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  1. (61 other versions)Вернер Єгер: Концепція «Третього Гуманізму».Володимир Прокопенко & Олексій Воробйов - 2022 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 67:39-48.
    У статті розглядається розвиток класичної гуманістичної традиції в німецькій думці ХХ століття та головний діяч цієї традиції – Вернер Єгер. Автори аналізують ситуацію у німецькому антикознавстві на початку ХХ ст. і доходять висновку, що німецький проєкт класичної філології, Altertumswissenschaft, опинився в кризовому стані в цей час. Єгер і його однодумці запропонували вихід з цієї кризи за допомогою концепції «третього гуманізму». «Третій гуманізм» став значним явищем у духовному русі початку ХХ ст. в Європі. Єгер називає цей гуманізм «третім», тому що вважає (...)
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  • Gilles Deleuze, Simone Weil and the Stoic Apprenticeship: Education as a Violent Training.Simone Kotva - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (7-8):101-121.
    In 1971, Ivan Illich wrote that school had become the world religion of a modernized proletariat. Without undoing the power of human interaction undergirding it, understanding how we learn is thus vital to undoing the institutional power of the West – of ‘deschooling’ society. Responding to the conflict between secular and religious schemes of education, the article investigates the ways in which the ‘atheist’ Gilles Deleuze and the ‘mystic’ Simone Weil both employed related stratagems from Stoic philosophy to critique ‘schooling’ (...)
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  • Pedagogical Pleasures: Augustine in the Feminist Classroom.Maggie A. Labinski - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (1):281-297.
    Many feminist philosophers of education have argued that the teacher's pleasure plays an important role in the classroom. However, accessing such pleasure is often easier said than done. Given our current academic climate, how might teachers develop pedagogical practices that cultivate these delights? This article investigates the (rather surprising) response to this question offered in Augustine's De catechizandis rudibus. Despite his reputation as a pleasure-hater, Augustine spends the majority of his text defending the delights of teaching. In particular, Augustine argues (...)
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  • Business Schools at the Crossroads? A Trip Back from Sparta to Athens.Maria Jose Murcia, Hector O. Rocha & Julian Birkinshaw - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):579-591.
    Some business schools have come under considerable criticism for what observers see as their complicit involvement in the corporate scandals and financial crises of the last 15 years. Much of the discussion about changes that schools might undertake has been focused on curriculum issues. However, revisiting the curriculum does not get at the root cause of the problem. Instead, it might create a new challenge: the risk of decoupling the discussion of the curriculum from broader issues of institutional purpose. In (...)
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  • The Place of Philosophy between Science and the Humanities.Young Ahn Kang - 2011 - Diogenes 58 (1-2):88-99.
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  • Orthodox Christian Healthcare Ministry amidst the Tensions of Ecumenism.Stavros Kofinas - 2003 - Christian Bioethics 9 (1):39-55.
    The paradoxes of globalization and the efforts toward the establishment of a consolidated healthcare ministry have caused tensions while affording the possibility for true ecumenical dialogue. As today's societies become more pluralistic, Orthodox Christian healthcare ministry finds itself amongst these paradoxes and tensions. The content of Orthodox healthcare chaplaincy, which is centered in its Eucharistic expression, maintains a sense of catholicity and unity. This though differs from a “psychological” understanding of pastoral care, which has developed. Therefore, there is a question (...)
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  • Being Made Strange: Rhetoric beyond Representation.Bradford Vivian - 2012 - State University of New York Press.
    By elaborating upon pivotal twentieth-century studies in language, representation, and subjectivity, Being Made Strange reorients the study of rhetoric according to the discursive formation of subjectivity. The author develops a theory of how rhetorical practices establish social, political, and ethical relations between self and other, individual and collectivity, good and evil, and past and present. He produces a novel methodology that analyzes not only what an individual says, but also the social, political, and ethical conditions that enable him or her (...)
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  • Ratzinger’s logos theology and the healing of human rights: a critical engagement with the Regensburg Lecture.Francis Mohan - unknown
    Taking the use of the logos in Ratzinger's Regensburg Lecture as its starting point, the thesis expands three horizons in Ratzinger studies. Firstly, it extends the understanding of Ratzinger as the author of a logos theology. Secondly, it shows how the Regensburg theme of the full breadth of reason, represented by the logos, is applied by Ratzinger in a critique of secular modernity. Thirdly, it claims that the logos theology of Joseph Ratzinger can provide a repair of the culture of (...)
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  • Ecumene of the Logos: Theoretical Affinities Between Italian and Russian Ontologism.Marek Kita - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (2):141-154.
    The topic of this article is the convergence of the fundamental theoretical intuitions of two independent currents of Christian philosophy at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Italian Catholic spiritualism and the internally diversified current of the Russian religious philosophical Renaissance proved to be convergent in their ontological realism based on the metaphysics of cognition. This consonance undermines the stereotype about the total difference between the Russian Orthodox and the Western Catholic mentality. The article tries to show that (...)
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