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Platon, Phaidon: Übersetzung und Kommentar

Ruprecht Gmbh & Company (2004)

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  1. The Phaedo as an Alternative to Tragedy.David Ebrey - 2023 - Classical Philology 118 (2):153-171.
    This article argues that the Phaedo is written as a new sort of story of how a hero faces death; this story provides an alternative to existing tragedy, as understood by Plato. The opening of the Phaedo makes clear that two features that Plato closely associates with tragedy, pity and lamentation, are inappropriate responses to Socrates’ impending death, and that tuchē (chance) did not affect his happiness. This is the first step in the dialogue’s sustained engagement with tragedy. Tragedy for (...)
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  • “Picturing the Mind: Freud on Metapsychology and Methodology.” Die Seele abbilden. Über Freuds Methodologie und Metapsychologie.Francey Russell - 2022 - WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 1.
    [please see my website for the English language version] What is the relationship between a philosophical or theoretical conception of mind, and the mind’s conception of itself? Should the latter constrain the former? And how does the mind itself understand a theory of mind, that is, a theory of itself? I raise these questions by means of Freud. Freud suggested that the mind cannot merely theoretically comprehend psychoanalytic concepts but must be able to “recognize” and “sympathize” with them. I call (...)
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  • Annotated Bibliography on Plato's Phaedo.David Ebrey - 2017 - Oxford Bibliographies.
    8000 Word annotated bibliography on the Phaedo, with roughly 70 entries. Note that the subscription version is a bit easier to navigate. The hyperlinks work in this pdf, but you can not as easily jump to the different sections.
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  • Socrates’ Warning Against Misology (Plato, Phaedo 88c-91c).Thomas Miller - 2015 - Phronesis 60 (2):145-179.
    In thePhaedo, Socrates warns his listeners, discouraged by the objections of Simmias and Cebes, against becoming haters oflogoi. I argue that the ‘misologists’ are presented as a type of proto-skeptic and that Socrates in fact shows covert sympathy for their position. The difference between them is revealed by the pragmatic argument for trust in the immortality of the soul that Socrates offers near the end of the passage: the misologists reject such therapeutic uses oflogos. I conclude by assessing the relationship (...)
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  • Olympiodorus and Damascius on the Philosopher’s Practice of Dying in Plato’s Phaedo.Melina G. Mouzala - 2014 - Peitho 5 (1):177-198.
    This paper presents Olympiodorus’ and Damascius’ explanations of the philosopher’s practice of dying in Plato’s Phaedo. It also includes a presentation of Ammonius’ exegesis of the practice of death. The Neoplatonic commentators discern two kinds of death, the bodily or physical death and the voluntary death. Olympiodorus suggests that bodily death is only an image of voluntary death and cannot be recognized as an original death, because original death presupposes the preparation for death and the constant effort for the purification (...)
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  • ‚Rückkehr in die Kindheit‘ oder ‚Tod bei lebendigem Leib‘? Ethische Aspekte der Altersdemenz in der Perspektive des Lebensverlaufs.Mark Schweda & Karin Jongsma - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 5 (1):181-206.
    Unsere Sicht der Demenz ist von kulturellen Metaphern geprägt. Sie ziehen Analogien zu vertrauten Erfahrungsbereichen und eröffnen so ein Verständnis von einem ansonsten schwer fassbaren und letzten Endes unergründlichen Geschehen. In zeitgenössischen Diskursen über die Demenz spielen insbesondere zwei biographische Metaphern eine maßgebliche Rolle: die der,Rückkehr in die Kindheit‘ und die des,Todes bei lebendigem Leib‘. Der Beitrag unterzieht beide Vorstellungen einer kritischen Reflexion. Er erläutert zunächst die kulturgeschichtliche Herkunft und Bedeutung der Kindheits- und Todesmetapher. Im Anschluss geht er ihren Implikationen (...)
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  • Il Platone socratico di Gadamer.François Renaud - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (4).
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  • (1 other version)A linguagem do acontecimento apropriativo.Marco Casanova - 2002 - Natureza Humana 4 (2):315-339.
    O objetivo do presente texto é investigar as articulações essenciais de três noções decisivas para a constituição do pensamento heideggeriano posterior à assim chamada virada : acontecimento apropriativo , seer e linguagem. Para tanto, deter-nos-emos fundamentalmente na análise de algumas passagens importantes do escrito Beiträge zur Philosophie . Através desta análise, procuraremos, ao mesmo tempo, revelar em que medida o conceito de acontecimento apropriativo possui uma relação direta com o acontecimento de uma apropriação de si mesmo por parte do homem (...)
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