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The Monist 63 (2):156-171 (1980)

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  1. For the Benefit of Another: Children, Moral Decency, and Non-therapeutic Medical Procedures.Robert Noggle - 2013 - HEC Forum 25 (4):289-310.
    Parents are usually appreciated as possessing legitimate moral authority to compel children to make at least modest sacrifices in the service of widely shared values of moral decency. This essay argues that such authority justifies allowing parents to authorize a child to serve as an organ or tissue donor in certain circumstances, such as to authorize bone marrow donations to save a sibling with whom the potential donor shares a deep emotional bond. The approach explored here suggests, however, that at (...)
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  • Price gouging and the duty of easy rescue.Elizabeth Brake - 2021 - Economics and Philosophy 37 (3):329-352.
    What, if anything, is wrong with price gouging? Its defenders argue that it increases supply of scarce necessities; critics argue that it is exploitative, inequitable and vicious. In this paper, I argue for its moral wrongness and legal prohibition, without relying on charges of exploitation, inequity or poor character. What is fundamentally wrong with price gouging is that it violates a duty of easy rescue. While legal enforcement of such duties is controversial, a special case can be made for their (...)
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  • The Morality of Blackmail.James R. Shaw - 2012 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 40 (3):165-196.
    Blackmail raises a pair of parallel legal and moral problems, sometimes referred to as the "paradox of blackmail". It is sometimes legal and morally permissible to ask someone for money, or to threaten to release harmful information about them, while it is illegal and morally impermissible to do these actions jointly. I address the moral version of this paradox by bringing instances of blackmail under a general account of wrongful coercion. According to this account, and contrary to the appearances which (...)
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  • Coercion, fraud, and what is wrong with blackmail.Stephen Galoob - 2016 - Legal Theory 22 (1):22-58.
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  • May We Stop Worrying about Blackmail?Saul Smilansky - 1995 - Analysis 55 (2):116 - 120.
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  • The Second Paradox of Blackmail.Hans-Hermann Hoppe - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (3):593-622.
    One so-called paradox of blackmail concerns the fact that “two legal whites together make a black.” That is, it is licit to threaten to reveal a person’s secret, and it is separately lawful to ask him for money; but when both are undertaken at once, together, this act iscalled blackmail and is prohibited. A second so-called paradox is that if the blackmailer initiates the act, this is seen by jurists asblackmail and illicit, while if the blackmailee (the person blackmailed) originates (...)
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  • The crime of blackmail: A libertarian critique.Walter Block - 1999 - Criminal Justice Ethics 18 (2):3-10.
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  • Choice of Evils: In Search of a Viable Rationale.Vera Bergelson - 2012 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 6 (3):289-305.
    The defense of necessity, also known as the “choice of evils,” reflects popular moral intuitions and common sense: sometimes, breaking the rules is the right—indeed, the only—thing to do in order to avoid a greater evil. Citing a classic example, mountain climbers may break into a cabin to wait out a deadly snow storm and appropriate the owner’s provisions because their property violations are a lesser evil compared to the loss of life. At the same time, this defense contradicts the (...)
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  • The Ontological Status of Consent and its Implications for the Law on Rape.H. M. Malm - 1996 - Legal Theory 2 (2):147-164.
    One of the dominant themes of the symposium from which this collection of articles arose was the ontological status of consent. Is consent a particular state of mind? Is it the signification of that state of mind via a conventionally recognized act? Or, is consent a normative concept that evaluates not only the presence of a state of mind or act, but also the appropriateness of that state of mind or act in the particular circumstances?
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  • In Defence of informed consent for health record research - why arguments from ‘easy rescue’, ‘no harm’ and ‘consent bias’ fail.Thomas Ploug - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundHealth data holds great potential for improved treatments. Big data research and machine learning models have been shown to hold great promise for improved diagnostics and treatment planning. The potential is tied, however, to the availability of personal health data. In recent years, it has been argued that data from health records should be available for health research, and that individuals have a duty to make the data available for such research. A central point of debate is whether such secondary (...)
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  • Debate: Another Reason for Criminalizing Blackmail.Benjamin E. Rosenberg - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (3):356-369.
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  • World Poverty as a Problem of Justice? A Critical Comparison of Three Approaches.Corinna Mieth - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (1):15-36.
    With regard to the problem of world poverty, libertarian theories of corrective justice emphasize negative duties and the idea of responsibility whereas utilitarian theories of help concentrate on positive duties based on the capacity of the helper. Thomas Pogge has developed a revised model of compensation that entails positive obligations that are generated by negative duties. He intends to show that the affluent are violating their negative duties to ensure that their conduct will not harm others: They are contributing to (...)
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  • Bibliographical essay / criminal harm.Barbara Baum Levenbook - 1982 - Criminal Justice Ethics 1 (1):48-53.
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