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  1. The divide between daily event appraisal and emotion experience in major depression.Vanessa Panaite & Nathan Cohen - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (3):586-594.
    Appraisal theories predict that emotional experiences are tightly linked to context appraisals. However, depressed people tend to perceive a variety of emotional events more negatively and stressfully and their emotional experience has been described as context insensitive. This raises the question: how different is the intensity of context appraisals from related emotion experiences among depressed relative to healthy people? Surprisingly, we do not know how cohesive intensity of context appraisals and emotional experiences are in depression. In this study, we assessed (...)
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  • Emotion regulation and mood brightening in daily life vary with depressive symptom levels.Vanessa Panaite, Peter Koval, Egon Dejonckheere & Peter Kuppens - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1291-1301.
    ABSTRACTNaturalistic studies of emotional reactivity in depression have repeatedly found larger decreases in negative affect among depressed individuals in response to daily positive events. T...
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