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  1. Taking Risks to Protect Others—Pediatric Vaccination and Moral Responsibility.Jessica Nihlén Fahlquist - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (2):127-138.
    The COVID-19 pandemic during 2020–2022 raised ethical questions concerning the balance between individual autonomy and the protection of the population, vulnerable individuals and the healthcare system. Pediatric COVID-19 vaccination differs from, for example, measles vaccination in that children were not as severely affected. The main question concerning pediatric vaccination has been whether the autonomy of parents outweighs the protection of the population. When children are seen as mature enough to be granted autonomy, questions arise about whether they have the right (...)
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  • Sharing Responsibility: Responsibility for Health Is Not a Zero-Sum Game.Marcel Verweij & Angus Dawson - 2019 - Public Health Ethics 12 (2):99-102.
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  • Excellent Traits in Public Health: Virtuous Structures and the Structure of Virtue.Karen M. Meagher - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (1):16-22.
    MacKay’s Public Health Virtue Ethics offers a distinctive approach to public health ethics, with social structures at the forefront. MacKay’s helpful overview of the recent literature considers three distinct referents for ascribing virtues in public health ethics: (i) individuals, such as public health practitioners, (ii) social structures, such as public health institutions and policies and (iii) the communities affected by public health policy. While MacKay is interested in virtuous structures, I am interested in the structure of virtue as a precursor (...)
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  • Individual Virtues and Structures of Virtue in Public Health.Jessica Nihlén Fahlquist - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (1):11-15.
    Public health ethics is commonly analyzed within a consequentialist or rights-based perspective, but recent approaches explore public health from a virtue ethical perspective. Rozier focuses on the virtues of individual members of the public and I discuss public health professionals. MacKay emphasizes the role of the collective level, the practice and social structure of public health. The structure can be important in two ways. First, it potentially affects the cultivation of the virtues of individuals. Second, the structure itself could have (...)
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  • Beyond Surviving to Thriving: The Case for a ‘Compassion towards Thriving’ Approach in Public Mental Health Ethics.Phil Bielby - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (3):298-316.
    In this article, I argue for a novel understanding of compassion—what I call a ‘compassion towards thriving’ approach—to inform public mental health ethics. The argument is developed through two main parts. In the first part, I develop an account of compassion towards thriving that builds upon Martha Nussbaum’s philosophical work on compassion. This account expands the ambit of compassion from a focus on the alleviation of existing suffering to the prevention of potential future suffering through the facilitation of personal growth (...)
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  • Public Health Virtue Ethics.Kathryn MacKay - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (1):1-10.
    This paper proposes that public health is the sort of institution that has a role in producing structures of virtue in society. This proposal builds upon work that describes how virtues are structured by the practices of institutions, at the collective or whole-of-society level. This work seeks to fill a gap in public health ethics when it comes to virtues. Mainstay moral theories tend to incorporate some role for virtues, but within public health ethics this role has not been fully (...)
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  • Paediatric Palliative Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Malaysian Perspective.Lee Ai Chong, Erwin J. Khoo, Azanna Ahmad Kamar & Hui Siu Tan - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (4):529-537.
    Malaysia had its first four patients with COVID-19 on 25 January 2020. In the same week, the World Health Organization declared it as a public health emergency of international concern. The pandemic has since challenged the ethics and practice of medicine. There is palpable tension from the conflict of interest between public health initiatives and individual’s rights. Ensuring equitable care and distribution of health resources for patients with and without COVID-19 is a recurring ethical challenge for clinicians. Palliative care aims (...)
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  • Law, Virtue, and Public Health Powers.Eric C. Ip - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (2):148-160.
    This article contributes to philosophical reflections on public health law by drawing on virtue jurisprudence, which rests on the straightforward observation that a political community and its laws will inevitably shape the character of its officials and subjects, and that an excellent character is indispensable to fulfilment. Thus, the law is properly set to encourage virtue and discourage vice. This opens a new perspective onto the ultimate purpose of public health law that is human flourishing. The means of pursuing this (...)
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  • Effort Worth Making: A Qualitative Study of How Swedes Respond to Antibiotic Resistance.Mirko Ancillotti, Stefan Eriksson, Tove Godskesen, Dan I. Andersson & Jessica Nihlén Fahlquist - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (1):1-11.
    Due to the alarming rise of antibiotic resistance, medically unwarranted use of antibiotics has assumed new moral significance. In this paper, a thematic content analysis of focus group discussions was conducted to explore lay people’s views on the moral challenges posed by antibiotic resistance. The most important finding is that lay people are morally sensitive to the problems entailed by antibiotic resistance. Participants saw the decreasing availability of effective antibiotics as a problem of justice. This involves individual as well as (...)
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