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  1. Psychical research in the history and philosophy of science. An introduction and review.Andreas Sommer - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 48:38-45.
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  • Metapsychy's border: Henri Piéron's (1881–1964) role as the gatekeeper of French psychology.Renaud Evrard, Stéphane Gumpper & Bevis Beauvais - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (3-4):105-132.
    Metapsychy, or metapsychics, is the French science known in English-speaking countries as parapsychology or psychical research. As Régine Plas has shown, the ‘psychic’ phenomena were among the first subjects of psychological inquiry. Like many of his colleagues, Henri Piéron began his career researching apparent telepathic phenomena, and in collaboration with Nicolae Vaschide explained them in terms of an ‘intellectual parallelism’. From 1913 onward, Piéron developed the ‘Métapsychie’ section of L’année psychologique, where he used his critical skills to sometimes foster and (...)
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  • Anomalous phenomena and the scientific mind: some insights from “psychologist” Louis Favre (1868-1938?).Renaud Evrard - 2017 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 31 (1).
    At the turn of twentieth century, in France, psychical research wasn’t fully separated from psychology. The Institut général psychologique (IGP) was created in 1900 as an attempt to integrate the scientific study of anomalous phenomena in modern science. One forgotten actor of this society was “psychologist” Louis Favre, a polymath researcher with a passion for scientific methodology and the “scientific mind.” He developed a pioneer experiment on the influence of magnetic passes on plants and microbes, with a control group. He (...)
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