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Contextualizing Corporate Political Responsibilities: Neoliberal CSR in Historical Perspective.Marie-Laure Djelic & Helen Etchanchu - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (4):641-661.details
The Connection Between Stakeholder Theory and Stakeholder Democracy: An Excavation and Defense.Jeffrey Moriarty - 2014 - Business and Society 53 (6):820-852.details
Engaging Ethically: A Discourse Ethics Perspective on Social Shareholder Engagement.Jennifer Goodman & Daniel Arenas - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (2):163-189.details
Corporate social responsibility and gender equality: women as stakeholders and the European Union sustainability strategy.Kate Grosser - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (3):290-307.details
The Principle of Good Faith: Toward Substantive Stakeholder Engagement.Cedric E. Dawkins - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (2):283-295.details
Participation versus Consent: Should Corporations Be Run according to Democratic Principles?Stefan Hielscher, Markus Beckmann & Ingo Pies - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (4):533-563.details
Old Wine in New Bottles? Parentalism, Power, and Its Legitimacy in Business–Society Relations.Helen Etchanchu & Marie-Laure Djelic - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):893-911.details
Ideologies of Corporate Responsibility: From Neoliberalism to “Varieties of Liberalism”.Steen Vallentin & David Murillo - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (4):635-670.details
Social or Commercial? Innovation Strategies in Social Enterprises at Times of Turbulence.Tommaso Ramus, Barbara La Cara, Antonino Vaccaro & Stefano Brusoni - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (4):463-492.details
Corporate Governance in a Risk Society.Anselm Schneider & Andreas Georg Scherer - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (2):1-15.details
Expectations Meet Reality: Leader Sensemaking and Enactment of Stakeholder Engagement in Multistakeholder Social Enterprises.Nevena Radoynovska - forthcoming - Business and Society.details
Listen to the voice of the customer—First steps towards stakeholder democracy.Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Lars Lengler-Graiff, Sabrina Scheidler, Gina Mende & Jan Wieseke - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (3):510-527.details
Sustainability reporting and corporate identity: action research evidence in an Italian retailing cooperative.Massimo Battaglia, Lara Bianchi, Marco Frey & Emilio Passetti - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (1):52-72.details
Stakeholder Governance as a Response to Wicked Issues.Sybille Sachs, Edwin Rühli & Claude Meier - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (S1):57-64.details
Irresponsible Lending? A Case Study of a U.K. Credit Industry Reform Initiative.Maria Richards, Paul Palmer & Mariana Bogdanova - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):499-512.details
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The Stakeholder Game: Pleadings and Reasons in Environmental Policy.Juha Hiedanpää & Daniel W. Bromley - 2013 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 27 (4):425-441.details
Dealing with Wicked Issues: Open Strategizing and the Camisea Case. [REVIEW]Ruth Schmitt - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (S1):11-19.details
International Soft Law, Human Rights and Non-state Actors: Towards the Accountability of Transnational Corporations? [REVIEW]Elena Pariotti - 2009 - Human Rights Review 10 (2):139-155.details