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  1. Allomaternal Investment and Relational Uncertainty among Ngandu Farmers of the Central African Republic.Courtney L. Meehan - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (2):211-226.
    Several studies have suggested a matrilateral bias in allomaternal (non-maternal) infant and child caregiving. The bias has been associated with the allomother’s certainty of genetic relatedness, where allomothers with high certainty of genetic relatedness will invest more in children because of potential fitness benefits. Using quantitative behavioral observations collected on Ngandu 8- to 12-month-old infants from the Central African Republic, I examine who is caring for infants and test whether certainty of genetic relatedness may influence investment by allomothers. Results indicate (...)
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  • Kin Relationships and the Caregiving Biases of Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles.Alexander Pashos & Donald H. McBurney - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (3):311-330.
    Paternity certainty and matrilineal family ties have been used to explain the asymmetric caregiving of grandparents and aunts and uncles. The proximate mechanisms underlying biased kin investment, however, remain unclear. A central question of the study presented here was whether the parent-kin relationship is an important link in the caregiving. In a two-generational questionnaire study, we asked subjects to estimate the intensity of their relationships to parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles (emotional closeness, investment received in childhood). In addition, the subjects’ (...)
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  • Grandparental investment: Past, present, and future.David A. Coall & Ralph Hertwig - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):1-19.
    What motivates grandparents to their altruism? We review answers from evolutionary theory, sociology, and economics. Sometimes in direct conflict with each other, these accounts of grandparental investment exist side-by-side, with little or no theoretical integration. They all account for some of the data, and none account for all of it. We call for a more comprehensive theoretical framework of grandparental investment that addresses its proximate and ultimate causes, and its variability due to lineage, values, norms, institutions (e.g., inheritance laws), and (...)
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  • Explicit and implicit values of polish grandmothers and their granddaughters.Karolina Pietras & Krzysztof Mudyń - 2009 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 40 (2):62-68.
    Explicit and implicit values of polish grandmothers and their granddaughters The authors tried to determine if and to what extent maternal granddaughters share the explicit and implicit values of their grandmothers. 80 grandmothers-granddaughter dyads were surveyed using Schwartz' SVS and Mudyń's RN-02, an instrument assigned to identify "ontological orientations". The results indicate that: 1) grandmothers differ significantly from granddaughters in all ontological orientations, especially in Theoretical and Religious orientation, 2) they differ also in personal values, except for Universalism and Power, (...)
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  • Grandparental Effects on Fertility Vary by Lineage in the United Kingdom.Antti O. Tanskanen, Markus Jokela, Mirkka Danielsbacka & Anna Rotkirch - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (2):269-284.
    Grandparental presence is known to correlate with the number of grandchildren born, and this effect may vary according to grandparental sex and lineage. However, existing studies of grandparental effects on fertility mostly concern traditional subsistence societies, while evidence from contemporary developed societies is both scarce and mixed. Here, we explore how grandparents affect the transition to second and subsequent children in the contemporary United Kingdom. The longitudinal Millennium Cohort Study (n = 10,295 families) was used to study the association between (...)
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  • Testing evolutionary theories of discriminative grandparental investment.Ralf Kaptijn, Fleur Thomese, Aart C. Liefbroer & Merril Silverstein - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (3):289-310.
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  • The generation game is the cooperation game: The role of grandparents in the timing of reproduction.Rebecca Sear & Thomas E. Dickins - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):34-35.
    Coall & Hertwig (C&H) demonstrate the importance of grandparents to children, even in low fertility societies. We suggest policy-makers interested in reproductive timing in such contexts should be alerted to the practical applications of this cooperative breeding framework. The presence or absence of a supportive kin network could help explain why some women begin their reproductive careers or.
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  • Toward an integrative framework of grandparental investment.David A. Coall & Ralph Hertwig - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):40-59.
    This response outlines more reasons why we need the integrative framework of grandparental investments and intergenerational transfers that we advocated in the target article. We discusses obstacles that stand in the way of such a framework and of a better understanding of the effects of grandparenting in the developed world. We highlight new research directions that have emerged from the commentaries, and we end by discussing some of the things in our target article about which we may have been wrong.
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  • Grandparental investment facilitates harmonization of work and family in employed parents: A lifespan psychological perspective.Christiane A. Hoppmann & Petra L. Klumb - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):27-28.
    The target article emphasizes the need to identify psychological mechanisms underlying grandparental investment, particularly in low-risk family contexts. We extend this approach by addressing the changing demands of balancing work and family in low-risk families. Taking a lifespan psychological perspective, we identify additional motivators and potential benefits of grandparental investment for grandparents themselves and for subsequent generations.
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  • Who Supports Breastfeeding Mothers?Jayme Cisco - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (2):231-253.
    Breastfeeding is one important form of maternal investment that is influenced by support from kin and non-kin. This paper investigates who provides support for breastfeeding mothers and their children, what type of support they provide, and how support impacts breastfeeding duration. The data were derived from a survey of 594 American mothers and were analyzed using quantitative methods, including Cox regression. Analyses indicate that mothers receive significant support, particularly from spouses and maternal grandmothers. More frequent breastfeeding discussions with La Leche (...)
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  • Lineage, Sex, and Wealth as Moderators of Kin Investment.Gregory D. Webster, Angela Bryan, Charles B. Crawford, Lisa McCarthy & Brandy H. Cohen - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (2):189-210.
    Supporting Hamilton’s inclusive fitness theory, archival analyses of inheritance patterns in wills have revealed that people invest more of their estates in kin of closer genetic relatedness. Recent classroom experiments have shown that this genetic relatedness effect is stronger for relatives of direct lineage (children, grandchildren) than for relatives of collateral lineage (siblings, nieces, nephews). In the present research, multilevel modeling of more than 1,000 British Columbian wills revealed a positive effect of genetic relatedness on proportions of estates allocated to (...)
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  • Reevaluating the grandmother hypothesis.Aja Watkins - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-29.
    Menopause is an evolutionary mystery: how could living longer with no capacity to reproduce possibly be advantageous? Several explanations have been offered for why female humans, unlike our closest primate relatives, have such an extensive post-reproductive lifespan. Proponents of the so-called “grandmother hypothesis” suggest that older women are able to increase their fitness by helping to care for their grandchildren as allomothers. This paper first distinguishes the grandmother hypothesis from several other hypotheses that attempt to explain menopause, and then develops (...)
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  • The evolutionary versus socio-economic view on grandparenthood: What are the grandparents' underlying motivations?Alexander Pashos - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):33-34.
    Coall & Hertwig (C&H) give an ambitious review about the broad range of grandparenting literature from the perspective of different disciplines. They aim to show, how evolutionary theory, sociology, and economics can mutually enrich each other. However, the differences between the evolutionary and the socio-economic perspective should be more clearly pointed out, because they usually deal with different research questions. Grandparents' well-being could be divided into its underlying components.
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  • Discriminative Grandparental Investment in China.Liqun Luo, Yinan Zuo & Xinzhu Xiong - 2024 - Human Nature 35 (1):21-42.
    Many studies in Western societies show a pattern of discriminative grandparental investment as follows: maternal grandmothers (MGMs) > maternal grandfathers (MGFs) > paternal grandmothers (PGMs) > paternal grandfathers (PGFs). This pattern is in line with the expectation from evolutionary reasoning. Yet whether or not this pattern applies in China is in question. The present study was based on a questionnaire survey at a university in Central China (N = 1,195). Results show that (1) when grandparent–grandchild residential distance during grandchildren’s childhood (...)
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