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[Pittsburgh]: University of Pittsburgh Press (1967)

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  1. Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures.David M. Buss - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):1-14.
    Contemporary mate preferences can provide important clues to human reproductive history. Little is known about which characteristics people value in potential mates. Five predictions were made about sex differences in human mate preferences based on evolutionary conceptions of parental investment, sexual selection, human reproductive capacity, and sexual asymmetries regarding certainty of paternity versus maternity. The predictions centered on how each sex valued earning capacity, ambition— industriousness, youth, physical attractiveness, and chastity. Predictions were tested in data from 37 samples drawn from (...)
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  • Human inbreeding avoidance: Culture in nature.Pierre L. van den Berghe - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):91-102.
    Much clinical and ethnographic evidence suggests that humans, like many other organisms, are selected to avoid close inbreeding because of the fitness costs of inbreeding depression. The proximate mechanism of human inbreeding avoidance seems to be precultural, and to involve the interaction of genetic predispositions and environmental conditions. As first suggested by E. Westermarck, and supported by evidence from Israeli kibbutzim, Chinese sim-pua marriage, and much convergent ethnographic and clinical evidence, humans negatively imprint on intimate associates during a critical period (...)
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  • Towards a unified science of cultural evolution.Alex Mesoudi, Andrew Whiten & Kevin N. Laland - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):329-347.
    We suggest that human culture exhibits key Darwinian evolutionary properties, and argue that the structure of a science of cultural evolution should share fundamental features with the structure of the science of biological evolution. This latter claim is tested by outlining the methods and approaches employed by the principal subdisciplines of evolutionary biology and assessing whether there is an existing or potential corresponding approach to the study of cultural evolution. Existing approaches within anthropology and archaeology demonstrate a good match with (...)
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  • On mechanisms of cultural evolution, and the evolution of language and the common law.Michael T. Ghiselin - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):11-11.
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  • Hunter-Gatherers and the Origins of Religion.Hervey C. Peoples, Pavel Duda & Frank W. Marlowe - 2016 - Human Nature 27 (3):261-282.
    Recent studies of the evolution of religion have revealed the cognitive underpinnings of belief in supernatural agents, the role of ritual in promoting cooperation, and the contribution of morally punishing high gods to the growth and stabilization of human society. The universality of religion across human society points to a deep evolutionary past. However, specific traits of nascent religiosity, and the sequence in which they emerged, have remained unknown. Here we reconstruct the evolution of religious beliefs and behaviors in early (...)
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  • Mate selection: Economics and affection.Kim Wallen - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):37-38.
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  • Précis of Genes, Mind, and Culture.Charles J. Lumsden & Edward O. Wilson - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):1-7.
    Despite its importance, the linkage between genetic and cultural evolution has until now been little explored. An understanding of this linkage is needed to extend evolutionary theory so that it can deal for the first time with the phenomena of mind and human social history. We characterize the process of gene-culture coevolution, in which culture is shaped by biological imperatives while biological traits are simultaneously altered by genetic evolution in response to cultural history. A case is made from both theory (...)
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  • God’s punishment and public goods.Dominic D. P. Johnson - 2005 - Human Nature 16 (4):410-446.
    Cooperation towards public goods relies on credible threats of punishment to deter cheats. However, punishing is costly, so it remains unclear who incurred the costs of enforcement in our evolutionary past. Theoretical work suggests that human cooperation may be promoted if people believe in supernatural punishment for moral transgressions. This theory is supported by new work in cognitive psychology and by anecdotal ethnographic evidence, but formal quantitative tests remain to be done. Using data from 186 societies around the globe, I (...)
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  • The psychology of human mate preferences.Donald Symons - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):34-35.
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  • The evolutionary origins of patriarchy.Barbara Smuts - 1995 - Human Nature 6 (1):1-32.
    This article argues that feminist analyses of patriarchy should be expanded to address the evolutionary basis of male motivation to control female sexuality. Evidence from other primates of male sexual coercion and female resistance to it indicates that the sexual conflicts of interest that underlie patriarchy predate the emergence of the human species. Humans, however, exhibit more extensive male dominance and male control of female sexuality than is shown by most other primates. Six hypotheses are proposed to explain how, over (...)
