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Parcours deux: 1951-1961

Paris, France: Éditions Verdier (2000)

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  1. Merleau-Ponty’s Gordian knot: Transcendental phenomenology, science, and naturalism.Jack Reynolds - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (1):81-104.
    In this paper I explore a series of fertile ambiguities that Merleau-Ponty’s work is premised upon. These ambiguities concern some of the central methodological commitments of his work, in particular his commitment to transcendental phenomenology and how he transforms that tradition, and his relationship to science and philosophical naturalism and what they suggest about his philosophical methodology. Many engagements with Merleau-Ponty’s work that are more ‘analytic’ in orientation either deflate it of its transcendental heritage, or offer a “modest” rendering of (...)
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  • The Temporality of Life: Merleau‐Ponty, Bergson, and the Immemorial Past.Alia Al-Saji - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (2):177-206.
    Borrowing conceptual tools from Bergson, this essay asks after the shift in the temporality of life from Merleau‐Ponty's Phénoménologie de la perception to his later works. Although the Phénoménologie conceives life in terms of the field of presence of bodily action, later texts point to a life of invisible and immemorial dimensionality. By reconsidering Bergson, but also thereby revising his reading of Husserl, Merleau‐Ponty develops a nonserial theory of time in the later works, one that acknowledges the verticality and irreducibility (...)
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  • Image and ontology in Merleau-Ponty.Trevor Perri - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (1):75-97.
    Although better known for his phenomenology of perception and the perceived world, Merleau-Ponty’s writings also contain the outlines of a rich and unique account of the imagination and the imaginary. In this paper, I explicate the phenomenology of the image that Merleau-Ponty develops throughout his work. I show how Merleau-Ponty develops this account of the image in critical response to Sartre and in a way that follows from his own descriptions of what painters do when they paint and of what (...)
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  • The Trio of Time: On Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Time.Yubin Shen - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (4):511-528.
    The transition from “natural” sensation to “phenomenological” perception is revealed since the dynamic temporality within perception is elaborated by Merleau-Ponty. Inheriting Husserl’s phenomenology of time-consciousness and clarifying temporal elements within body schema, Merleau-Ponty assimilates phenomenological temporality into phenomenal body. With the analyses of spatial synthesis in terms of “depth,” the original unity between temporality of perception and spatiality of body is illuminated. It makes the transition from “temporality of consciousness,” to “temporality of body ” possible. Further, by introducing the corporeal (...)
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  • Biosemiotics and Applied Evolutionary Epistemology: A Comparison.Nathalie Gontier & M. Facoetti - 2021 - In Nathalie Gontier & M. Facoetti (eds.), In: Pagni E., Theisen Simanke R. (eds) Biosemiotics and Evolution. Interdisciplinary Evolution Research, vol 6. Springer, Cham. Cham: pp. 175-199.
    Both biosemiotics and evolutionary epistemology are concerned with how knowledge evolves. (Applied) Evolutionary Epistemology thereby focuses on identifying the units, levels, and mechanisms or processes that underlie the evolutionary development of knowing and knowledge, while biosemiotics places emphasis on the study of how signs underlie the development of meaning. We compare the two schools of thought and analyze how in delineating their research program, biosemiotics runs into several problems that are overcome by evolutionary epistemologists. For one, by emphasizing signs, biosemiotics (...)
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  • Merleau-Ponty and the Problem of Truth: Little Gauss´ Story and the Sum of the Angles of the Triangle.Martín Buceta - 2018 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 29:225-248.
    ABSTRACT This paper aims to elucidate the problem of truth as Merleau-Ponty treats it. To achieve this we will analyze two of the examples considered by the author and we will seek to hold, on the basis of these, that any formalization is always retrospective and "feeds on intuitive thought", it is in the intuition where all certainty is formed and a truth appears. The proper place of truth will be the one of the recovery of the object of thought (...)
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  • Fenomenologia da linguagem e intersubjetividade em Merleau-Ponty/Phenomenology of Language and Intersubjectivity in Merleau-Ponty.Rodrigo Alvarenga - 2014 - Natureza Humana 16 (1).
    Resumo: O problema da intersubjetividade, tal como colocado pela filosofia da consciência, exigiu de Merleau-Ponty uma investigação de alguns aspectos essenciais envolvidos no fenômeno da comunicação, tais como o valor expressivo da palavra e a questão da verdade, o que acabou por inserir o filósofo no cenário das grandes discussões linguísticas. Pelo aprofundamento especulativo em direção à camada pré-reflexiva da existência, a análise da linguagem e da intersubjetividade favoreceram não apenas a compreensão da questão da criação de novos significados: ela (...)
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  • Merleau-Ponty y la ontología de la naturaleza: intercorporalidad, negatividad y dialéctica.Maximiliano Basilio Cladakis - 2016 - Dianoia 61 (77):83-108.
