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  1. Feyerabend, Pseudo-Dionysius, and the Ineffability of Reality.Ian Kidd - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (2):365-377.
    This paper explores the influence of the fifth-century Christian Neoplatonist Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (Denys) on the twentieth-century philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend. I argue that the later Feyerabend took from Denys a metaphysical claim—the ‘doctrine of ineffability’—intended to support epistemic pluralism. The paper has five parts. Part one introduces Denys and Feyerabend’s common epistemological concern to deny the possibility of human knowledge of ultimate reality. Part two examines Denys’ arguments for the ‘ineffability’ of God as presented in On the Divine (...)
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  • How a Modest Fideism may Constrain Theistic Commitments: Exploring an Alternative to Classical Theism.John Bishop - 2007 - Philosophia 35 (3-4):387-402.
    On the assumption that theistic religious commitment takes place in the face of evidential ambiguity, the question arises under what conditions it is permissible to make a doxastic venture beyond one’s evidence in favour of a religious proposition. In this paper I explore the implications for orthodox theistic commitment of adopting, in answer to that question, a modest, moral coherentist, fideism. This extended Jamesian fideism crucially requires positive ethical evaluation of both the motivation and content of religious doxastic ventures. I (...)
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  • Paul Feyerabend: realista e antirrealista.Eder Corbanezi - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e0240027.
    Intensely discussed in the philosophy of science in the 20th and 21st centuries, the themes of realism and anti-realism pervade Feyerabend’s work. However, discerning the author’s position on these subjects poses a problem for scholars. One sign of this is that they attribute to Feyerabend the adherence to (or the rejection of) different conceptions of realism and anti-realism. Despite the divergences, however, scholars approach the topic in a similar way, detecting elements of Feyerabend’s realist and anti-realist positions that are incompatible (...)
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  • The Challenge of Quantum Mechanics to the Rationality of Science: Philosophers of Science on Bohr.Marij van Strien - forthcoming - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science:1-23.
    Bohr’s work in quantum mechanics posed a challenge to philosophers of science, who struggled with the question of whether and to what degree his theories and methods could be considered rational. This paper focuses on Popper, Feyerabend, Lakatos and Kuhn, all of whom recognized some irrational, dogmatic, paradoxical or even inconsistent features in Bohr’s work. Popper, Feyerabend, and Lakatos expressed strong criticism of Bohr’s approach to quantum physics, while Kuhn argued that such criticism was unlikely to be fruitful: progress in (...)
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  • Reconsidering Feyerabend’s “Anarchism‘.Jonathan Y. Tsou - 2003 - Perspectives on Science 11 (2):208-235.
    This paper explores Paul Feyerabend's (1924-1994) skeptical arguments for "anarchism" in his early writings between 1960 to 1975. Feyerabend's position is encapsulated by his well-known suggestion that the only principle for scientific method that can be defended under all circumstances is: "anything goes." I present Feyerabend's anarchism as a recommendation for pluralism that assumes a realist view of scientific theories. The aims of this paper are threefold: (1) to present a defensible view of Feyerabend's anarchism and its motivations, (2) to (...)
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  • Science as supermarket: `Post-modern' themes in Paul Feyerabend's later philosophy of science.John Preston - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 29 (3):425-447.
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  • Feyerabend's metaphysics: Process-realism, or voluntarist-idealism? [REVIEW]Robert P. Farell - 2001 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 32 (2):351-369.
    John Preston has contended that Paul Feyerabend retreated from his earlier commitment to realism and consciously embraced a ‘voluntarist’, social constructionist, idealism. Though there seems to be unmistakable subjective idealist statements in some of Feyerabend's writings, it will be argued that Feyerabend's idealistic period was short-lived, and that he returned to a form of realism in his later writings. Specifically, Feyerabend's distinction between theoretical/abstract and empirical/historical traditions of thought, when understood with Feyerabend's re evaluation of Bohr's philosophy of quantum physics (...)
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  • Author's response.John Preston - 1999 - Metascience 8 (2):233-243.
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  • A ciência como valor cultural” e “A ciência em uma sociedade livre.Ilkka Niiniluoto & Vinícius Carvalho da Silva - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (6):e02400254.
    Born in Helsinki in 1946, lkka Niiniluoto received a master’s degree in mathematics in 1968 and a doctorate in theoretical philosophy in 1974 from the University of Helsinki. He was Associate Professor of Foundations of Mathematics from 1973 to 1977 and Professor of Theoretical Philosophy from 1977 to 2014. His prolific academic career includes positions as president of important philosophical societies and rector of the University of Helsinki. His main works are Is Science Progressive? (1984), Truthlikeness (1987), Critical Scientific Realism (...)
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  • Paul Karl Feyerabend. En Defensa de la Continuidad de su Pensamiento.Teresa Gargiulo - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (2):129-161.
    Entre los estudios críticos que existen en torno a la obra de Paul Feyerabend predominan aquellos que subrayan una discontinuidad radical entre la versión temprana y tardía de su pensamiento. Todo ello contribuye a que dispongamos de una visión fragmentada e incompleta de un pensador que evoluciono hasta el 1994, año de su fallecimiento. Nuestro propósito es ofrecer una explicación de su itinerario intelectual de tal modo que quedé patente su continuidad en la clave de sus críticas contra los falsos (...)
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  • El realismo normativo de Paul Karl Feyerabend y su defensa de la metafísica.María Teresa Gargiulo - 2015 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 23:182-212.
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  • ¿Qué entiende Feyerabend por Metafísica?María Teresa Gargiulo - 2015 - Agora 34 (1).
    Feyerabend a lo largo de su obra varía y reforma el abordaje de la cuestión acerca de la relación entre ciencia y metafísica. Sus especialistas conocen con frecuencia cómo plantea dicha cuestión entre los 60 y finales de los 70, cuando está preocupado por resolver el problema de la inconmensurabilidad. Pero desconocen su posterior evolución. El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar, a través de las confrontaciones que Feyerabend mantiene con sus interlocutores, las distintas connotaciones y roles que adquiere la (...)
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  • Picturing biology.Robert C. Olby, Judy Johns Schloegel & Karen Rader - 1999 - Metascience 8 (2):243-260.
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  • Paul Karl Feyerabend Las proyecciones de la proliferación teórica en la relación ciencia-metafísica.María Teresa Gargiulo de Vázquez - 2015 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 32 (1).
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  • El realismo normativo de Paul Karl Feyerabend y su defensa de la metafísica.María Teresa Garghúo - 2015 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 23:182-212.
    A fines de los 50 y a lo largo de los años 60 Feyerabend formula su doctrina de la proliferación teórica. Con ella busca inicialmente destacar la presencia positiva de la metafísica en el proceso de explicación teórica. Concretamente, pretende dar cuenta de la impotencia de toda teoría científica de explicar realísticamente el mundo si no estuviera informada por supuestos que sus interlocutores juzgan como a-científicos o pre-científicos. Ahora bien, para poder precisar el papel que juega la metafísica en el (...)
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  • P. K. Feyerabend: Prekra č ovanie obzorov č I de š trukcia vedy?Pavol Jablonický - 2004 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 11 (4):382-406.
    The aim of the paper is to give an outline of the development of Feyerabend´s thought through four basic periods: the realist-empiricistic, intermediate, relativist and, finally, process-realistic periods. The ideas Feyerabend presents in his papers are often misunderstood and misinterpreted. The author attempts at revaluation of his work within the philosophy of science and to show the applicability of his ideas in problem solving in contemporary philosophy, epistemology and methodology of science as well as in other areas of sciences – (...)
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