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  1. The Moral Domain of the Medical Record: The Routine Ethics Evaluation.Alfred I. Tauber - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):W1-W16.
    The structure, content, and orientation of the contemporary medical record inadequately reflect the appropriate influence of patients' rights and bioethics on health care. Most tellingly, the medical chart reveals a remarkable absence of attention to medical ethics, except in the case of crisis management. But medical ethics informs both crisis decision-making and virtually all clinical interventions. Indeed, clinical care embodies a complex array of choices influenced by individual and cultural values, themselves reflecting religious beliefs, personal histories, psychologies, and social mores. (...)
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  • Teaching medical ethics: A review of the literature from North American medical schools with emphasis on education. [REVIEW]D. W. Musick - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (3):239-254.
    Efforts to reform medical education have emphasized the need to formalize instruction in medical ethics. However, the discipline of medical ethics education is still searching for an acceptable identity among North American medical schools; in these schools, no real consensus exists on its definition. Medical educators are grappling with not only what to teach (content) in this regard, but also with how to teach (process) ethics to the physicians of tomorrow. A literature review focused on medical ethics education among North (...)
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  • (1 other version)Konzeptionen von Simulationen mit Simulationspersonen für die Medizinethik-Lehre.Carola Seifart, Andrea Schönbauer, Settimio Monteverde & Tanja Krones - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (3):319-338.
    Simulationen mit Simulationspersonen gehören in der medizinischen Lehre zum Ausbildungs-Standard. In der medizinethischen Lehre ist dies bisher nicht in gleichem Umfang der Fall. Für ihren Einsatz, insbesondere in der klinischen Ethik, können gute Gründe angeführt werden, wie beispielsweise die Möglichkeit konkreter Erfahrungen als Lehrelement und die situationsspezifische Verbindung von Wissen, Können und Haltungen in einem Lernprozess. Die Konzeption von Simulationen mit Simulationspersonen in der medizinethischen Lehre ist jedoch voraussetzungsreich. Es müssen die mehrdimensionalen Lernziele und die Anforderungen an die medizinethische Lehre (...)
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  • Engaging Tomorrow’s Doctors in Clinical Ethics: Implications for Healthcare Organisations.Laura L. Machin & Robin D. Proctor - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 29 (4):319-342.
    Clinical ethics can be viewed as a practical discipline that provides a structured approach to assist healthcare practitioners in identifying, analysing and resolving ethical issues that arise in practice. Clinical ethics can therefore promote ethically sound clinical and organisational practices and decision-making, thereby contributing to health organisation and system quality improvement. In order to develop students’ decision-making skills, as well as prepare them for practice, we decided to introduce a clinical ethics strand within an undergraduate medical curriculum. We designed a (...)
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  • (1 other version)Concepts for simulations with actors to teach clinical ethics.Carola Seifart, Andrea Schönbauer, Settimio Monteverde & Tanja Krones - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (3):319-338.
    Background Although simulation-based learning using simulated patients is a standard part of training in medical school, it is not yet used to the same extent in the teaching of medical ethics. There are good reasons to use simulation-based teaching, especially in clinical ethics, to gain practical experience through the situation-specific combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the learning process. However, there are certain prerequisites regarding the design of simulations with actors in medical ethics education. Topics Using a concrete example, (...)
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  • Medical Student Attitudes about Bioethics.Cheryl C. Macpherson & Robert M. Veatch - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (4):488-496.
    Professionalism is demonstrated through attitudes and behaviors. Medical education is concerned with teaching and evaluating it among students. It is often bioethicists who teach professionalism to medical students. Most bioethics curricula use lectures and group discussions to introduce principles and theories, but there is variation in number of credit and contact hours, placement in the curriculum and alongside which courses bioethics is placed), the extent of individual mentoring, and the emphasis placed on any particular philosophical approach. Bioethics curricula also vary (...)
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  • Undergraduate Ethics Education in Paramedicine in Australia.Kirsty Shearer, Matthew Thomas, Tania Signal, Ruth Townsend & Nikola Stepanov - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (3):377-392.
