 4 & 5 (...)
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  • Let Me Make You Happy, and I'll Tell You How You Look Around: Using an Approach-Avoidance Task as an Embodied Emotion Prime in a Free-Viewing Task.Artur Czeszumski, Friederike Albers, Sven Walter & Peter König - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The embodied approach of human cognition suggests that concepts are deeply dependent upon and constrained by an agent's physical body's characteristics, such as performed body movements. In this study, we attempted to broaden previous research on emotional priming, investigating the interaction of emotions and visual exploration. We used the joystick-based approach-avoidance task to influence the emotional states of participants, and subsequently, we presented pictures of news web pages on a computer screen and measured participant's eye movements. As a result, the (...)
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