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  1. Are Liberated Companies a Concrete Application of Sen’s Capability Approach?Roberta Sferrazzo & Renato Ruffini - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (2):329-342.
    The capability approach developed by Amartya Sen focuses on the enhancement of people’s capabilities, i.e. their real freedom to choose a life course they have reason to value. Applying the CA to the organizational context, the focus of human resource management is transformed, shifting away from the needs of the organization to the freedoms of the individual. This shift happens also inside the so-called ‘liberated companies,’ firms with an organizational form that allows employees the complete freedom, along with the responsibility, (...)
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  • Risk and Asymmetry in Development Ethics.Julian Jonker - 2020 - African Journal of Business Ethics 14 (1):23-41.
    Risk is implicit in economic development. When does a course of economic development ethically balance risk and likely benefit? This paper examines the view of risk we find in Amartya Sen’s work on development. It shows that Sen’s capabilities approach leads to a more sensitive understanding of risk than traditional utility theory. Sen’s approach also supplies the basis of an argument for risk aversion in interventions that affect economic development. Sen’s approach describes development as aiming at freedom. The paper shows (...)
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  • Engaging the Imagination: ‘New Nature Writing’, Collective Politics and the Environmental Crisis.Kate Oakley, Jonathan Ward & Ian Christie - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (6):687-705.
    This paper 1 explores the potential of ‘new nature writing’ – a literary genre currently popular in the UK – as a kind of arts activism, in particular in terms of how it might engage with the environmental crisis and lead to a kind of collective politics. We note the limitations of the genre, notably the reproduction of class, gender and ethnic hierarchies, the emphasis on nostalgia and loss, and the stress on individual responses rather than collective politics. But we (...)
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  • Inclusive Leadership for Reduced Inequality: Economic–Social–Economic Cycle of Inclusion.Yuka Fujimoto & Jasim Uddin - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (3):563-582.
    The Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations related to reduced inequalities calls for greater economic inclusion of the poor. Yet, how business leaders grant economic opportunities and development to the poor is significantly under-researched. Extending burgeoning responsible leadership theory that promotes paradox-savvy leadership for building inclusive ventures through various actors, this study introduces new concepts of inclusive leadership that foster the economic inclusion of the poor from Amartya Sen’s capability approach perspective. By studying how leaders include the poor in (...)
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  • Hermeneutics and the capabilities approach: a thick heuristic tool for a thin normative standard of well-being.Ernst Wolff - 2014 - South African Journal of Philosophy 33 (4):487-500.
    © 2014 South African Journal of Philosophy. This paper argues for the way in which the hermeneutics of human action and the capabilities approach are to be coordinated in judgements regarding the happy life or well-being. To ensure that this hypothesis is not only philosophically plausible but practically reasonable, I apply it throughout to practical examples, namely practices related to the arrangement of space. I argue that judgement regarding happiness or well-being requires two distinct forms of reflection: a hermeneutics that (...)
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  • Sen and Mead on Identity, Agency, and Economic Behavior.Guido Baggio - 2017 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 9 (1).
    The paper seeks to show the potentialities of a wider perspective concerning human economic behavior and decision-making processes intertwining Mead’s and Sen’s ideas on self-identity and social context. Emerging developments of my findings strengthen, at once, the principled commitment to freedom of choice, revealing from a “Mead-Sen” perspective the instrumental role of social behavioral patterns and socio-cultural environment (social group, community, nationality, race, sex, and now social media) in the orientation of persons’ (economic) behaviors. In particular, a Mead-Sen approach would (...)
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  • Amartya Sen as a social and political theorist – on personhood, democracy, and ‘description as choice’. Des Gasper - 2023 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (3):386-409.
    Economist-philosopher Amartya Sen's writings on social and political issues have attracted wide audiences. Section 2 introduces his contributions on: how people reason as agents within society; social determinants of people's (lack of) access to goods and of the effective freedoms and agency they enjoy or lack; and associated advocacy of self-specification of identity and high expectations for ‘voice’ and reasoning democracy. Section 3 considers his relation to social theory, his tools for theorizing action in society, and his limited degree of (...)
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  • Super-diversity and the prosperous society.Henrietta L. Moore & Nikolay Mintchev - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (1):117-134.
    This article asks if and under what conditions ethnic diversity could become the foundation for a prosperous society. Recent studies on ethnic diversity and social cohesion suggest that diversity has a negative effect on social cohesion and therefore is detrimental to the social prosperity of individuals and communities. This article argues that although such a negative correlation may apply to contexts with well-consolidated ethnic groups, it does not necessarily apply to ‘super-diverse’ places with multiple small ethnic groups and multiple social, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Libertad positiva y capacidad política en democracia a partir del enfoque de capacidad de Amartya Sen.Rossario Carvajal - 2016 - Pensamiento 72 (274):1103-1117.
    Este texto parte del enfoque de capacidad de Sen, referido a facetas de la libertad de la que disponen los individuos para alcanzar sus objetivos, y que requiere de oportunidades sustantivas que remiten a la libertad positiva. Estas libertades asociadas a las diferentes facetas de capacidad de Amartya Sen sirven para determinar los elementos que constituyen el término de capacidad política. Se distinguen dos dimensiones en la democracia: la democracia como proceso y la democracia como resultado. Las libertades políticas tienen (...)
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  • The importance of capabilities in the sustainability of information and communications technology programs: the case of remote Indigenous Australian communities. [REVIEW]Donna Vaughan - 2011 - Ethics and Information Technology 13 (2):131-150.
    The use of the capability approach as an evaluative tool for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) policy and programs in developing countries, in particular at a grass-roots community level, is an emerging field of application. However, one of the difficulties with ICT for development (ICT4D) evaluations is in linking what is often no more than a resource, for example basic access, to actual outcomes, or means to end. This article argues that the capability approach provides a framework for evaluating the (...)
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