    In Australia, paramedics are obliged to practice ethically. Graduates of baccalaureate degrees in paramedicine should therefore possess a common grounding in ethics to meet the professional capabilities expected of registered paramedics. However, there is a lack of clarity regarding ethics education for paramedicine students, including what is taught, how it is taught, and how it is assessed. This paper explores ethics education for paramedicine students in Australia, how it aligns with current professional expectations, and how it may be enhanced. Point-in-time (...)
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  • To evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of healthcare ethics among medical, dental and physiotherapy postgraduate students—a pilot study.Veena Pais, Vina Vaswani & Sudeep Pais - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):97-107.
    Conventional medical training offers little help to students to resolve the ethical dilemmas they face as healthcare professionals. Public awareness of the ethical behavior of medical practitioners has been growing. Aim of this study was to assess knowledge of, practice in and attitudes of healthcare ethics among medical, dental and physiotherapy postgraduate students. A cross-sectional analysis based on a questionnaire was performed at a hospital and dental institution of the medical college. The present study included 60 postgraduate students. The questionnaire (...)
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  • A critical analysis of markers’ feedback on ethics essays and a proposal for change.Jan Deckers - 2019 - International Journal of Ethics Education 4 (2):183-192.
    This article discusses the feedback on students’ ethics essays provided by eight markers in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Newcastle University. It highlights significant shortcomings, including failures to identify instances where students had failed to select and to conclude on ethical issues, logical errors, misunderstandings of ethical arguments made in the literature, instances of simple deference, and a lack of critical engagement with relevant literature. Markers also made a large number of linguistic errors and, on many occasions, failed to (...)
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  • Factors influencing the lived experience of paramedics facing ethical dilemmas: a case comparison.Kirsty Shearer, Matthew Thomas, Tania Signal & Ruth Townsend - 2023 - International Journal of Ethics Education 8 (2):321-333.
    Paramedics encounter ethical dilemmas at work, and while previous research has improved ethics education and practice, more can be learned from the lived experience of paramedics facing ethical challenges. This paper explores the lived experience of two paramedics, one with five years’ experience, the other twenty, presented with comparable cases. The participants, who were interviewed in a broader qualitative study exploring practical wisdom, were asked to select a case involving ethical decision-making from their own practice experience. Semi-structured interviews employed the (...)
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  • FY1 doctors' ethicolegal challenges in their first year of clinical practice: an interview study.Pirashanthie Vivekananda-Schmidt & Bryan Vernon - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (4):277-281.
    Background There is little evidence of junior trainee perspectives in the design and implementation of medical ethics and law curriculum in UK medical schools.Aim To determine the ethical issues the foundation year 1 doctors encountered during clinical practice and the skills and knowledge of MEL, which were useful in informing MEL curriculum development.Method The National Research Ethics Service gave ethical approval. Eighteen one-to-one interviews were conducted in each school with FY1 doctors.Analysis Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim; a thematic analysis (...)
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  • Shared Teaching in Health Care Ethics: A Report on the Beginning of an Idea.C. Edward & P. E. Preece - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (4):299-307.
    In the majority of academic institutions nursing and medical students receive a traditional education, the content of which tends to be specific to their future roles as health care professionals. In essence, each curriculum design is independent of each course. Over the last decade, however, interest has been accumulating in relation to interprofessional and multiprofessional learning at student level. With the view that learning together during their student training would not only encourage and strengthen future collaboration in practice settings but (...)
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  • How physicians face ethical difficulties: a qualitative analysis.S. A. Hurst - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (1):7-14.
    Next SectionBackground: Physicians face ethical difficulties daily, yet they seek ethics consultation infrequently. To date, no systematic data have been collected on the strategies they use to resolve such difficulties when they do so without the help of ethics consultation. Thus, our understanding of ethical decision making in day to day medical practice is poor. We report findings from the qualitative analysis of 310 ethically difficult situations described to us by physicians who encountered them in their practice. When facing such (...)
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