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  • Intersocietal variation in the mate preferences of males and females.Norval D. Glenn - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):21-23.
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  • Missing link in mate preference studies: Reproduction.Brian A. Gladue - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):21-21.
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  • Mating preferences surveys: Ethnographic follow-up would be a good next step.William Irons - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):24-24.
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  • Homo sapiens: A good fit to theory, but posing some enigmas.Janet L. Leonard - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):26-27.
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  • The sociobiology of human mate preference: On testing evolutionary hypotheses.Nadav Nur - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):28-29.
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  • Darwinism versus neo-Darwinism in the study of human mate preferences.Michael T. Ghiselin - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):20-20.
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  • Mating behavior: Moves of mind or molecules?Helmuth Nyborg & Charlotte Boeggild - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):29-30.
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  • Co‐occurrence of Ostensive Communication and Generalizable Knowledge in Forager Storytelling.Michelle Scalise Sugiyama - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (1):279-300.
    Teaching is hypothesized to be a species-typical behavior in humans that contributed to the emergence of cumulative culture. Several within-culture studies indicate that foragers depend heavily on social learning to acquire practical skills and knowledge, but it is unknown whether teaching is universal across forager populations. Teaching can be defined ethologically as the modification of behavior by an expert in the presence of a novice, such that the expert incurs a cost and the novice acquires skills/knowledge more efficiently or that (...)
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  • Evolutionary precursors of social norms in chimpanzees: a new approach.Claudia Rudolf von Rohr, Judith M. Burkart & Carel P. van Schaik - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (1):1-30.
    Moral behaviour, based on social norms, is commonly regarded as a hallmark of humans. Hitherto, humans are perceived to be the only species possessing social norms and to engage in moral behaviour. There is anecdotal evidence suggesting their presence in chimpanzees, but systematic studies are lacking. Here, we examine the evolution of human social norms and their underlying psychological mechanisms. For this, we distinguish between conventions, cultural social norms and universal social norms. We aim at exploring whether chimpanzees possess evolutionary (...)
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  • Moral emotions.Ronald de Sousa - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (2):109-126.
    Emotions can be the subject of moral judgments; they can also constitute the basis for moral judgments. The apparent circularity which arises if we accept both of these claims is the central topic of this paper: how can emotions be both judge and party in the moral court? The answer I offer regards all emotions as potentially relevant to ethics, rather than singling out a privileged set of moral emotions. It relies on taking a moderate position both on the question (...)
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  • Hypotheses are like people — some fit, some unfit.Ray H. Bixler - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):104-105.
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  • Kinship, lineage, and an evolutionary perspective on cooperative hunting groups in Indonesia.Michael S. Alvard - 2003 - Human Nature 14 (2):129-163.
    Work was conducted among traditional, subsistence whale hunters in Lamalera, Indonesia, in order to test if strict biological kinship or lineage membership is more important for explaining the organization of cooperative hunting parties ranging in size from 8 to 14 men. Crew identifications were collected for all 853 hunts that occurred between May 3 and August 5, 1999. Lineage identity and genetic relatedness were determined for a sample of 189 hunters. Results of matrix regression show that genetic kinship explains little (...)
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  • Does sexual selection explain human sex differences in aggression?John Archer - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):249-266.
    I argue that the magnitude and nature of sex differences in aggression, their development, causation, and variability, can be better explained by sexual selection than by the alternative biosocial version of social role theory. Thus, sex differences in physical aggression increase with the degree of risk, occur early in life, peak in young adulthood, and are likely to be mediated by greater male impulsiveness, and greater female fear of physical danger. Male variability in physical aggression is consistent with an alternative (...)
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  • Multilevel selection and the social transmission of behavior.David Sloan Wilson & Kevin M. Kniffin - 1999 - Human Nature 10 (3):291-310.
    Many evolutionary models assume that behaviors are caused directly by genes. An implication is that behavioral uniformity should be found only in groups that are genetically uniform. Yet, the members of human social groups often behave in a uniform fashion, despite the fact that they are genetically diverse. Behavioral uniformity can occur through a variety of psychological mechanisms and social processes, such as imitation, consensus decision making, or the imposition of social norms. We present a series of models in which (...)
