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  1. An Investigation of the Effects of Corporate Ethical Values on Employee Commitment and Performance: Examining the Moderating Role of Perceived Fairness.Dheeraj Sharma, Shaheen Borna & James M. Stearns - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (2):251-260.
    Corporate ethical values (CEVs) can be viewed outside the realm of organizational training, standard operating procedures, reward and punishment systems, formal statements, and as more representative of the real nature of the organization (Organ, 1988). Past researchers have empirically demonstrated the direct influence of CEVs on job performance. This study argues that employees' perception of organizational fairness will create perceptual distortion of CEVs. The results of the study indicate that perceived fairness moderates the influence of CEVs on two seminal outcomes, (...)
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  • Business and marketing ethics as professional ethics. Concepts, approaches and typologies.Johannes Brinkmann - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (1-2):159 - 177.
    Marketing ethics is normally marketed as a sub-specialization of business ethics. In this paper, marketing ethics serves as an umbrella term for advertising, PR and sales ethics and as an example of professional ethics. To structure the paper, four approaches are distinguished, with a focus on typical professional conflicts, codes, roles or climates respectively. Since the moral climate approachis more inclusive than the other approaches, the last part of the paper deals mainly with moral climates, within the above-mentioned marketing sub-professions.
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  • Value Congruence Awareness: Part 2. DNA Testing Sheds Light on Functionalism.Robert G. Isaac, L. Kim Wilson & Douglas C. Pitt - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (3):297-309.
    Part 1 of this exploratory study demonstrated that for terminal, instrumental, and work values, supervisors could only accurately assess the extent to which their terminal values are congruent with their employees, whereas, employees could only accurately describe degrees of alignment with their supervisors' work values. Thus, supervisors appear to possess conscious awareness of the terminal values held by their employees and employees similarly possess conscious awareness of their supervisors' work values. Part 2 of the study examined what each of these (...)
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  • Value Congruence Awareness: Part 1. DNA Testing Sheds Light on Functionalism.Robert Isaac, L. Wilson & Douglas Pitt - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (2):191-201.
    This exploratory study examines awareness of the other party''s instrumental, terminal, and work values by members of supervisor and employee dyads. Subjective estimates of value congruence, provided by either member of the dyad, correlated with actual value congruence scores determine conscious awareness levels in all cases. Results demonstrate supervisory awareness of employee terminal values, but not work values or instrumental values, even though these latter value types probably possess the greatest relevance to achieving organizational goals. Further, employees possess awareness of (...)
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  • Influence of Personal Values and Value Congruence on Unethical Practices and Work Behavior.Damodar Suar & Rooplekha Khuntia - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (3):443 - 460.
    The study examines whether (a) personal and organizational values differ in private and public sectors, and (b) personal values and value congruence -the extent of matching between personal and organizational values -influence unethical practices and work behavior. Three hundred and forty middle-level managers from four manufacturing organizations rated 22 values as guiding principles to them to identify their personal values. In order to index organizational values, 56 top-level managers of the same organizations rated how important such values were to the (...)
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  • Organizational commitment and ethical behavior: An empirical study of information system professionals. [REVIEW]Effy Oz - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (2):137 - 142.
    IS professionals have been reported to have one of the highest turnover rates. They have also often been accused of unethical conduct, specifically, pirating software, hacking, giving professional opinion that exceeds their knowledge, and not protecting people''s privacy. In a sample of 71 IS professionals and 250 members of other professions we found that IS professionals were more committed to their organizations than the other professionals, and that IS professionals were, indeed, less ethical with respect to software piracy and hacking. (...)
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  • Organizational Ethics, Individual Ethics, and Ethical Intentions in International Decision-Making.B. Elango, Karen Paul, Sumit K. Kundu & Shishir K. Paudel - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (4):543 - 561.
