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  1. Structural Eurocentrism in philosophy: An argument for sociometaphilosophy.Philippe Major - forthcoming - Metaphilosophy.
    This article has three main aims. First, it argues that the question of the inclusion of “non‐Western” thought in philosophy cannot be resolved by appealing to definitions of philosophy, as such definitions are an integral part of the epistemically hegemonic practices responsible for the exclusion of non‐Western thought in the first place. Second, it argues that philosophy is structurally Eurocentric. It makes this argument first by looking at metaphilosophy. It argues that metaphilosophy is primarily performative and that its performativity is (...)
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  • An Essay about a Philosophical Attitude in Management and Organization Studies Based on Parrhesia.Jesus Rodriguez-Pomeda - 2023 - Philosophy of Management 22 (4):587-618.
    Management and organization studies (MOS) scholarship is at a crossroads. The grand challenges (such as the climate emergency) humankind must face today require an improved contribution from all knowledge fields. The number of academics who criticize the lack of influence and social impact of MOS has recently grown. The scientific field structure of MOS is based on its members’ accumulation of symbolic capital. This structure hinders speaking truth to the elite dominating neoliberal society. Our literature review suggested that a deeper (...)
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