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  1. Algorithmic correspondence and canonicity for non-distributive logics.Willem Conradie & Alessandra Palmigiano - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (9):923-974.
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  • Generalized Kripke semantics for the Lambek-Grishin calculus.A. Chernilovskaya, M. Gehrke & L. van Rooijen - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (6):1110-1132.
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  • Lambek vs. Lambek: Functorial vector space semantics and string diagrams for Lambek calculus.Bob Coecke, Edward Grefenstette & Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (11):1079-1100.
    The Distributional Compositional Categorical model is a mathematical framework that provides compositional semantics for meanings of natural language sentences. It consists of a computational procedure for constructing meanings of sentences, given their grammatical structure in terms of compositional type-logic, and given the empirically derived meanings of their words. For the particular case that the meaning of words is modelled within a distributional vector space model, its experimental predictions, derived from real large scale data, have outperformed other empirically validated methods that (...)
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  • Is Classical Mathematics Appropriate for Theory of Computation?Farzad Didehvar - manuscript
    Throughout this paper, we are trying to show how and why our Mathematical frame-work seems inappropriate to solve problems in Theory of Computation. More exactly, the concept of turning back in time in paradoxes causes inconsistency in modeling of the concept of Time in some semantic situations. As we see in the first chapter, by introducing a version of “Unexpected Hanging Paradox”,first we attempt to open a new explanation for some paradoxes. In the second step, by applying this paradox, it (...)
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  • On Involutive Nonassociative Lambek Calculus.Wojciech Buszkowski - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (2):157-181.
    Involutive Nonassociative Lambek Calculus is a nonassociative version of Noncommutative Multiplicative Linear Logic, but the multiplicative constants are not admitted. InNL adds two linear negations to Nonassociative Lambek Calculus ; it is a strongly conservative extension of NL Logical aspects of computational linguistics. LNCS, vol 10054. Springer, Berlin, pp 68–84, 2016). Here we also add unary modalities satisfying the residuation law and De Morgan laws. For the resulting logic InNLm, we define and study phase spaces. We use them to prove (...)
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