    This study explores the impact of both individual ethics (IE) and organizational ethics (OE) on ethical intention (EI). Ethical intention, or the individual's intention to engage in ethical behavior, is useful as a dependent variable because it relates to behavior which can be an expression of values, but also is influenced by organizational and societal variables. The focus is on EI in international business decision-making, since the international context provides great latitude in making ethical decisions. Results demonstrate that both IE (...)
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  • Applying a Universal Content and Structure of Values in Construction Management.Grant R. Mills, Simon A. Austin, Derek S. Thomson & Hannah Devine-Wright - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (4):473-501.
    There has recently been a reappraisal of value in UK construction and calls from a wide range of influential individuals, professional institutions and government bodies for the industry to exceed stakeholders’ expectations and develop integrated teams that can deliver world class products and services. As such value is certainly topical, but the importance of values as a separate but related concept is less well understood. Most construction firms have well-defined and well-articulated values, expressed in annual reports and on websites; however, (...)
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  • Workplace Values and Outcomes: Exploring Personal, Organizational, and Interactive Workplace Spirituality.Robert W. Kolodinsky, Robert A. Giacalone & Carole L. Jurkiewicz - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (2):465-480.
    Spiritual values in the workplace, increasingly discussed and applied in the business ethics literature, can be viewed from an individual, organizational, or interactive perspective. The following study examined previously unexplored workplace spirituality outcomes. Using data collected from five samples consisting of full-time workers taking graduate coursework, results indicated that perceptions of organizational-level spirituality (“organizational spirituality”) appear to matter most to attitudinal and attachment-related outcomes. Specifically, organizational spirituality was found to be positively related to job involvement, organizational identification, and work rewards (...)
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  • Self-Selection Bias in Business Ethics Research.Harvey S. James - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (4):559-577.
    Abstract:Suppose we want to know whether the ethics of persons with one characteristic differ from the ethics of persons having another characteristic. Self-selection bias occurs if people have control over that characteristic. When there is self-selection bias, we cannot be sure observed differences in ethics are correlated with the characteristic or are the result of individual self-selection. Self-selection bias is germane to many important business ethics questions. In this paper I explain what self-selection bias is, how it relates to business (...)
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  • Comparing corporate managers' personal values over three decades, 1967--1995.Bruce L. Oliver - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 20 (2):147 - 161.
    What is the nature of the decision-related personal values of corporate management? Managers' attitudes and behaviors are built upon their personal value systems (PVS). Knowledge about the structure of management's PVS assists in understanding the attributes of corporate decision making. Utilizing a survey instrument developed and used by England (1967, 1975), this article updates this research into corporate managers' personal value systems. England's PVS consists of sixty-six pre-tested values clustered into five groups. As one could expect with personal values, statistical (...)
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  • The Potential Use of Sociological Perspectives for Business Ethics Teaching.Johannes Brinkmann - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):273-287.
    This paper investigates the potential contribution of sociological perspectives for business ethics teaching. After a brief and selective literature review, the paper suggests starting with sociological thinking and three aspects of it: sociological concepts, sociological imagination, and postponed judgment. After presenting two short case teaching stories and three sociological concepts or frameworks, the potential inspiration value of a sociological checklist for analysing or diagnosing business ethics cases is tried out. As an open ending, some short final suggestions are made for (...)
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  • Understanding Research on Values in Business.Bradley R. Agle & Craig B. Caldwell - 1999 - Business and Society 38 (3):326-387.
    Researchers in all management specialties have discussed and investigated the important role values play in personal and organizational phenomena. However, because research on values has been performed in a wide range of social science disciplines and at different levels of analysis, much of thiswork has been uninformed by other work and is neither well integrated nor systematized, resulting in a great deal of confusion concerning the topic. This article attempts to add order and clarity to this area of research by (...)
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  • Role Morality Discrepancy and Ethical Purchasing: Exploring Felt Responsibility in Professional and Personal Contexts.Ben Marder & Liz Cooper - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (2):229-249.
