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Auguste Comte

The Philosophers' Magazine 59 (59):62-64 (1993)

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  1. The Historicity of Peirce’s Classification of the Sciences.Chiara Ambrosio - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    The classification of the sciences is one of the most discussed and analysed aspects of Peirce’s corpus of work. I propose that Peirce’s attempt at systematising the sciences is characterised by a distinctive historicity, which I construe in two complementary senses. First, I investigate Peirce’s classification as part of a broader nineteenth-century move toward classifying the sciences, a move that was at the same time motivated by social and epistemological goals. I claim that this re-contextualisation adds an entirely new layer (...)
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  • La représentation de l’élément germanique dans la philosophie d’Auguste Comte.Laurent Fedi - 2014 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 35:37-84.
    La considération de « l’élément germanique » chez Comte participe d’un projet de réorganisation européenne. Madame de Staël avait légué l’image d’une Allemagne rêveuse et métaphysicienne. Comte développe une autre représentation : celle d’un pays marqué par l’esprit protestant (négatif et critique) et la philosophie de la nature (un panthéisme philosophique). Ces caractéristiques incitent Comte à dégrader le rang de l’Allemagne dans le classement des cinq nations européennes susceptibles de participer à la construction d’une république occidentale positiviste. Toutefois, Comte a (...)
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  • Pragmatisme, positivisme et vérification : Peirce critique de Comte.Mathias Girel - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 110 (2):135-156.
    French abstract: L’article étudie la relation de Peirce à Comte, en partant des critiques formulées dans ses écrits de jeunesse. Son enjeu est double : il relève d’abord d’une question d’histoire de la philosophie étonnamment peu traitée, alors même que Peirce lit, commente et critique Comte. Le second enjeu est épistémologique et métaphysique : Peirce voit dans la théorie comtienne des hypothèses une position proche du pragmatisme qu’il développe, mais grevée de présupposés nominalistes qui la rendent finalement intenable, à moins (...)
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  • Virtue and the material culture of the nineteenth century: the debate over the mass marketplace in France in the aftermath of the 1848 revolution.Richard Kim - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (6):557-579.
    This article treats the intellectual problem of revolution, agency, and the advent of liberal democracy from the standpoint of mid-nineteenth century France in the aftermath of the 1848 revolutions. After a discussion of the theoretical and historiographical problem—in particular the relevance for this period in history of science studies—the article discusses the views of former Saint-Simonian and political economist, Michel Chevalier, eventually turning to the debate over the free market of goods and labor between the early French socialist Louis Blanc (...)
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  • Auguste Comte’s Concept of Systematic Obsolescence, by Which All Truly Unarguable Views Must Spontaneously Fade Away.Jan Maršálek - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:111-131.
    The usual account of Auguste Comte, thinker of the “positive” science, overshadows his attention to the “spectacle of destruction”, to which the metaphysical state of human knowledge and humanity offers the stage. I first illustrate the understanding of this Comtian metaphysical state as both a progressive and self-destructive transformation of “theology”, using an example drawn from the history of astronomy. The broader relevance of this conception is then assessed in the field of social philosophy, so that the realm of natural (...)
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  • Romanticism and Romantic Science: Their Contribution to Science Education.Yannis Hadzigeorgiou & Roland Schulz - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (10):1963-2006.
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  • From Comte to Carnap. Marcel Boll and the introduction of the Vienna Circle in France.Peter Schöttler - 2015 - Revue de Synthèse 136 (1-2):207-236.
    The issue of the introduction of viennese "scientific philosophy" in France appears to be resolved. However, the rediscovery of the positivist physicist Marcel Boil (1886-1971), who was the first - well before Louis Rougier - to draw the French public 's attention to the works of Schlick, Frank. and Carnap, obliges us to rethink the passage from traditional positivism to neo-positivism during the l920s and l930s. The French reception of the Vienna circ le can be dated earlier than accepted and (...)
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  • The “false” debate between positivism and Verstehen in the origins of sociology.Francisco Javier Ullan de la Rosa - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (3):344-362.
    The article revisits the debate between the positivists and non-positivists currents in sociology in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, concluding that it is actually a false debate, due to the fact that, beyond their differences, both shared some of the basic principles of the paradigm of modernity. From this historical analysis the article seeks to draw lessons for the social sciences in the present, at a time when these seem to have reached a certain synthesis between the modern (...)
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