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  1. Going Round in Circles: Popular Speech in Ancient Rome.Peter O'Neill - 2003 - Classical Antiquity 22 (1):135-176.
    This paper offers a close analysis of the usage of the term circulus to refer to groups of Romans gathered together for various reasons. I identify such groupings as primarily non-elite in character and suggest that examination of their representation in our sources offers insight into popular sociability and communication at Rome. While circuli and the related figure of the circulator are often associated with what is considered to be a debased popular culture, they can also be seen as part (...)
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  • Performing the Book: The Recital of Epic in First-Century C.E. Rome.Donka D. Markus - 2000 - Classical Antiquity 19 (1):138-179.
    The detrimental effect of the public recital on the quality of epic production in the first century is a stock theme both in ancient and in modern literary criticism. While previous studies on the epic recital emphasize its negative effects, or aim at its reconstruction as social reality, I focus on its conflicting representations by the ancients themselves and the lessons that we can learn from them. The voices of critics and defenders reveal anxieties about who controls the prestigious high (...)
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  • Pliny, Letters 10.98. A Metaphor for the Solution to the Christian Problem?Martin Beckmann - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):452-455.
    I argue that letter 98 of Book 10 of Pliny's Letters (= Epistulae) was deliberately moved from its original position in the sequence of letters in order to serve as a metaphor for the solution to the problem of Christians in Bithynia and Pontus. This solves a chronological problem in Pliny's Letters and is evidence of the hand of an active editor.
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  • Monkey Business: Imitation, Authenticity, and Identity from Pithekoussai to Plautus.Catherine Connors - 2004 - Classical Antiquity 23 (2):179-207.
    This essay explores references to monkeys as a way of talking about imitation, authenticity, and identity in Greek stories about the “Monkey Island” Pithekoussai and in Athenian insults, and in Plautus' comedy. In early Greek contexts, monkey business defines what it means to be aristocratic and authoritative. Classical Athenians use monkeys to think about what it means to be authentically Athenian: monkey business is a figure for behavior which threatens democratic culture—sycophancy or other deceptions of the people. Plautus' monkey imagery (...)
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  • The Early Reception of Pliny the Younger in Tertullian of Carthage and Eusebius of Caesarea.James Corke-Webster - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1).
    In 1967 Alan Cameron published a landmark article in this journal, ‘The fate of Pliny'sLettersin the late Empire’. Opposing the traditional thesis that the letters of Pliny the Younger were only rediscovered in the mid to late fifth century by Sidonius Apollinaris, Cameron proposed that closer attention be paid to the faint but clear traces of the letters in the third and fourth centuries. On the basis of well-observed intertextual correspondences, Cameron proposed that Pliny's letters were being read by the (...)
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  • Hunting for Boars with Pliny and Tacitus.Rebecca Edwards - 2008 - Classical Antiquity 27 (1):35-58.
    This paper will examine intertextual references between the Dialogus of Tacitus and the letters of Pliny, in particular those regarding boar hunting. It will argue that there are clues in the letters of Pliny which can help us to understand the relationship between these two writers as well as the tone and purpose of the Dialogus. By studying Pliny's letters to Tacitus on hunting , one can see the specific reference to boars as an allusion to Marcus Aper, the chief (...)
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  • Translation, Migration, and Communication in the Roman Empire: Three Aspects of Movement in History.Claudia Moatti - 2006 - Classical Antiquity 25 (1):109-140.
    Cet article a pour but de montrer comment le mouvement change le rôle de l'état dans les relations entre individus et Etat, influence le développement de l'écrit, transforme les identités et augmente les régulations internes et externes. Les conséquences du mouvement sont à la fois pratiques et formelles. La relation au temps et à l'espace s'en trouve affectée, tout comme les modes d'organisation et de pensée.
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  • Historicizing Satire in Juvenal.Michael Ritter - 2019 - Classical Antiquity 38 (2):250-274.
    The implications of the persona theory pose a problem for the interpretation of Juvenal's early satires, because it presents the satirist as intent on nullifying his didactic stances. This leaves us with an unsatisfactory conclusion that excises Juvenal's persistent treatment of themes consistent with contemporaneous authors who were similarly engaged in blackening the reputations of the famous dead. This article argues that a strict application of persona theory isolates Juvenal's satirist from his volatile contemporary climate by excluding him from the (...)
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  • Becoming Tacitus: Significance and Inconsequentiality in the Prologue of Agricola.Dylan Sailor - 2004 - Classical Antiquity 23 (1):139-177.
    I argue that the prologue of Tacitus' Agricola is at pains to maintain for the work the option to be important or to be inconsequential. The goal of this effort is to anticipate a spectrum of possible receptions: if the work is welcomed by its audiences, it can serve as the first step in a prestigious literary career; if it meets with indifference or hostility, Tacitus' already-existing social self can find protection behind the claims to limited importance. In the first (...)
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  • Onomastic irony in fronto's letters ad M. caesarem 1.7, 2.5, 2.13 and 3.18.Yasuko Taoka - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):301-309.
    In contemporary onomastics the usage of the full name – given name and surname – lends a certain formality or seriousness to an utterance. It is often assumed that such pragmatics in the employment of names may be easily transferred to the ancient world, but we should none the less confirm our assumptions with textual evidence. This paper will present evidence from the letters between Marcus Aurelius and Marcus Cornelius Fronto which demonstrates not only that the fuller Roman name was (...)
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  • Recitationes in the Roman Culture.Paulo Sérgio Margarido Ferreira - 2016 - Humanitas 68:151-179.
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  • Gli antichi e i moderni nelle Epistole del 1548 curate da Lodovico Dolce.Paolo Sachet - 2011 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 64 (1):151-178.
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  • Pliny the younger - H. zehnacker , N. méthy pline le jeune: Lettres. Tome II, livres IV–vi. Pp. IX + 233. Paris: Les belLes lettres, 2011. Paper, €45. Isbn: 978-2-251-01459-3. [REVIEW]C. L. Whitton - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (1):125-127.
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