    The same person can make different moral judgments about the same activity in their professional role and in their personal life. For example, people may follow a different moral code when making purchases at work compared with in their private lives. This potential difference has largely remained unexamined. This study explores differences in felt moral responsibility in workplace and private purchasing settings, regarding the impacts of purchasing decisions on supply chain workers, and explores the influence of personal values and ethical (...)
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  • Exploring the dynamics of business values: A self-affirmation perspective. [REVIEW]George W. Watson, Steven D. Papamarcos, Bruce T. Teague & Cindy Bean - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 49 (4):337-346.
    In this paper our aim is to augment the value-congruency literature by demonstrating the dynamics of business value structures. The relationship between cognitive discomforts and value restructuring is examined by applying self-affirmation theory. Subjects (N = 115) were randomly assigned either to the treatment group (n = 69) or control group (n = 46). Those subjects in the treatment group were tasked with deciding between two different organizational re-structuring options that involved downsizing. The values of job-entitlement, and obligations to the (...)
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  • Organizational consequences, marketing ethics and salesforce supervision: Further empirical evidence. [REVIEW]Bülent Mengüç - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (4):333-352.
    This study comparatively examines supervisory reactions of Turkish sales managers to potentially ethical and unethical salesperson behaviors while replicating Hunt and Vasquez-Parraga (1993). Four scenarios representing ethical and unethical conditions of over-stating plant capacity utilization and over-recommending expensive products were presented to the managers. As a result of this comparative study, it is empirically demonstrated that Turkish managers primarily rely on the inherent rightness of a behavior with a focus on the individual (i.e., deontological evaluations) in determining whether a salesperson's (...)
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  • FOCUS: Business ethics research: A cultural perspective.Stephen Brigley - 1995 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 4 (1):17–22.
    Why do certain ethical values and beliefs work within the realities of organisation life, while others do not? Research into corporate culture in its various expressions can provide a means of relating corporate rhetoric to actual performance and provide a deeper understanding of the conditions for practical change. Dr Brigley is a member of the Centre for the Study of Organisational Change in the School of Management, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY. He wishes to acknowledge the benefits (...)
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  • Another Look at the Impact of Personal and Organizational Values Congruency.Barry Z. Posner - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (4):535 - 541.
    This study re-examined the impact of personal and organizational values congruency on positive work outcomes and investigated the extent to which this relationship is affected by demographic variables. Data collection paralleled an earlier study (Posner and Schmidt, Journal of Business Ethics 12,1993, 341) and validated those findings, lending additional credibility to the continuing importance of this phenomenon. Both personal values congruence and organizational values clarity were significantly related to commitment, satisfaction, motivation, anxiety, work stress, and ethics using a cross-sectional sample (...)
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  • Examining an Individual’s Legitimacy Judgment Using the Value–Attitude System: The Role of Environmental and Economic Values and Source Credibility.David Finch, David Deephouse & Paul Varella - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):265-281.
    We view an individual’s legitimacy judgment as an attitude. It is influenced by a personal belief system composed of global values and domain-specific beliefs, consistent with the value–attitude system in marketing. Our context is the legitimacy of the Canadian oil sands industry. We hypothesize that an individual’s legitimacy judgment may be influenced by three domain-specific beliefs: the credibility of the industry, environmental non-government organizations, and the mass media. We also examine two global values associated with sustainable development: concern for the (...)
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  • Understanding Values in Organizations: A Value Dynamics Perspective.George W. Watson, Bruce T. Teague & Steven D. Papamarcos - 2004 - Journal of Human Values 10 (1):23-39.
    The objective of this paper is to augment the business values literature by building upon research that claims individual value frames are subject to hierarchical re-scaling, value redefinition, and value removal or induction. In contrast to the person-organization cultural fit approach of value congruence, we postulate that the cognitive discomforts resulting from just-world needs, self-identity completion and self-concept maintenance, as moderated by contextual and dispositional variables, are resolved through the selection and accentuation of legitimating and justifying values that ultimately cast (...)
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