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  • Subsistence and the Evolution of Religion.Hervey C. Peoples & Frank W. Marlowe - 2012 - Human Nature 23 (3):253-269.
    We present a cross-cultural analysis showing that the presence of an active or moral High God in societies varies generally along a continuum from lesser to greater technological complexity and subsistence productivity. Foragers are least likely to have High Gods. Horticulturalists and agriculturalists are more likely. Pastoralists are most likely, though they are less easily positioned along the productivity continuum. We suggest that belief in moral High Gods was fostered by emerging leaders in societies dependent on resources that were difficult (...)
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  • Kin and Child Survival in Rural Malawi.Rebecca Sear - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (3):277-293.
    This paper investigates the impact of kin on child survival in a matrilineal society in Malawi. Women usually live in close proximity to their matrilineal kin in this agricultural community, allowing opportunities for helping behavior between matrilineal relatives. However, there is little evidence that matrilineal kin are beneficial to children. On the contrary, child mortality rates appear to be higher in the presence of maternal grandmothers and maternal aunts. These effects are modified by the sex of child and resource ownership: (...)
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  • The Pleasures and Perils of Darwinizing Culture (with Phylogenies).Russell D. Gray, Simon J. Greenhill & Robert M. Ross - 2007 - Biological Theory 2 (4):360-375.
    Current debates about “Darwinizing culture” have typically focused on the validity of memetics. In this article we argue that meme-like inheritance is not a necessary requirement for descent with modification. We suggest that an alternative and more productive way of Darwinizing culture can be found in the application of phylogenetic methods. We review recent work on cultural phylogenetics and outline six fundamental questions that can be answered using the power and precision of quantitative phylogenetic methods. However, cultural evolution, like biological (...)
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  • Kin Against Kin: Internal Co-selection and the Coherence of Kinship Typologies.Sam Passmore, Wolfgang Barth, Kyla Quinn, Simon J. Greenhill, Nicholas Evans & Fiona M. Jordan - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (3):176-193.
    Across the world people in different societies structure their family relationships in many different ways. These relationships become encoded in their languages as kinship terminology, a word set that maps variably onto a vast genealogical grid of kinship categories, each of which could in principle vary independently. But the observed diversity of kinship terminology is considerably smaller than the enormous theoretical design space. For the past century anthropologists have captured this variation in typological schemes with only a small number of (...)
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  • Darwin and the puzzle of primogeniture.Sarah Blaffer Hrdy & Debra S. Judge - 1993 - Human Nature 4 (1):1-45.
    A historical survey of the inheritance practices of farming families in North America and elsewhere indicates that resource allocations among children differed through time and space with regard to sex bias and equality. Tensions between provisioning all children and maintaining a productive economic entity (the farm) were resolved in various ways, depending on population pressures, the family’s relative resource level, and the number and sex of children.Against a backdrop of generalized son preference, parents responded to ecological circumstances by investing in (...)
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  • Why Do People Become Modern? A Darwinian Explanation.Peter J. Richerson - unknown
    MOST MODERN PEOPLE think it is obvious why people become modern. For them, a more interesting and important puzzle is why some people fail to embrace modern ideas. Why do people in traditional societies often seem unable or unwilling to aspire to a better life for themselves and their children? Why do they fail to see the benefi ts of education, equal rights, democracy, and a rational approach to decisionmaking? What is the glue that makes them adhere to superstition, religion, (...)
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  • Coalitional Play Fighting and the Evolution of Coalitional Intergroup Aggression.Michelle Scalise Sugiyama, Marcela Mendoza, Frances White & Lawrence Sugiyama - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (3):219-244.
    Dyadic play fighting occurs in many species, but only humans are known to engage in coalitional play fighting. Dyadic play fighting is hypothesized to build motor skills involved in actual dyadic fighting; thus, coalitional play fighting may build skills involved in actual coalitional fighting, operationalized as forager lethal raiding. If human psychology includes a motivational component that encourages engagement in this type of play, evidence of this play in forager societies is necessary to determine that it is not an artifact (...)
