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  1. The cerebral, extra-cerebral bodily, and socio-cultural dimensions of enculturated arithmetical cognition.Regina E. Fabry - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):3685-3720.
    Arithmetical cognition is the result of enculturation. On a personal level of analysis, enculturation is a process of structured cultural learning that leads to the acquisition of evolutionarily recent, socio-culturally shaped arithmetical practices. On a sub-personal level, enculturation is realized by learning driven plasticity and learning driven bodily adaptability, which leads to the emergence of new neural circuitry and bodily action patterns. While learning driven plasticity in the case of arithmetical practices is not consistent with modularist theories of mental architecture, (...)
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  • Statistical Learning Is Related to Reading Ability in Children and Adults.Joanne Arciuli & Ian C. Simpson - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (2):286-304.
    There is little empirical evidence showing a direct link between a capacity for statistical learning (SL) and proficiency with natural language. Moreover, discussion of the role of SL in language acquisition has seldom focused on literacy development. Our study addressed these issues by investigating the relationship between SL and reading ability in typically developing children and healthy adults. We tested SL using visually presented stimuli within a triplet learning paradigm and examined reading ability by administering the Wide Range Achievement Test (...)
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  • Dissociations in Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience.Edouard Machery - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (4):490-518.
    In this article, I compare the epistemic standing of the function-to-structure inferences found in cognitive neuroscience and of the inferences based on dissociations in neuropsychology. I argue that the former have a poorer epistemic standing than the latter.
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  • Double Dissociation: Understanding its Role in Cognitive Neuropsychology.Martin Davies - 2010 - Mind and Language 25 (5):500-540.
    The paper makes three points about the role of double dissociation in cognitive neuropsychology. First, arguments from double dissociation to separate modules work by inference to the best, not the only possible, explanation. Second, in the development of computational cognitive neuropsychology, the contribution of connectionist cognitive science has been to broaden the range of potential explanations of double dissociation. As a result, the competition between explanations, and the characteristic features of the assessment of theories against the criteria of probability and (...)
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  • How metaphysical commitments shape the study of psychological mechanisms.Eric Hochstein - forthcoming - Theory & Psychology.
    The study of psychological mechanisms is an interdisciplinary endeavour, requiring insights from many different domains. In this article, I argue that philosophy plays an essential role in this interdisciplinary project, and that effective scientific study of psychological mechanisms requires that working scientists be responsible metaphysicians. This means adopting deliberate metaphysical positions when studying mechanisms that go beyond what is empirically justified regarding the nature of the phenomenon being studied, the conditions of its occurrence, and its boundaries. Such metaphysical commitments are (...)
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  • Cognitive Neuroscience: The Troubled Marriage of Cognitive Science and Neuroscience.Richard P. Cooper & Tim Shallice - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (3):398-406.
    We discuss the development of cognitive neuroscience in terms of the tension between the greater sophistication in cognitive concepts and methods of the cognitive sciences and the increasing power of more standard biological approaches to understanding brain structure and function. There have been major technological developments in brain imaging and advances in simulation, but there have also been shifts in emphasis, with topics such as thinking, consciousness, and social cognition becoming fashionable within the brain sciences. The discipline has great promise (...)
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  • Lessons From Cognitive Neuropsychology for Cognitive Science: A Reply to Patterson and Plaut (2009).Max Coltheart - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (1):3-11.
    A recent article in this journal (Patterson & Plaut, 2009) argued that cognitive neuropsychology has told us very little over the past 30 or 40 years about “how the brain accomplishes its cognitive business.” This may well be true, but it is not important, because the principal aim of cognitive neuropsychology is not to learn about the brain. Its principal aim is instead to learn about the mind, that is, to elucidate the functional architecture of cognition. I show that this (...)
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  • Learning to Appreciate the Gray Areas: A Critical Notice of Anil Gupta’s “Conscious Experience”.Eric Hochstein - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (6):801-813.
    Anil Gupta’s Conscious Experience: A Logical Inquiry provides an impressive and novel account of rational justification based on conscious experience which is used as a foundation for a new theory of empiricism. In this critical notice, I argue that Gupta’s project is fascinating, but is often hampered by a lack of sufficient philosophical justification and clarity regarding some essential features of his project, as well as a lack of engagement with relevant scientific domains that would directly bear on it, such (...)
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  • Beyond Functional Architecture in Cognitive Neuropsychology: A Reply to Coltheart (2010).David C. Plaut & Karalyn Patterson - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (1):12-14.
    We (Patterson & Plaut, 2009) argued that cognitive neuropsychology has had a limited impact on cognitive science due to a nearly exclusive reliance on (a) single‐case studies, (b) dissociations in cognitive performance, and (c) shallow, box‐and‐arrow theorizing, and we advocated adopting a case‐series methodology, considering associations as well as dissociations, and employing explicit computational modeling in studying “how the brain does its cognitive business.” In reply, Coltheart (2010) claims that our concern is misplaced because cognitive neuropsychology is concerned only with (...)
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  • Response to Susilo and Duchaine: beyond neuropsychological dissociations in understanding face and word representations.David C. Plaut & Marlene Behrmann - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (11):546.
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