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  1. African Philosophy of Religion: Concepts of God, Ancestors, and the Problem of Evil.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues & Ada Agada - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (8):e12864.
    Philosophy Compass, Volume 17, Issue 8, August 2022.
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  • How African Conceptions of God Bear on Life's Meaning.Thaddeus Metz - 2023 - Religious Studies 59 (2):340-354.
    Up to now, a very large majority of work in the religious philosophy of life’s meaning has presumed a conception of God that is Abrahamic. In contrast, in this essay I critically discuss some of the desirable and undesirable facets of Traditional African Religion’s salient conceptions of God as they bear on meaning in life. Given an interest in a maximally meaningful life, and supposing meaning would come from fulfiling God’s purpose for us, would it be reasonable to prefer God (...)
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  • Molefe on Wiredu's Humanistic Interpretation of Akan (African) Ethics.Ada Agada - 2023 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 70 (175):1-23.
    In his 2015 Theoria article titled ‘A Rejection of Humanism in African Moral Tradition’, Motsamai Molefe argues that Kwasi Wiredu's humanistic interpretation of traditional Akan ethics cannot be the best account of African ethics because Wiredu overlooks the significant sentiment in traditional African thought that regards reality as a holistic totality of spiritual, social and environmental components. I point out that Molefe's rejection of Wiredu's humanism follows from the latter's de-emphasising of supernaturalism. I argue that Molefe overlooks the fact that (...)
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  • African Liveliness as a Secular Moral Theory: Problems and Prospects.Kirk Lougheed - 2024 - The Monist 107 (3):225-236.
    An important belief in African Traditional Religion holds that everything, both animate and inanimate objects, are imbued with an imperceptible energy known as life force. Since life force is the greatest value, it is the grounds of morality. However, it is undertheorized in contemporary African ethics, with work on personhood and harmonious relationships taking centerstage. I seek to fill this gap in the literature by further developing an entirely secular and naturalistic moral theory of life force that avoids metaphysical controversies (...)
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  • Comparing the Meaningfulness of Finite and Infinite Lives: Can We Reap What We Sow if We Are Immortal?Thaddeus Metz - 2021 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 90:105-123.
    On the rise over the past 20 years has been ‘moderate supernaturalism’, the view that while a meaningful life is possible in a world without God or a soul, a much greater meaning would be possible only in a world with them. William Lane Craig can be read as providing an important argument for a version of this view, according to which only with God and a soul could our lives have an eternal, as opposed to temporally limited, significance, by (...)
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  • Recent Work in African Normative Theory.Kirk Lougheed - forthcoming - Analysis.
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  • African Philosophy of Religion and Western Monotheism.Kirk Lougheed, Motsamai Molefe & Thaddeus Metz - 2024 - Cambridge University Press. Edited by Motsamai Molefe & Thaddeus Metz.
    The Abrahamic faiths of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are typically recognized as the world’s major monotheistic religions. However, African Traditional Religion is, despite often including lesser spirits and gods, a monotheistic religion with numerous adherents in sub-Saharan Africa; it includes the idea of a single most powerful God responsible for the creation and sustenance of everything else. This Element focuses on drawing attention to this major world religion that has been much neglected by scholars around the globe, particularly those working (...)
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  • “Who/What Neglected the Monotheism?”: A Panentheistic Rejoinder to Thaddeus Metz and Motsamai Molefe on African Traditional Religion.Emmanuel Ofuasia - 2022 - Philosophia Africana 21 (2):78-99.
    Neglected monotheism is how Thaddeus Metz and Motsamai Molefe designate the common denominator among the various religious cultures found across sub-Saharan Africa. This is a product of their engagement with such traditional African religious themes as God’s nature, God’s will, life beyond death, and the duration of existence beyond or without a body consequent on death. This article uses traditional Yoruba theology and its ritual archive, the Ifa corpus, to argue that Metz and Molefe’s monotheistic proposal is a hasty generalization. (...)
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  • Christianity in the Kingdom of Kongo and Western Theism: A Comparative Study of the Problem of Evil.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues - 2022 - Philosophia Africana 21 (1):13-27.
    Philosophers have been intrigued by the problem of evil for centuries: How can God and evil coexist? This article tries to answer this question by using Kongolese religious thought from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. I contend that the Kongolese view gleaned from historical sources and complemented by contemporary African philosophical scholarship contains sufficient resources to reply to this problem coherently. Particularly, I argue that, from the Kongolese viewpoint, evil in the world can be explained as follows. God and other (...)
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  • Teaching & Learning Guide for: The Axiology of Theism: Problems and Prospects.Kirk Lougheed - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (9):e12874.
    Philosophy Compass, Volume 17, Issue 9, September 2022.
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  • Between Kwasi Wiredu’s Humanistic Ethics and Motsamai Molefe’s Supernaturalist Ethics.Ada Agada - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (4):2285-2299.
    Wiredu has argued that traditional Akan (African) ethics is humanistic in orientation and that human welfare, rather than God’s will, is the basis of morality. In response, Motsamai Molefe asserts that Wiredu’s conclusion overlooks the supernaturalist dimension of traditional African ontology which presents God as the apex being in the universe and the ultimate ground of reality. According to Molefe, a vitalistic conception of God supports the claim that an African supernaturalist ethics is possible. He proceeds to develop an intriguing (...)
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  • Okot p’Bitek’s case against traditional African theism.Ada Agada - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (3):247-256.
    In this article, I locate Okot p’Bitek’s evaluation of African traditional religion and his critique of the traditional African theistic stance in the broader African limited God tradition. I argue that while p’Bitek’s claim is plausible that traditional African societies do not believe in a supreme being that possesses the omni-properties in the context of commitment to the limitation thesis, the other claim, that these societies are atheistic because they merely acknowledge the reality of mystical forces and powers rather than (...)
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  • A Critique of Oyowe’s Mind-Dependent Ancestral Persistence Thesis.Dennis Masaka - 2024 - Philosophia Africana 23 (1):21-28.
    This article reacts to Oyowe’s understanding of the personal existence of ancestral persons as real mind-dependent entities. The article’s author’s contention is that Oyowe has not managed to rule out the alternative that the author is sympathetic to, namely, that ancestral persons are real mind-independent entities that continue to exist even when, through forgetfulness, they cease to exist in the memory of humans. This article calls Oyowe’s mind-dependent alternative the “safe” one, as it appears easier to defend than the “unsafe,” (...)
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