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  • A Bioeconomic Approach to Marriage and the Sexual Division of Labor.Michael Gurven, Jeffrey Winking, Hillard Kaplan, Christopher von Rueden & Lisa McAllister - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (2):151-183.
    Children may be viewed as public goods whereby both parents receive equal genetic benefits yet one parent often invests more heavily than the other. We introduce a microeconomic framework for understanding household investment decisions to address questions concerning conflicts of interest over types and amount of work effort among married men and women. Although gains and costs of marriage may not be spread equally among marriage partners, marriage is still a favorable, efficient outcome under a wide range of conditions. This (...)
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  • Supernatural punishment and individual social compliance across cultures.Pierrick Bourrat, Quentin Atkinson & Robin Dunbar - 2011 - Religion, Brain and Behavior 1 (2):119-134.
    Cooperation for the public good is vulnerable to exploitation by free-riders because it always pays individuals to exploit the social contract for their own benefit. This problem can be resolved if free-riders are punished, but punishment is itself a public good subject to free-riding. The fear of supernatural punishment hypothesis (FSPH) proposes that belief in supernatural punishment might offer a solution to this problem by deflecting the cost of punishment onto supernatural forces and thereby incentivizing cooperation. FSPH is supported empirically (...)
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  • Mate choice in modern societies.Daniel Pérusse - 1994 - Human Nature 5 (3):255-278.
    Most research on mate choice in modern societies is based on data that may or may not reflect actual mating behavior (e.g., stated preferences, personal advertisements). In the present study, real-life matings were reported by a large representative sample of men and women (N = 1,133). These data were used to test an evolutionary model in which mate choice is hypothesized to depend on resources potentially contributed to reproduction by each sex. Consistent with the model, it was found that (a) (...)
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  • From bridewealth to dowry?Laura Fortunato, Clare Holden & Ruth Mace - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (4):355-376.
    Significant amounts of wealth have been exchanged as part of marriage settlements throughout history. Although various models have been proposed for interpreting these practices, their development over time has not been investigated systematically. In this paper we use a Bayesian MCMC phylogenetic comparative approach to reconstruct the evolution of two forms of wealth transfers at marriage, dowry and bridewealth, for 51 Indo-European cultural groups. Results indicate that dowry is more likely to have been the ancestral practice, and that a minimum (...)
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  • Toward an evolutionary psychology of human mating.David M. Buss - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):39-49.
    Contemporary mate preferences can provide important clues to human reproductive history. Little is known about which characteristics people value in potential mates. Five predictions were made about sex differences in human mate preferences based on evolutionary conceptions of parental investment, sexual selection, human reproductive capacity, and sexual asymmetries regarding certainty of paternity versus maternity. The predictions centered on how each sex valued earning capacity, ambition— industriousness, youth, physical attractiveness, and chastity. Predictions were tested in data from 37 samples drawn from (...)
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  • Genes and culture, protest and communication.Charles J. Lumsden & Edward O. Wilson - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):31-37.
    Despite its importance, the linkage between genetic and cultural evolution has until now been little explored. An understanding of this linkage is needed to extend evolutionary theory so that it can deal for the first time with the phenomena of mind and human social history. We characterize the process of gene-culture coevolution, in which culture is shaped by biological imperatives while biological traits are simultaneously altered by genetic evolution in response to cultural history. A case is made from both theory (...)
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  • Relationship between subsistence and age at weaning in “preindustrial” societies.Daniel W. Sellen & Diana B. Smay - 2001 - Human Nature 12 (1):47-87.
    Cross-cultural studies have revealed broad quantitative associations between subsistence practice and demographic parameters for preindustrial populations. One explanation is that variationin the availability of suitable weaning foods influenced the frequency and duration of breastfeeding and thus the length of interbirth intervals and the probability of child survival (the “weaning food availability” hypothesis). We examine the available data on weaning age variation in preindustrial populations and report results of a cross-cultural test of the predictions that weaning occurred earlier in agricultural and (...)
