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The Philosophy of Foucault

Routledge (2006)

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  1. Genealogy and critical discourse analysis in conversation: texts, discourse, critique.Seantel Anaïs - 2013 - Critical Discourse Studies 10 (2):123-135.
    Although genealogy is a popular methodological choice for philosophers, a number of social scientists in numerous fields have taken it up as way of studying historical texts. How one might use genealogy as a methodological approach, however, is not always clear. In this article, I argue for the combination of critical discourse analysis with a genealogical ethos of analysis, despite some differences in their respective approaches. The aim of the article is to contribute to debates around how qualitative textual research (...)
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  • Critical theory and international relations: Knowledge, power and practice.Stephen Hobden - 2023 - Manchester University Press.
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  • The Ethico‐politics of Teacher Identity.Matthew Clarke - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (2):185-200.
    Identity is a contemporary buzzword in education, referencing the individual and the social, the personal and the political, self and other. Following Maggie MacLure, we can think of identity in terms of teachers ‘arguing for themselves’, or giving an account of themselves. Yet in the wake of poststructuralism's radical de‐centering of the subject and its highlighting of a number of impediments to agency, we might well ask how teachers are to give an account of themselves? This paper offers reading of (...)
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  • Power and practices: questions concerning the legislation of health professions in B razil.Isabela S. C. Velloso & Christine Ceci - 2015 - Nursing Philosophy 16 (3):153-160.
    Developments in professional practice can be related to ongoing changes in relations of power among professionals, which often lead to changes in the boundaries of practices. The differing contexts of practices also influence these changing relations among health professionals. Legislation governing professional practice also differs from country to country. In Brazil, over the past 12 years, in a climate of deep disagreement, a new law to regulate medical practice has been discussed. It was sanctioned, or made into law, but with (...)
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  • Foucault's legacy for nursing: are we beneficiaries or intestate heirs?Michael E. Clinton & Rusla Anne Springer - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (2):119-131.
    Drawing upon selected literature from the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Canada we examine how Foucault's concepts of ‘episteme’, ‘rupture’ ‘parrhesia’ ‘care of the self’, and ‘problemitization’ have been applied to particular contexts of leadership development, pedagogy, nursing knowledge, and the relationship between caring and politics. Our aims are threefold: to give examples of how selected Foucauldian concepts have been taken up in practice; to clarify how we are positioned today as nurses; and to invite more nurses to engage critically with (...)
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  • Motivation as Ethical Self-Formation.Matthew Clarke & Barbara Hennig - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (1):77-90.
    Motivation is a concept more frequently found in venues concerned with educational psychology than in ones concerned with educational philosophy. Under the influence of psychology, and its typically dualistic way of making sense of the world, motivation in education has tended to be viewed in dichotomous terms, for example, as intrinsic or extrinsic in character. Such psychology-derived theories of educational motivation operate within a dichotomous ontology, traceable to structuralist notions of agency versus (rather than within) structure, while exemplifying the tendency (...)
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  • Michel Foucault.Gary Gutting - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • The ‘right’ place to care for older people: home or institution?Kristin Björnsdóttir, Christine Ceci & Mary Ellen Purkis - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (1):64-73.
    In 2008, the Minister of Health for Iceland issued a new regulation intended to govern assessment practices related to placement in nursing homes. One of the aims of the regulation was to ensure that those with the most severe need would have priority. This would be achieved, in part, by requiring older people to exhaust all available community‐based service options before an assessment for placement would even take place. The new regulation was received with some hostility and criticism on the (...)
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  • Forming the Professional Self: Bildung and the ontological perspective on professional education and development.Martin R. Fellenz - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (3).
    Ontological perspectives in higher education and particularly in professional education and development have focused attention on the question of the learner’s being and becoming rather than on the epistemological concern of what and how they know. This study considers the formation of the professional self in the light of the requirements for professional practice. It raises the question of agency in relation to this formational process and considers the implications of the autonomy paradox which arises from the simultaneous influence of (...)
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