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  1. Engaging the Present: The Use of Reading Rorty.Clayton Chin - 2014 - Contemporary Pragmatism 11 (2):55-77.
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  • Pragmatist Political Philosophy.Robert B. Talisse - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (2):123-130.
    This essay surveys three prominent trends in current pragmatist political philosophy: Deweyan Democratic Perfectionism, Rortyan Ironism, and Pragmatist Epistemic Deliberativism. After articulating the main commitments of each view, the author raises philosophical problems each must confront. The essay closes with the more general criticism that pragmatist political theory has been nearly exclusively focused on democracy, but needs to address additional topics.
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  • Normative engagement across difference: Pragmatism, dialogic inclusion, and social practices.Clayton Chin - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (3):302-325.
    This article addresses the problem of inter-normative engagement, of constructing dialogical interaction across substantive normative difference. Focusing on how this affects democratic and pluralistic contexts, it argues that a social-practice-based approach to normativity and reasoning offers unique resources to understand and frame such encounters. It specifically draws on pragmatism and the work of Richard Rorty to reframe normativity, authority, identity, and reason, linking these understandings to recent trends to deliberative political inclusivism in democratic theory. The upshot is that framing inter-normative (...)
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  • Michael Bacon, Pragmatism: An Introduction. Oxford: Polity Press, 2012. 224pp. Paper ISBN: 978-0-745-64665-7. [REVIEW]Clayton Chin - 2013 - Contemporary Pragmatism 10 (2):200-206.
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  • Howard Caygill: author of 'Resistance: a philosophy of defiance' - interviewed by Alastair Gray and Philip Holmburg.Alastair Gray & Phillip Homburg - unknown
    An interview with the philosopher Howard Caygill, primarily concerning his book 'Resistance', conducted in December 2013.
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  • Subjetividad situada e ideología en el materialismo y en sus críticos contemporáneos.Claudio Cormick - 2010 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 11 (14):58-81.
    Analizaremos aquí el intento de Richard Rorty y Michel Foucault de sobrepujar, desde una concepción del conocimiento como un hecho, la noción de “crítica de la ideología”. Intentaremos demostrar que incurren en una incomprensión de la “filosofía del sujeto” que los hace ignorar antecedentes de sus propias tesis, y que el materialismo extrae, de esta conciencia de la facticidad del pensamiento, consecuencias críticas que —por el contrario— en Foucault sucumben ante la indiferenciación total producida cuando se identifican facticidad y validez, (...)
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