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The State and civil society: studies in Hegel's political philosophy

New York: Cambridge University Press (1984)

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  1. Marxism, Law and the Global South: Asiatic Mode of Production Debates, The Legal Subject and the Promise of Left Universalism.Nergis Canefe - 2021 - Https://Pressbooks.Pub/Daraja21/.
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  • Hegel and liberalism.Richard Bellamy - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (6):693-708.
    This article is based on research funded by the E.S.R.C. under its Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Scheme. Its contents are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the E.S.R.C. An earlier version was read to the seventh conference of the Hegel Society of Great Britain on the Philosophy of Right. The author is grateful to the participants for their helpful comments on that occasion.
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  • Property and Contract in Economics: The Case for Economic Democracy.David P. Ellerman - 1992 - Blackwell.
    From a pre-publication review by the late Austrian economist, Don Lavoie, of George Mason University: -/- "The book's radical re-interpretation of property and contract is, I think, among the most powerful critiques of mainstream economics ever developed. It undermines the neoclassical way of thinking about property by articulating a theory of inalienable rights, and constructs out of this perspective a "labor theory of property" which is as different from Marx's labor theory of value as it is from neoclassicism. It traces (...)
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  • The I and World history in Hegel.Paolo Diego Bubbio - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (4):706-726.
    In this paper, I investigate the relations between the notion of the I and the conception of World history in Hegel’s philosophy. First, I address Hegel’s account of the I by reconstructing its phenomenological and logical development from consciousness to self-consciousness through recognition with the other and arguing that the project of the Philosophy of Right is normative, as it provides an account of the logical process of affirmation of the I as the normative source of the realm of objective (...)
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  • Modernity as autonomy.Kenneth Baynes - 1995 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 38 (3):289 – 303.
    In Modernism as a Philosophical Problem Robert Pippin offers an interpretation of post-Kantian continental philosophy that locates the project of autonomy or self-determination at the center of the modernity/postmodernity debate and presents Hegel as a kind of radical, post-Kantian modernist, whose philosophical "experiment" is preferable to more recent attempts to overcome or deconstruct metaphysics. I raise some questions about the adequacy of Pippin's interpretation of Hegel's notion of a rational justification, at least as it bears on his argument in the (...)
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  • Love and Politics: Re-Interpreting Hegel.Alice Ormiston - 2004 - State University of New York Press.
    Argues that love plays an essential—if often implicit—role in Hegel's mature theory of moral subjectivity and political community.
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  • Leidenschaften und Interessen: Hegel und die kritische Begründung der politischen Ökonomie.Filipe Augusto Barreto Campello de Melo - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 1 (2):226-253.
    O presente artigo discute a teoria hegeliana da sociedade civil dentro de um quadro atual, tendo em vista principalmente a tensão entre paixões e interesses encontrada no modelo econômico-político do capitalismo. Esse argumento será desenvolvido em dois momentos. Primeiramente, apresento a contribuição teórica de Hegel a esse debate a partir da concepção de que as paixões se ligam a um conteúdo “particular”, que somente são concebidas como “racionais” através de um processo de formação específico. Eu procuro mostrar que Hegel liga (...)
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