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  1. Machiavelli and the liberalism of fear.Thomas Osborne - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (5):68-85.
    This article revisits the long-standing question of the relations between ethics and politics in Machiavelli’s work, assessing its relevance to the ‘liberalism of fear’ in particular in the work of Judith Shklar, Bernard Williams and also John Dunn. The article considers ways in which Machiavelli has been a ‘negative’ resource for liberalism – for instance, as a presumed proponent of tyranny; but also ways in which even for the liberalism of fear he might be considered a ‘positive’ resource, above all (...)
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  • Ideological Struggle as Agonistic Conflict (Anti)Hypocrisy, Free Speech and Critical Social Justice.Christof Royer - 2021 - Jus Cogens 3 (3):257-278.
    This article addresses two questions: How should a ‘practical political theory’ approach the ideological struggle between advocates of critical social justice and defenders of free speech? And, what does this conflict tell us about the deficits of one particular tradition of practical political theory — namely, agonistic democracy? The paper’s purpose, then, is to illuminate a concrete contemporary phenomenon through the lens of agonistic theory and, conversely, to use this struggle as an impetus to carve out and address weaknesses in (...)
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  • Hope and memory in the thought of Judith Shklar.Katrina Forrester - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (3):591-620.
    Current interpretations of the political theory of Judith Shklar focus to a disabling extent on her short, late article (1989); commentators take this late essay as representative of her work as a whole and thus characterize her as an anti-totalitarian, Cold War liberal. Other interpretations situate her political thought alongside followers of John Rawls and liberal political philosophy. Challenging the centrality of fear in Shklar's thought, this essay examines her writings on utopian and normative thought, the role of history in (...)
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  • On militant democracy’s institutional conservatism.Patrick Nitzschner - 2025 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 51 (1):29-49.
    This article critically reconstructs militant democracy’s ‘institutional conservatism’, a theoretical preference for institutions that restrain transformation. It offers two arguments, one historical and one normative. Firstly, it traces a historical development from a substantive to a procedural version of institutional conservatism from the traditional militant democratic thought of Schmitt, Loewenstein and Popper to the contemporary militant democratic theories of Kirshner and Rijpkema. Substantive institutional conservatisms theorize institutions that hinder transformation of the existing order; procedural conservatisms encourage transformation but contain and (...)
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  • Liberalism reinvents itself Liberalism Against Itself: Cold War Intellectuals and the Making of Our Times , by Samuel Moyn, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2023, 240 pp., $27.50, ISBN 9780300266214. [REVIEW]Arthur Ghins - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review.
    Samuel Moyn’s books center around dramatic turns in the history of political thought. The Last Utopia argued that it was not until the 1970s that human rights became the centerpiece of our vision o...
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  • Judith N Shklar as theorist of political obligation.William E. Scheuerman - 2019 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (2):366-376.
    The useful publication of Judith N Shklar's final undergraduate lectures at Harvard provides an opportunity to take a careful look at her reflections on political obligation, a matter always of gre...
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  • Laclau’s New Postmodern Radicalism: Politics, Democracy, and the Epistemology of Certainty.Pedro Góis Moreira - 2022 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 34 (2):244-278.
    A timeless critique holds that the radical is animated by a deep sense of certainty that leads to the worst excesses. By distinguishing essentialist and non-essentialist forms of radicalism, Ernesto Laclau offers a “coalitional” form of radicalism that, in effect, responds to this critique. Laclau deconstructs classical forms of radicalism, such as Marxism, to show how one can use some of their formal components, such as dichotomic rhetoric and a notion of utopia, without assuming that their particular content (e.g., the (...)
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  • In Search of the Decent Society: Isaiah Berlin and Raymond Aron on Liberty.Aurelian Craiutu - 2020 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 32 (4):407-433.
    ABSTRACT Jeremy Waldron has argued that Berlin ignored the importance of institutions and constitutions and worked with an impoverished conception of social and political design. Political structures, legal and political institutions, constitutional design, mechanisms of representation and the rule of law: all this remained untouched by Berlin, who seemed, in Waldron’s opinion, largely uninterested in the actual political institutions of liberal society. In this essay, I argue that what may be missing in Berlin—close and sustained attention to, and interest in, (...)
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  • Cold war liberalism in West Germany: Richard Löwenthal and ‘Western civilization’.Riccardo Bavaj - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (3):607-624.
    Richard Löwenthal’s response to the challenges of ‘1968’ was more complex than that of most of his liberal colleagues. He did not simply remain beholden to the interpretative patterns of a German ‘special path’ (Sonderweg). He also, and increasingly so, drew on the conceptual framework of ‘Western civilization’ to make sense of and cope with the socio-cultural transformations of his times. What many like-minded intellectuals perceived solely as a ‘deviation from the West’, he also viewed as a ‘crisis of the (...)
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  • Libéralisme ou démocratie? Raymond Aron lecteur de Friedrich Hayek.Gwendal Châton - 2016 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 17 (1):103-134.
    Cet article revient en détail sur la critique du libéralisme de Friedrich Hayek délivrée par Raymond Aron, sur une période qui court des années 1940 au début des années 1980. A partir d’une relecture croisée des principaux textes de ces deux philosophes du second xx e siècle, il cherche à montrer que leurs oppositions – sur la place laissée aux libertés économiques, sur la définition même du concept de liberté et sur la manière d’envisager la démocratie – révèlent l’existence de (...)
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