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  1. Negative Requests Within Hair Salons: Grammar and Embodiment in Action Formation.Anne-Sylvie Horlacher - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:689563.
    Although requests constitute a type of action that have been widely discussed within conversation analysis-oriented work, they have only recently begun to be explored in relation to the situated and multimodal dimensions in which they occur. The contribution of this paper resides in the integration of bodily-visual conduct (gaze and facial expression, gesture and locomotion, object manipulation) into a more grammatical account of requesting. Drawing on video recordings collected in two different hair salons located in the French-speaking part of Switzerland (...)
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  • Intercorporeal Construction of We-Ness in Classroom Interaction.Pilvi Heinonen & Liisa Tainio - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (4):655-678.
    Drawing on multimodal conversation analysis as a method, this article explores the role of embodiment and tactility in negotiating peer relations in classroom interaction. We aim at discussing how social relations between peers are locally constructed and negotiated through embodied, tactile-haptic, and spatial practices during classroom activities. The focus of the empirical analysis is on how students sequentially co-construct specific peer-to-peer touch type—sustained leaning touch—as well as how embodied two-student formations, synchronization of bodily movements and negotiation of personal space serves (...)
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  • Sketching landscapes in discourse analysis (1978–2018): A bibliometric study.Xinchao Guan & Changpeng Huan - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (6):697-719.
    John Swales’ 1986 article ‘Citation analysis and discourse analysis’ was the first to apply citation analysis to describe in-text citations in the field of discourse analysis. Howard White’s 2004 article ‘Citation analysis and discourse analysis revisited’ was written by an information scientist and primarily focused on citation analysis and discourse analysis. Here, we cast a wider net by conducting a bibliometric analysis of discourse analysis to sketch its scientific landscape between 1978 and 2018. Our findings show that discourse analysis has (...)
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  • The Intelligibility of Haptic Perception in Instructional Sequences: When Visually Impaired People Achieve Object Understanding.Brian L. Due & Louise Lüchow - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (1):163-182.
    In this paper, we study the interactional organization of an instructed object exploration among sighted and visually impaired people (VIPs) in order to contribute to studies of instructional activities and the observable accomplishment of haptic perception. We do this by showing the situated, interactional, and co-operative organization of achieving object understanding. We focus on the dynamics of haptic perception as being reliant on instructions, while at the same time being an observable production that furnishes further instructions. We show the organization (...)
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  • Contextualisations d’extraits de jeux vidéo et prises en compte des ressources multimodales pour une analyse des pratiques interactionnelles entre joueurs.Isabel Colón de Carvajal - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 27 (HS).
    Notre travail s’inscrit dans les ancrages théoriques de l’ethnométhodologie et de l’analyse conversationnelle. Notre intérêt est avant tout d’analyser les pratiques interactionnelles entre joueurs en situation de jeux vidéo ; et d’autre part, de comparer différents jeux sur le plan de leur organisation interactionnelle ainsi que leur structure séquentielle et multimodale. Á partir des pratiques de joueurs, nous questionnons les problèmes et contraintes rencontrés, d’une part lors des analyses de ces données en situation de jeux vidéo, et d’autre part lors (...)
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  • Expertise and the work of football match analysts in TV sport broadcasts.Gian Marco Campagnolo & Giolo Fele - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (5):616-635.
    In this paper we describe expertise as a way of seeing. We use match analysis `punditry’ as a setting to show how professional vision is interactionally achieved in TV sport broadcasts through environmentally coupled gestures enhanced by camera actions and a new technology of vision called telestrator. The paper is based on data from video sequences of football TV broadcasts where the pundit shows to the TV host in the studio and to the non-expert audience at home what happened during (...)
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  • Repair: The Interface Between Interaction and Cognition.Saul Albert & J. P. de Ruiter - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (2):279-313.
    Albert and De Ruiter provide an introduction to the Conversation Analytic approach to ‘repair’: the ways in which people detect and deal with troubles in speaking, hearing and understanding in conversation. They explain the basic turn‐taking structures involved, provide examples, explain recent developments in the field and highlight some important points of contact and contrast with work in the Cognitive Sciences.
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  • On the Emergence of Routines: An Interactional Micro-history of Rehearsing a Scene.Axel Schmidt & Arnulf Deppermann - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (2):273-302.
    In workplace settings, skilled participants cooperate on the basis of shared routines in smooth and often implicit ways. Our study shows how interactional histories provide the basis for routine coordination. We draw on theater rehearsals as a perspicuous setting for tracking interactional histories. In theater rehearsals, the process of building performing routines is in focus. Our study builds on collections of consecutive performances of the same instructional task coming from a corpus of video-recordings of 30 h of theater rehearsals of (...)
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  • Assembling (non) treatable cases: The communicative constitution of medical object in doctor–doctor interaction.Marzia Saglietti, Arturo Chieregato & Letizia Caronia - 2017 - Discourse Studies 19 (1):30-48.
    Research on medical interactions shows how the discursive construction of the clinical case impacts diagnostic reasoning and treatment recommendations. Drawing on an ethnographic study in an intensive care unit, we illustrate how this process is at play in a ward that adopts an extreme, guideline-divergent policy as to the use of antibiotics. The article focuses on how physicians assemble the case as ‘treatable’ or ‘not yet treatable’, and how in doing so they ‘talk into being’ two contrastive policies on antibiotics (...)
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