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  • Postmarital Residence and Bilateral Kin Associations among Hunter-Gatherers.Karen L. Kramer & Russell D. Greaves - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (1-2):41-63.
    Dispersal of individuals from their natal communities at sexual maturity is an important determinant of kin association. In this paper we compare postmarital residence patterns among Pumé foragers of Venezuela to investigate the prevalence of sex-biased vs. bilateral residence. This study complements cross-cultural overviews by examining postmarital kin association in relation to individual, longitudinal data on residence within a forager society. Based on cultural norms, the Pumé have been characterized as matrilocal. Analysis of Pumé marriages over a 25-year period finds (...)
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  • The Rebirth of Kinship.Mary K. Shenk & Siobhán M. Mattison - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (1-2):1-15.
    Kinship was one of the key areas of research interest among anthropologists in the nineteenth century, one of the most hotly debated areas of theory in the early and mid-twentieth century, and yet an area of waning interest by the end of the twentieth century. Since then, the study of kinship has experienced a revitalization, with concomitant disputes over how best to proceed. This special issue brings together recent studies of kinship by scientific anthropologists employing evolutionary theory and quantitative methods. (...)
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  • Fitness Costs of Warfare for Women.Michelle Scalise Sugiyama - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (4):476-495.
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  • Uncritical periods and insensitive sociobiology.Patrick Bateson - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):102-103.
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  • Mechanisms matter: The difference between socioblology and evolutionary psychology.Linnda R. Caporael - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):17-18.
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  • The psychological foundations of the hero-ogre story.Ian Jobling - 2001 - Human Nature 12 (3):247-272.
    Stories in which a hero defeats a semi-human ogre occur much more frequently in unrelated cultures than chance alone can account for. This claim is supported by a discussion of folk-tales from 20 cultures and an examination of the folk-tales from a random sample of 44 cultures. The tendency to tell these stories must, therefore, have its source in the innate human nature discussed by evolutionary psychologists. This essay argues that these stories reinforce innate positive biases in the perception of (...)
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  • Toward a natural science of human culture.Roger D. Masters - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):19-20.
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  • The innate versus the manifest: How universal does universal have to be?John Tooby & Leda Cosmides - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):36-37.
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  • Intergenerational and Sibling Conflict Under Patrilocality.Ting Ji, Jing-Jing Xu & Ruth Mace - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (1):66-79.
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  • Risk, Uncertainty, and Violence in Eastern Africa.Carol R. Ember, Teferi Abate Adem & Ian Skoggard - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (1):33-58.
    Previous research on warfare in a worldwide sample of societies by Ember and Ember (Journal of Conflict Resolution, 36, 242–262, 1992a) found a strong relationship between resource unpredictability (particularly food scarcity caused by natural disasters) in nonstate, nonpacified societies and overall warfare frequency. Focusing on eastern Africa, a region frequently plagued with subsistence uncertainty as well as violence, this paper explores the relationships between resource problems, including resource unpredictability, chronic scarcity, and warfare frequencies. It also examines whether resource scarcity predicts (...)
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  • Cultural evolution and the shaping of cultural diversity.Lesley Newson, Peter Richerson & Robert Boyd - 2007 - Handbook of Cultural Psychology.
    This chapter focuses on the way that cultures change and how cultural diversity is created, maintained and lost. Human culture is the inevitable result of the way our species acquires its behavior. We are extremely social animals and an overwhelming proportion of our behavior is socially learned. The behavior of other animals is largely a product of innate evolved determinants of behavior combined with individual learning. They make quite modest use of social learning while we acquire a massive cultural repertoire (...)
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  • Male Androphilia in the Ancestral Environment.Doug P. VanderLaan, Zhiyuan Ren & Paul L. Vasey - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (4):375-401.
    The kin selection hypothesis posits that male androphilia (male sexual attraction to adult males) evolved because androphilic males invest more in kin, thereby enhancing inclusive fitness. Increased kin-directed altruism has been repeatedly documented among a population of transgendered androphilic males, but never among androphilic males in other cultures who adopt gender identities as men. Thus, the kin selection hypothesis may be viable if male androphilia was expressed in the transgendered form in the ancestral past. Using the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (SCCS), (...)
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