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The Great Mother

Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (2):354-356 (1955)

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  1. The Choreography of the Soul: A Psychedelic Philosophy of Consciousness.Ed D'Angelo - manuscript
    This is a 2020 revision of my 1988 dissertation "The Choreography of the Soul" with a new Foreword, a new Conclusion, a substantially revised Preface and Introduction, and many improvements to the body of the work. However, the thesis remains the same. A theory of consciousness and trance states--including psychedelic experience--is developed. Consciousness can be analyzed into two distinct but generally interrelated systems, which I call System X and System Y. System X is the emotional-visceral-kinaesthetic body. System X is a (...)
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  • A Brief Comparison of the Unconscious as Seen by Jung and Lévi‐Strauss.Giuseppe Iurato - 2015 - Anthropology of Consciousness 26 (1):60-107.
    Retracing the primary common aspects between anthropological and psychoanalytic thought, in this article, we will further discuss the main common points between the notions of the unconscious according to Carl Gustav Jung and Claude Lévi-Strauss, taking into account the thought of Erich Neumann. On the basis of very simple elementary logic considerations centered around the basic notion of the separation of opposites, our observations might be useful for speculations on the possible origins of rational thought and hence on the origins (...)
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  • A Psycho-ontological Analysis of Genesis 2-6.Jordan B. Peterson - 2007 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 29 (1):87-125.
    Individuals operating within the scientific paradigm presume that the world is made of matter. Although the perspective engendered by this presupposition is very powerful, it excludes value and subjective experience from its fundamental ontology. In addition, it provides very little guidance with regards to the fundamentals of ethical action. Individuals within the religious paradigm, by contrast, presume that the world is made out of what matters. From such a perspective, the phenomenon of meaning is the primary reality. This meaning is (...)
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  • A Gynecentric Aesthetic.Renée Cox - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (2):43 - 62.
    In the proposed gynecentric aesthetic, which follows the work of Heide Göttner-Abendroth and Alan Lomax, aesthetic activity would function to integrate the individual and society. Intellect, emotion and action would combine to achieve a synthesis of body and spirit. Song and dance would involve the equal expressions of all participants, and aesthetic structures would reflect this egalitarianism. The erotic would be expressed as a vital, positive force, divorced from repression and pornography. The emphasis would be off aesthetic objects to be (...)
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  • Mirrors, portals, and multiple realities.George F. MacDonald, John L. Cove, Charles D. Laughlin & John McManus - 1989 - Zygon 24 (1):39-64.
    A biogenetic structural explanation is offered for the cross‐culturally common mystical experience called portalling, the experience of moving from one reality to another via a tunnel, door, aperture, hole, or the like. The experience may be evoked in shamanistic and meditative practice by concentration upon a portalling device (mirror, mandala, labyrinth, skrying bowl, pool of water, etc.). Realization of the portalling experience is shown to be fundamental to the phenomenology underlying multiple reality cosmologies in traditional cultures and is explained in (...)
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  • Towards an imaginal dialogue: archetypal symbols between Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Islam.Ali Qadir & Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir - 2016 - Approaching Religion 6 (2):81-95.
    This paper explores the potential for a dialogue between religious traditions based on art, in order to complement the dominant channels that rely on conceptual meanings. Building on a theoretical framework of post-Jungian archetypal psychology – as developed by James Hillman and Henry Corbin – we propose that the utility of such a dialogue inheres in the notion of an imaginal realm, or mundus imaginalis. In the first part of the paper we highlight three key features of this notion: the (...)
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  • Dismantling the Master's House: A Hestian/Hermean Deconstruction of Classic Texts.Patricia J. Thompson - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (4):38-56.
    Classical philosophy adopts the standpoint of males in the Greek polis. The consequent adumbration of the standpoint of women and noncitizen men in the oikos, the household, has implications for feminist philosophy. Two systems of action are differentiated: the domestic economy protected by the goddess Hestia, and the political economy protected by Hermes. Shifting one's standpoint to include both the oikos and the polis offers an alternative to gender as the defining issue in feminist theory.
