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Émile Durkheim

[author unknown]
Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 24 (6):749-751 (1917)

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  1. Functional explanation and virtual selection.Philip Pettit - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (2):291-302.
    Invoking its social function can explain why we find a certain functional trait or institution only if we can identify a mechanism whereby the playing of the function connects with the explanandum. That is the main claim in the missing-mechanism critique of functionalism. Is it correct? Yes, if functional explanation is meant to make sense of the actual presence of the trait or institution. No, if it is meant to make sense of why the trait or institution is resilient: why (...)
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  • An Examination of the Relationship Between Ethical Work Climate and Moral Awareness.Craig V. VanSandt, Jon M. Shepard & Stephen M. Zappe - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (4):409-432.
    This paper draws from the fields of history, sociology, psychology, moral philosophy, and organizational theory to establish a theoretical connection between a social/organizational influence (ethical work climate) and an individual cognitive element of moral behavior (moral awareness). The research was designed to help to fill a gap in the existing literature by providing empirical evidence of the connection between organizational influences and individual moral awareness and subsequent ethical choices, which has heretofore largely been merely assumed. Results of the study provide (...)
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  • Ensinar filosofia no Coimbra do século XVI: o caso dos 'Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis S.I. '.Mário S. De Carvalho - 2015 - Noctua 2 (1-2):182-203.
    The first case of comprehensive Jesuit philosophical textbook, the Cursus Conimbricensis stands as a hallmark of the Jesuit way of teaching philosophy during the second half of the Sixteenth century. After having placed the Cursus conimbricensis in the European philosophical scenario, this paper aims to show how Manuel de Gois, as well as the other contributors, felt to be bound to Aristotle, the major authority according to the Ratio studiorum, in dealing with questions and issues.
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  • Introduction to Emile Durkheim's "Anti-Semitism and Social Crisis".Chad Alan Goldberg & Emile Durkheim - 2008 - Sociological Theory 26 (4):299 - 323.
    Emile Durkheim's "Antis?mitisme et crise sociale," written in 1899 during the Dreyfus Affair in France, is introduced. The introduction summarizes the principal contributions that "Antis?mitisme et crise sociale" makes to the sociology of anti-Semitism, relates those contributions to Durkheim's broader theoretical assumptions and concerns, situates his analysis of anti-Semitism in its social and historical context, contrasts it to other analyses of anti-Semitism (Marxist and Zionist) that were prominent in Durkheim's time, indicates some of the revisions and additions that a fuller (...)
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  • Modernity's myth of facts.Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn - 1988 - Theory and Society 17 (1):121-145.
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  • El legado de Durkheim en Schutz Hacia un horizonte en común.Benjamín Juárez - 2008 - Enfoques 20 (1-2):93-118.
    La relación entre las obras de Alfred Schutz y Emile Durkheim guía el interés de este trabajo. Nos interesa en este artículo encontrar los aportes con los cuales Durkheim ha contribuido en la formación intelectual de Schutz. El camino planteado es recorrer los textos de Schutz en búsqueda de vestigi..
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  • Beyond the Elementary Forms of Moral Life: Reflexivity and Rationality in Durkheim's Moral Theory.Robert Wade Kenny - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (2):215 - 244.
    Was Durkheim an apologist for the authoritarianism? Is the sociology founded upon his work incapable of critical perspective; and must it operate under the presumption that social agents, including sociologists themselves, are incapable of reflexivity? Certainly some have said so, but they may be wrong. In this essay, I address these questions in the light of Durkheim's revisionary sociology of morals. I elaborate on unfinished elements in Durkheim's abruptly concluded (because of his early and unexpected death) scholarship, pointing out Durkheim's (...)
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  • Den Moralske Virkelighed.Asger Sørensen - 2012 - Malmö: Nsu Press.
    Den moralske virkelighed er en filosofisk undersøgelse af moral og etik i videst mulige forstand, der bunder i en frustration over oplevelser med den filosofiske etik. Den filosofiske etik skal vejlede os moralsk i vore handlinger, men det synes som om den hverken kan hjælpe os med det eller redegøre for moralen. Moral er et samfundsmæssigt fænomen, men det gør den filosofiske etik typisk ikke meget ud af. I en situation, hvor etikken er i krise, er det derfor værd at (...)
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  • Historia de Vida: ¿Un método para las ciencias sociales?Eliane Veras - 2010 - Cinta de Moebio 39:142-152.
    Desde su formulación hasta nuestros días, la historia de vida ha sido utilizada como una técnica de investigación importante en el campo de las ciencias sociales. En este artículo reflexiono sobre las posibilidades de profundización de la historia de vida con el objetivo de aplicarla como un método ..
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