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Hegel's Dialectic of Desire and Recognition: Texts and Commentary

State University of New York Press (1996)

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  1. Creative Activity and Alienation in Hegel and Marx.Sean Sayers - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (1):107-128.
    For Marx, work is the fundamental and central activity in human life and, potentially at least, a ful lling and liberating activity. Although this view is implicit throughout Marx’s work, there is little explicit explanation or defence of it. The fullest treatment is in the account of ‘estranged labour’ [entfremdete Arbeit] in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts;1 but, even there, Marx does not set out his philosophical assumptions at length. For an understanding of these, one must turn to Hegel. Marx (...)
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  • The Infinite Passion of Responsibility: A Critique of Absolute Knowing.Dennis Beach - 1998 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    What is the relationship between knowledge and ethics? Does what we know and the reason that secures knowledge determine ethical responsibility, or might ethical responsibility itself awaken and animate the enterprise of knowing? The dissertation affirms the priority of ethics by juxtaposing two accounts of the relationship between truth and goodness. It critiques Hegel's systematic conception of absolute knowing by showing that this knowing elides the anarchical ethical demand arising from the other person. Hegel's dialectic reconciles the problem of the (...)
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  • Economies of sacrifice: Recognition, monadism, and alien‐ation∗.Mark Featherstone - 2001 - Cultural Values 5 (3):306-324.
    Abstract‘Economies of Sacrifice’ compares Girard's (1987) Hegelian inter‐dividualism to the Cartesian notion of the cogito and the Freudian theory of the unconscious in order to show how the monadic identity position violates the communicative balance of the self‐other bind. By looking at how both these thinkers constitute an identity category through the concept of sacrifice, the paper refers to the Girardian (1986) and Bataillean (1990) theories of violence and recognition in search of an alternative stance that may provide a more (...)
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  • Parsons’ Freud.John O'Neill - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (4):518-532.
    . Parsons’ Freud. Cultural Values: Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 518-532.
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  • The time of the gift.John O'Neill - 2001 - Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities 6 (2):41-48.
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  • Hegel, Psychoanalysis and Intersubjectivity.Molly Macdonald - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (7):448-458.
    This article aims to locate the connections between Hegel’s philosophy and psychoanalytic theory, with a particular focus on the model of intersubjectivity, as drawn from hisPhenomenology of Spirit. The roots of the encounter between the philosophy of Hegel and psychoanalytic theory can be traced back to Jacques Lacan and the less well‐considered figure of Jean Hyppolite. Lacan, as a psychoanalyst, used Hegel’s thought in his own theory, as is well known, while Hyppolite was arguably one of the first to write (...)
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  • Ľudská túžba po uznaní a fenomén otroctva v procese vývoja sebavedomia u G. W. F. Hegla.Hedviga Marcinková - 2010 - Ostium 6 (2).
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  • "La théorie c'est bon mais ça n'empêche pas d'exister" : subjective ontology and the ethics of interpretation.Michael Szollosy - unknown
    This study seeks to confront the ontological crises of the subject. Through an examination of twentieth century texts, I demonstrate the effects of subjective compliance with disembodied discourses. Using psychoanalytic theory, I ask: What are the ethical limits of interpretation within the psychoanalysis and literary criticism? And what alternative strategies of intersubjective exchange could we employ that would aspire to avoid instances of such hermeneutic tyranny?
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