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  1. Knowledge Utilisation in Road Safety Policy: Barriers to the Use of Knowledge from Economic Analysis.Charlotte Bax, Rune Elvik & Knut Veisten - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (4):275-285.
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  • Doing Knowledge Transfer: Engaging Management and Labor with Research on Employee Health and Safety.Kenneth Leithwood, Donald C. Cole & Desre M. Kramer - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (4):316-330.
    In workplace health interventions, engaging management and union decision makers is considered important for the success of the project, yet little research has described the process of making this happen. A case study of a knowledge-transfer process is presented to describe the practices and processes adopted by a knowledge broker who engaged workplace parties in discussions on research on physical and psychosocial factors important for employee health. The process included one-on-one interactions between the knowledge broker and individuals to explain the (...)
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