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  • Pre- and perinatal brain development and enculturation.Charles D. Laughlin - 1991 - Human Nature 2 (3):171-213.
    Ample evidence from various quarters indicates that the perceptual-cognitive competence of the pre- and perinatal human being is significantly greater than was once thought. Some of the evidence of this emerging picture of early competence is reviewed, and its importance both as evidence of the biogenetic structural concept of “neurognosis” and for a theory of enculturation is discussed. The literature of pre- and perinatal psychology, especially that of developmental neuropsychology, psychobiology, and social psychophysiology, is incorporated, and some of the implications (...)
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  • Pontus in Antiquity: aspects of identity.Vera Stefanidou - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Kent
    The purpose of this thesis is the presentation of the interaction between the successive inhabitants of Pontus in antiquity, indigenous Anatolians, Greeks, Persians and Romans. Limited archaeological evidence cannot determine the precise extent of interaction, although the available information substantiates the notion of a slow, but steady amalgamation. Initially, the intermingling was based on mutual trading links. Although the Hellenic cultural element tended to surface, Eastern factors remained visible. The Mithridatic dynasty was established around the vicinity of Pontus, creating the (...)
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  • The Man-eating Myth.J. R. Rayfield - 1982 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 12 (1):106-111.
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  • The dynamics of cultural and technological evolution: Domination versus partnership.Riane Eisler - 2002 - World Futures 58 (2 & 3):159 – 174.
    There is growing consensus that we need a new paradigm if we are to solve the global problems that are the result of actions and policies stemming from prevailing paradigms or cognitive maps. Theories are cognitive maps. This article summarizes cultural transformation theory, which proposes that to solve our mounting global problems we need a clearer understanding of the self-organizing interaction of two basic movements in cultural evolution. The first consists of technological phase changes, including the most recent shift from (...)
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  • It Is As It Does: Genital Form and Function in Sex Reassignment Surgery.Eric D. Plemons - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (1):37-55.
    Surgeons who perform sex reassignment surgeries define their goals and evaluate their outcomes in terms of two kinds of results: aesthetic and functional. Since the neogenitals fashioned through sex reassignment surgeries do not enable reproductive function, surgeons must determine what the function of the genitals is or ought to be. A review of surgical literature demonstrates that questions of what constitute genital form and function, while putatively answered in the operating room, are not answerable in the discourses of clinical evaluation (...)
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  • The Missing Hymn of Metis: an Origin of Loss.Shé M. Hawke - 2020 - Sophia 59 (1):69-81.
    It is simply no longer acceptable to speak of the goddess Athena from the fifth generation of Olympian/Orphic Greece without reference to her mother Metis. Hesiod, among others, tells us Metis appears as a reincarnation of her first-generation self in the Olympian dynasty as wife of Zeus. She was originally the cosmic egg of all creation in the Orphic Theogony, as recounted by Apollodorus, and Taylor, from whose mucosity, the entire genealogy of the Olympian/Orphic heaven, is spawned. However, from the (...)
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  • Emergencija mentalnog/racionalnog i potiskivanje/marginaliziranje tjelesnog.Vanja Borš - 2015 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 35 (3):395-406.
    U radu se pažnja usmjerava na emergenciju mentalnog/racionalnog mišljenja, i to u filogenetskom kontekstu, što ga velikim dijelom karakterizira devijacija koja se očituje potiskivanjem i marginaliziranjem tjelesnog. Naime, upravo emergencija onog mentalnog/racionalnog predstavlja početak navedene devijacije, odnosno potiskivanja i marginaliziranja sveg onog što se uz tjelesno povezivalo ili povezuje: seksualno, žensko, nesvjesno, priroda itd. Naposljetku, polazište je rada da je kroz dekonstruiranje dihotomije um–tijelo potrebno osvijestiti temeljnost tjelesnog te ga samim time, umjesto navedenog potiskivanja i disociranja, zdravo transcendirati i integrirati.
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