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  1. From moral distress to burnout through work-family conflict: the protective role of resilience and positive refocusing.Chiara Bernuzzi, Ilaria Setti, Marina Maffoni & Valentina Sommovigo - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (7):578-600.
    This study analyses for the first time whether and when moral distress may be related to work-family conflict and burnout. Additionally, this study examines whether resilience and positive refocusing might protect healthcare professionals from the negative effects of moral distress. A total of 153 Italian healthcare professionals completed self-report questionnaires. Simple and moderated mediation models revealed that moral distress was positively related to burnout, directly and indirectly, as mediated by work-family conflict. Highly resilient professionals experienced low work-family conflict, regardless of (...)
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  • Developing ethical policies—a possible option to promote ethical competences in university nursing education?Annette Riedel - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (4):361-390.
    Die Anforderungen an die ethische Kompetenzentwicklung im Rahmen der hochschulischen Pflegeausbildung sind anspruchsvoll und methodisch zu konkretisieren. Der Beitrag geht zunächst der Frage nach, wie Ethikkompetenz in Bezug auf die hochschulische Pflegeausbildung zu konturieren ist. Basierend auf dieser definitorischen Rahmung liegt das Augenmerk auf dem Prozess der Ethik-Leitlinienentwicklung als mögliche zu diskutierende Methode der Ethikkompetenzentwicklung. Hierbei ist die Frage leitend, ob der Prozess der Ethik-Leitlinienentwicklung im Rahmen des Studiums – analog zu den bis dato vielfach realisierten Fallanalysen – eine weitere (...)
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  • Sensitivity in ethical decision-making: The experiences of nurse managers.Mostafa Roshanzadeh, Zohreh Vanaki & Afsaneh Sadooghiasl - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1174-1186.
    Background In order to achieve the goals of the healthcare system, nursing managers are required to comply with ethical principles in decision-making. In complex and challenging healthcare settings, it is shown that the managers’ mere awareness of ethics does not suffice and managers need to be sensitive toward making ethical decisions. Aim To explore nursing managers and their sensitivity toward ethical decision-making by analyzing their related experiences. Method The current study has been conducted in Iran in 2017 through a qualitative (...)
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  • Physiotherapists’ moral distress: Mixed-method study reveals new insights.Noit Inbar, Israel Issi Doron & Yocheved Laufer - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1537-1550.
    Background Moral distress is a well-recognized term for emotional, cognitive, and physical reactions of professionals, when facing conflicts between perceived obligations and institutional constraints. Though studied across medical roles, limited research exists among physiotherapists. Research Question What factors contribute to Moral distress among physiotherapists and how do they cope? Objectives To develop and test a multifaceted model of Moral distress and gain an in-depth understanding of the phenomena. Research Design A 2017–2022 mixed-methods study: (1) Survey of 407 physiotherapists quantitatively testing (...)
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  • Moral dilemmas involving anthropological and ethical dimensions in healthcare curriculum.Ignacio Macpherson, María Victoria Roqué & Ignacio Segarra - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1238-1249.
    Background Currently a variety of novel scenarios have appeared within nursing practice such as confidentiality of a patient victim of abuse, justice in insolvent patients, poorly informed consent delivery, non-satisfactory medicine outputs, or the possibility to reject a recommended treatment. These scenarios presuppose skills that are not usually acquired during the degree. Thus, the implementation of teaching approaches that promote the acquisition of these skills in the nursing curriculum is increasingly relevant. Objective The article analyzes an academic model which integrates (...)
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  • Moral neutralization: Nurses’ evolution in unethical climate workplaces.Hamideh Hakimi, Soodabeh Joolaee, Mansoureh Ashghali Farahani, Patricia Rodney & Hadi Ranjbar - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    Introduction Good quality of care is dependent on nurses’ strong clinical skills and moral competencies, as well. While most nurses work with high moral standards, the moral performance of some nurses in some organizations shows a deterioration in their moral sensitivity and actions. The study reported in this paper aimed to explore the experiences of nurses regarding negative changes in their moral practice. Materials and methods This was a qualitative study utilizing an inductive thematic analysis approach, which was conducted from (...)
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  • Tertiary hospital nurses’ ethical sensitivity and its influencing factors: A cross-sectional study.Xue Lei Chen, Fei Fei Huang, Jie Zhang, Juan Li, Bi Yun Ye, Yun Xiang Chen, Yuan Hui Zhang, Fang Li, Chun Fang Yu & Jing Ping Zhang - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (1):104-113.
    Background: High ethical sensitivity positively affects the quality of nursing care; nevertheless, Chinese nurses’ ethical sensitivity and the factors influencing it have not been described. Research objectives: The purpose of this study was to describe ethical sensitivity and to explore factors influencing it among Chinese-registered nurses, to help nursing administrators improve nurses’ ethical sensitivity, build harmony between nurses and patients, and promote the patients’ health. Research design: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. Participants and research context: We recruited 500 nurses (...)
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  • Ethikkompetenzentwicklung in der (zukünftigen) pflegeberuflichen Qualifizierung – Konkretion und Stufung als Grundlegung für curriculare Entwicklungen.Annette Riedel & Constanze Giese - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (1):61-79.
    ZusammenfassungDie aktuellen Entwicklungen und Anforderungen in der pflegeberuflichen Bildung, das Ausbildungsziel im Pflegeberufegesetz vom 17. Juli 2017 und die Explikationen in der dazugehörigen Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsverordnung für die Pflegeberufe fordern eine stärkere Ausrichtung auf die Entwicklung ethischer Kompetenzen explizit ein. Bislang liegen tendenziell übergreifende Definitionen und Darlegungen zu ethischen Kompetenzen in der Pflege vor, deren Verdienst es ist, das Spezifische der Pflegeethik zu konturieren und erstmals ethische Kompetenzen für das Feld zu konkretisieren. In methodischer und didaktischer Hinsicht ist indes eine (...)
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  • Impact of poetry-based ethics education on the moral sensitivity of nurses: A semi-experimental study.Kobra Rashidi, Tahereh Ashktorab & Mehdi Birjandi - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):448-461.
    Background: The nurses’ moral sensitivity is the first step to make right decisions in difficult moral situations. Therefore, its education and promotion is highly important. Research objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the impact of poetry-based ethics education on the nurses’ moral sensitivity. Research design and methods: This was a semi-experimental study. The sample consisted of 108 nurses who were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to three groups: intervention with poetry (G1), who read a (...)
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  • The role of online ethics consultation on mental health.Kayoko Ohnishi, Teresa E. Stone, Takashi Yoshiike & Kazuyo Kitaoka - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1261-1269.
    Background Nurses experience moral distress when they cannot do what they believe is right or when they must do what they believe is wrong. Given the limited mechanisms for managing ethical issues for nurses in Japan, an Online Ethics Consultation on mental health (OEC) was established open to anyone seeking anonymous consultation on mental health practice. Research objective To report the establishment of the Online Ethics Consultation and describe and evaluate its effectiveness. Ethical considerations The research was conducted in accordance (...)
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