    Resumen: El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es explicar cómo la elaboración de una ontología de la naturaleza por parte de Merleau-Ponty se circunscribe en el intento de elaborar un pensamiento del ser que no haga de éste un elemento del pensamiento abstracto, sino que dé cuenta de la experiencia concreta del ser en el mundo. En este sentido, son fundamentales los conceptos de intercorporalidad, negatividad y dialéctica.: The aim of the following work is to explain how the elaboration of an (...)
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  • Sócrates y la crisis de la filosofía: perspectivas fenomenológicas.Maximiliano Basilio Cladakis & Graciela Esther Ralón - 2019 - Universitas Philosophica 36 (73):39-61.
    This paper aims to articulate the way in which Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Jan Patočka revisit the figure of Socrates as a way of overcoming what they view as the “crisis of philosophy”, discussing both their points of convergence and divergence. To this end, the paper unfolds in three sections. The first section will address the general sense of historical crisis in which the said crisis of philosophy arises. The second section turns around Merleau-Ponty’s proposal of a return to Socrates as (...)
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  • El acontecimiento como enigma y huella.Graciela Ralón - 2020 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 75.
    El propósito de este trabajo apunta, en primer lugar, a dilucidar en la _Fenomenología de la percepción_, el marco a partir del cual el autor comprende la historia y, en particular, el acontecimiento histórico. Según mi opinión, la descripción de este marco, de fuerte carácter existencialista, nos permitirá, en un segundo momento, avanzar hacia los rasgos específicos del acontecimiento histórico: singularidad, generalidad y contingencia, que ofrecen la clave para comprender en qué medida el acontecimiento es, desde la mirada merleau-pontyana, enigma (...)
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  • El cuerpo, las cosas y el otro como sistemas de equivalencias: una lectura desde la interpretación del inconsciente.Graciela Ralón de Walton - 2014 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 21:181-199.
    La noción de sistema de equivalencias adquiere en la fenomenología merleaupon-tyana un lugar central, puesto que allí subyace una función general de transposición tácita. Se trata de un principio de comprensión sin explicación analógica, una síntesis sin análisis, tal como puede observarse, por ejemplo, en la plasticidad, la transferi-bilidad y la analogicidad que caracteriza a los hábitos. Sobre esta base, este artículo seguirá un camino regresivo a fin de desvelar que el sentido de las equivalencias y transposiciones está latente en (...)
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  • Nota sobre la introducción de la fenomenología de Merleau-Ponty en la Argentina. La importancia de la Estética de Guerrero.Roberto J. Walton - 2020 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 75.
    El artículo comienza con una breve referencia a la introducción de la fenomenología de Merleau-Ponty en la Argentina. Se consideran primero las contribuciones de Luis M. Ravagnan y Carlos L. Ceriotto para pasar luego a un examen de las referencias efectuadas por Luis Juan Guerrero en su _Estética_. En relación con la estética de las manifestaciones artísticas se pone énfasis en la noción merleau-pontyana de lenguaje indirecto y en la significación de las voces del silencio. En lo que concierne a (...)
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  • Representationalism and the linguistic question in early modern philosophy.Dachun Yang - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (4):595-606.
    The view of language is greatly changed from early modern philosophy to later modern philosophy and to postmodern philosophy. The linguistic question in early modern philosophy, which is characterized by rationalism and empiricism, is discussed in this paper. Linguistic phenomena are not at the center of philosophical reflections in early modern philosophy. The subject of consciousness is at the center of the philosophy, which makes language serve purely as an instrument for representing thoughts. Locke, Leibniz and Descartes consider language from (...)
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  • Universality in the making The case for an expanded genealogy.Josep Maria Bech - 2022 - Tropos. Rivista di Ermeneutica e Critica Filosofica 14 (1):13-36.
    This paper studies five approaches on the future of alterity that awaits ideas and doctrines. According to these predictions, embedded in texts by Weber, Meinecke, Butterfield, Merleau-Ponty and Koselleck, the coming forms of thinking shall endure the same destiny affecting the ideas of the past because they will evolve without relying on historical sameness. The future of Western thought, in short, is bound to an unpredictable “destiny of otherness”. These claims, taken together, outline a redirection of the genealogical untangling to (...)
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  • Naître du monde et naître au monde. Merleau-Ponty / Patočka.Frederic Jacquet - 2013 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 5 (1):61-82.
    The phenomenon of birth is here to be presented as a crucial one, discreet though, into Merleau-Ponty and Patočka’s philosophy. So it deserves a confrontation of their respective thoughts. Both of them have radicalised Husserl’s phenomenology into a philosophy of birth. This phenomenological achievement includes an ontology of birth, which feeds an anthropology in a brand new way, presented in the following pages.
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